Andrew Groll Selected as Ford Foundation 2018 Postdoctoral Fellowship Competition Awardee
May 21, 2018
Andrew Nicholas Groll, PhD, a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Molecular Imaging Instrumentation Laboratory, has been selected as an awardee in the Ford Foundation 2018 Postdoctoral Fellowship Competition. This fellowship is sponsored by the Ford Foundation and administered by the Fellowships Office of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
Through its Fellowship Programs, the Ford Foundation seeks to increase the diversity of the nation’s college and university faculties by increasing their ethnic and racial diversity, to maximize the educational benefits of diversity, and to increase the number of professors who can and will use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students.
In addition to the fellowship award, Ford Fellows are eligible to attend the Conference of Ford Fellows, a unique national conference of a select group of high-achieving scholars committed to diversifying the professoriate and using diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students.
Congratulations, Andrew!