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Latest brain tumor research showcased at Stanford-NBTS Brain Tumor Symposium

June 22, 2022

The Stanford-NBTS Brain Tumor Symposium convened scientists and leaders across Stanford and the National Brain Tumor Society.

On June 22, 2022, the Stanford-NBTS Brain Tumor Symposium convened together scientists and leaders from across Stanford and the National Brain Tumor Society to discuss innovative approaches to studying and treating brain tumors, and ways to serve the brain tumor community. The symposium featured panels on cancer neuroscience, drug development and translation, and cancer immunotherapy. The symposium keynote speaker was Marc Tessier-Lavigne, PhD, President of Stanford University. 

Symposium speakers included:
David Arons, JD, CEO of the National Brain Tumor Society
Melissa Bondy, PhD
Michelle Monje, MD, PhD
Dean Lloyd B. Minor, MD
President Marc Tessier-Lavigne, PhD
Joseph DeSimone, PhD
Jennifer Cochran, PhD
Michael Lim, MD
Sneha Ramakrishna, MD
Ansu Satpathy, MD, PhD
Michael Angelo, MD, PhD