Integrated strategic plan unveiled at town hall
More than 400 faculty, staff and students assembled March 23 to hear Stanford Medicine leaders lay out the principles of an integrated strategic plan aimed at aligning the goals and priorities of the medical school and hospitals.
Neuroscientist Eric Shooter dies
A pioneering protein chemist at Stanford, Shooter parsed the physiological roles of key brain growth factors. He also hired and nurtured young faculty who would become highly successful scientists.
Taubes commit $20 million to children’s hospital
The new hospital’s south pavilion will be named in honor of Bay Area philanthropists Tad and Dianne Taube.
Physicians discuss gun violence
Gun violence is a public-health problem that physicians may be able to help alleviate by conducting research and educating patients about gun safety, said experts at a recent teach-in on campus.
CEO of Packard Children’s to retire
Christopher Dawes, who oversaw the development of Stanford Medicine’s pediatric health network and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford, announced his retirement on March 20.
Conference on human immune monitoring
The two-day event will highlight the latest research by top scientists on technologies and analytic methods geared toward studying human immunology.
Mysterious skeleton reveals details of bone diseases
The strange skeletal remains of a fetus discovered in Chile have turned up new insights into the genetics of some bone diseases, according to a new study from researchers at Stanford and UCSF.
Graduating med students meet their matches
Stanford medical students gathered together on Match Day to find out where they would serve their residencies for the next three or more years.
Faculty join clinician-researcher honor society
Four Stanford Medicine clinician-researchers were elected to the medical honor society.
Protein clumps affect neural stem cells
Young, resting neural stem cells have large protein clumps often associated with neurodegeneration. As stem cells age, the aggregates inhibit their ability to make new neurons, Stanford researchers say.