Committee Updates
New task forces, working groups, steering committees, etc., are always forming, so stay in touch with your SMSA represenatatives to learn about the latest activities.
CCAP: Committee on Curriculum and Academic Policy
The Committee on Curriculum and Academic Policy (CCAP) is a standing committee of the School of Medicine Faculty Senate, which is responsible for all decisions regarding the medical student curriculum. The CCAP, in conjunction with other offices, reviews evaluation findings and makes curricular and administrative decisions based in part on these findings.
The CCAP is currently focusing on the curriculum redesign effort and supporting students in each of the many pathways offered (split-curriculum, research year, dual degree programs, etc). For the 2022-2023 academic year, CCAP is evaluating data from clerkship grading, responding to the change of Step 1 to P/F, and redesigning the curriculum to actively promote health equity, racial equity, and social justice.
Two first year, two second year, one split-curriculum, one off-year (i.e. research, dual degree), and two clinical CCAP student representatives attend the monthly CCAP meetings (open to all students) and contribute to conversations about moving the medical school curriculum forward. In particular, they are able to clarify and express students' concerns and praises of the curriculum, as well as help course directors better understand course evaluations by providing context for qualitative feedback. One pre-clinical and one clinical student representative have full voting privileges at the monthly meeting, where any formal changes to the curriculum are voted on by all voting members of CCAP.
Wellness Committee
Office of Medical Student Wellness
Committee on Admissions
Read below to learn about the many ways you can be involved with MD admissions. No matter how busy your schedule is, there are always ways you can help. Email an SMSA Officer if you have any questions or would like to volunteer for any of the positions below.
Serve as a Hosting Coordinator:
- Eligibility: Open to two MD students; first years preferred.
- Compensation: This is a paid position for which you will receive a quarterly stipend.
- Time commitment: Varies, averages ~0.5-2 hours/week. Most preparation takes place in September/October with the bulk of coordinating happening during interview season (October – April).
- How to apply: Look for email announcement about open positions and training sessions in late August/early September.
Serve as a Tour Coordinator:
- Eligibility: Open to two MD students; first years preferred.
- Compensation: This is a paid position for which you will receive a quarterly stipend.
- Time commitment: Varies, averages ~0.5-2 hours/week during interview season (October – April).
- How to apply: Look for email announcement about open positions and training sessions in late August/early September.
Host Interviewees/Admits:
- Eligibility: Open to all MD students.
- Time commitment: Determined by the host’s schedule. Hosts are needed throughout interview season (October – April) with the peak in Jan/Feb and again for admit weekend in May.
- How to apply: Contact the hosting coordinators and indicate your availability.
Give tours:
- Eligibility: Open to all MD students; first years preferred.
- Time commitment: Determined by the guide’s schedule. Tour guides are needed from 12-1pm Monday-Friday throughout interview season (October – April).
- How to apply: Contact the tour guide coordinators and indicate your availability.
Interview MD Candidates:
- Eligibility: Preference for MS2+
- Time commitment: You can indicate your schedule preference, but it’s most helpful if you can do 1 interview/week from October – April.
- How to apply: Look for email announcement about open positions and training sessions in September.
Serve on the Committee on Admissions (CoA):
- Eligibility: Must have successfully completed the preclinical curriculum.
- Time commitment: Must be available for a ~4 hour weekly meeting from mid-December through April.
- How to apply: Look for an call for nominations and reply with a Letter of Interest & CV to the SMSA President in the Fall. Letters are then sent to the CoA for final review and selection.
Serve on the Diversity Admissions Panel (DAP):
- Eligibility: Must have successfully completed the pre-clinical curriculum.
- Time commitment: Must be available for ~one hour every Monday from mid-December through April.
- How to apply: Send a letter of interest to Dr. Vinicio de Jesus Perez (
Help Coordinate Admit Weekend!
(These positions are open to all MD students, but first years are preferred.)
- Admit Weekend Committee Members (4+)