Search Results

Results 1 - 7 of 7 for stem cell. (3.25 seconds)
  • Diabetes drug may treat heart disease

    A genetic variant that inhibits alcohol metabolism harms blood vessel cells, but an antidiabetic medication may mitigate the harm, Stanford Medicine-led research has found.

  • Targeting enzyme that fuels cancer cells

    Stanford Medicine researchers have created a molecule that blocks an enzyme thought to be instrumental in causing colon cancer relapse or chemotherapy resistance.

  • Hyperexcitable neurons drive sleep instability

    Researchers have identified a mechanism underlying fragmented sleep with older age, paving the way for potential drug therapies.

  • Key molecule’s structure found at last

    The structure of a critical cellular-signaling molecule has finally been discovered by Stanford researchers. The finding may lead to new therapies.

  • ‘Military police’ cells stem autoimmunity

    A new study has identified a way that the immune system shoots down its own cells when their anti-viral activity threatens to become friendly fire. The finding could pave the way to new treatments for autoimmune diseases.

  • Drug enables scarless healing

    Researchers have identified the mechanism of scar formation in skin and demonstrated in mice a way to make wounds heal with normal skin instead of scar tissue.

  • Exercise rejuvenates stem cells of old mice

    The researchers also identified a molecular pathway involved in turning back the clock on the cells. Drugs that could manipulate the pathway might be an effective substitute for exercise, they suggest.