2011 MIPS News
November 30, 2011
Matthew Bieniosek , a PhD candidate in the Molecular Imaging Instrumentation Lab (MIIL) , has been selected as a fellow in the "Training in Biomedical Imaging Instrumentation (TBI2)" program for the 2011-2012 academic year.
Congratulations, Matthew!
The Ben and Catherine Ivy Foundation Award $10M to Develop Neuro-Molecular Imaging Program
November 23, 2011
The Ben and Catherine Ivy Foundation has awarded Dr. Sanjiv Sam Gambhir $10 million over 5 years to develop a neuro-molecular imaging program that will merge advances in molecular biology with those in biomedical imaging to improve the molecular imaging of GBM. Molecular imaging uses probes known as imaging agents/tracers to interact chemically with their tissue/cellular surroundings and alter images to display molecular changes. Gambhir's strategies stand to markedly aid in the management of glioblastoma multiforme, make it possible to provide individualized care for brain cancer patients, and address current limitations in brain imaging for monitoring response to treatment.
November 23, 2011
Congratulations to Dr. Juergen Willmann , for being appointed as Associate Professor with Tenure.
Congratulations, Professor Willmann!
November 18, 2011
A new book entitled "Stem Cell Labeling For Delivery and Tracking Using Noninvasive Imaging " edited by Dr. Dara Kraitchman (Johns Hopkins University) and Dr. Joseph Wu , (Stanford) is now available.
November 21, 2011
Research from the Multimodality Molecular Imaging Laboratory (MMIL) entitled "Mathematical Model Identifies Blood Biomarker-Based Early Cancer Detection Strategies and Limitations " was featured on the cover of the journal Science Translational Medicine .Sharon Hori and Sanjiv Sam Gambhir developed a mathematical model relating blood biomarker levels to tumor growth, and computationally showed that current clinical biomarker assays are likely incapable of detecting a tumor smaller than an olive, where in some cases the tumor may have been present for at least 10 years. The mathematical model developed here can be applied to virtually any solid cancer and associated biomarkers shed to help identify better candidate biomarkers and other strategies for early cancer detection.
Congratulations, Sharon and Dr. Gambhir!
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Stanford-Yale Team Awarded $12 Million Grant to Study Cell Reprogramming
November 16, 2011
An interdisciplinary team of experts led by Stanford's Michael Snyder, PhD, chair of genetics, and Joseph Wu, MD, PhD, associate professor of medicine and of radiology and MIPS member, has been awarded a $12 million grant to study the epigenomics of cell reprogramming.
Judy Nguyen Received Norman D Poe Memorial Scholarship Award for MD In-Training
October 31, 2011
Judy Nguyen , a Nuclear Medicine resident, received the Norman D Poe Memorial Scholarship Award for MD In-Training at the Western Regional SNM 36th Annual Meeting held in Seattle for the research project "Clinical Utility of 18F FDG PET/CT and 99mTc MDP Bone Scintigraphy in Patients with Ewing's Sarcoma and Other Sarcomas"
Congratulations, Judy!
October 12, 2011
Key Jo Hong, a postdoctoral fellow in the Molecular Imaging Instrumentation Lab (MIIL) was awarded a postdoctoral fellowship from the National Research Foundation of Korea.
Congratulations, Key!
October 10, 2011
The poster submitted to NCI Alliance Nano 2011 meeting entitled, "Center for Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence and Translation (Stanford), Project 1b Overview" received a 5th place poster award (out of approximately 55 posters).
The work it summarized is the work of Project 1B in the Stanford Center for Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence and Translation led by Drs. Jianghong Rao and Brian Rutt. Postdocs involved in this work included Deju Ye (first author of poster) and Prachi Pandit.
Congratulations, Team!
2011 World Molecular Imaging Conference Award Recipients
September 29, 2011
Congratulations to the following WMIC award recipients:
Celina Ansari, MBBS - Travel Award
Sunitha Bachawal, PhD - Travel Award
Eric Gonzalez, PhD - Travel Award, Multi-Isotope Positron Emission Tomography
Aman Khurana, MBBS - Travel Award, Intravenous ferumoxytol allows monitoring differential migration of bone marrow macrophages into viable and apoptotic stem cell transplants
Bin Shen, PhD - Travel Award
Huaijun (Morgan) Wang, PhD - Travel Award
Virginia Spanoudaki, PhD - Best Imaging Processing Presentation, "Evaluation of the Benefits of Photon Depth of Interaction Compensation for Time of Flight PET"
Travel Award
Jing-yu Cui Awarded Bio-X Graduate Fellowship
September 23, 2011
Jing-yu Cui, a graduate student in the Molecular Imaging Instrumentation Lab (MIIL) , was awarded a Bio-X Graduate Fellowship.
Congratulations, Jing-yu!
September 19, 2011
Paul Reynolds , a graduate student in the Molecular Imaging Instrumentation Lab (MIIL) , has received a 2011-2012 ARCS Scholar Award .
Congratulations, Paul!
September 15, 2011
Work from the Translational Tumor and Stem Cell MR Imaging Lab in collaboration with theCellular and Molecular Imaging Laboratory and the Coussens lab at UCSF entitled "MRI of Tumor-Associated Macrophages with Clinically Applicable Iron Oxide Nanoparticles " was featured on the cover of the journal Clinical Cancer Research.
[ read article | view cover ]
September 14, 2011
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has renewed funding for the R25T Stanford Molecular Imaging Scholars (SMIS) training grant. With 9 former and 7 current fellows, SMIS will continue to train the next generation of molecular imaging scholars to become leaders in the field of oncologic molecular imaging.
September 12, 2011
Alex Grant , a graduate student in the Molecular Imaging Instrumentation Lab (MIIL) , has received Valentin T. Jordanov Radiation Instrumentation Travel Grant to attend the 2011 IEEE NSS-MIC-RTSD in Valencia, Spain .
Congratulations, Alex!
September 7, 2011
Arne Vandenbroucke, PhD , a postdoctoral fellow in the Molecular Imaging Instrumentation Lab (MIIL) , has received a Department of Defense CDMRP Breast Cancer Era of Hope Conference Distinguished Postdoctoral Poster Award.
Congratulations, Arne!
September 2, 2011
Bin Shen, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow in the Radiochemistry Facility , has received a 2011 SRS Bursary Award to travel to the 2011 International Symposium on Radiopharmaceutical Sciences (ISRS) in Amsterdam.
Congratulations, Bin!
August 29, 2011
Jing-yu Cui, a graduate student in the Molecular Imaging Instrumentation Lab (MIIL) , was awarded a fellowship from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute .
Congratulations, Jing-yu!
August 13, 2011
Laura Sasportas, a graduate student in the Multimodality Molecular Imaging Lab (MMIL) , was awarded a fellowship from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute .
Congratulations, Laura!
August 9, 2011
Ken Ito, PhD , a postdoctoral fellow in the Multimodality Molecular Imaging Lab (MMIL) , was one of only five young Japaneses scientists who are working overseas to be invited to present at the 2011 Genomic Sciences Research Complex (GSC) Tanabata Meeting .
Congratulations, Ken!
July 23, 2011
Huaijun (Morgan) Wang, MD, PhD , a postdoctoral fellow in the Translational Molecular Imaging Lab (TMIL) , received the Stanford Dean's fellowship award 2011/2012.
Congratulations, Morgan!
June 27, 2011
Congratulations to Dr. Shreyas Vasanawala , for being appointed as Associate Professor.
Congratulations, Professor Vasanawala!
June 24, 2011
Aileen Hoehne, a postdoctoral fellow in the Multimodality Molecular Imaging Lab (MMIL) , has received a Wiley Award for the upcoming International Symposium on Radiopharmaceutical Sciences (ISRS) in Amsterdam for best submitted abstract.
Congratulations, Aileen!
June 11, 2011
Hongguang (Simon) Liu and Susan Hoppmann, both from the Cancer Molecular Imaging Chemistry Laboratory (CMICL) received awards from the Society of Nuclear Medicine's (SNM) 2011 annual meeting.
Hongguang (Simon) Liu received a travel award.
Susan Hoppmann received a poster award (2nd place) in the ONCOLOGY: BASIC TRANSLATIONAL & THERAPY track at the SNM 2011 Annual Meeting for her study on characterization of 177Lu-Affibody-HSA bioconjugate for radionuclide therapy of EGFR-expressing head and neck carcinomas.
Congratulations, Simon and Susan!
June 10, 2011
Andrew Quon, MD, assistant professor of radiology and chief of clinical PET/CT for the Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford (MIPS), and lead author of the study, "F18 NaF PET/CT of Cervical Spine Fixation Hardware," has received the Society of Nuclear Medicine's (SNM) 2011 Image of the Year Award. His image was selected from more than 1,800 studies presented at the 58th Annual Meeting in San Antonio, Texas.
Dr. Quon's 2011 Image of the Year came from a collaboration between Stanford and Dr. Clarice Sprinz at Hospital Mãe de Deus, Porto Alegre, Brazil and illustrates the ability of positron emission tomography/computer tomography (PET/CT) scans to "identify abnormal bone reaction in patients who have received spinal fixation hardware implants" (from the June 6, 2011 SNM press release: "SNM 2011 Image of the Year: F-18-NaF PET/CT Evaluation of Cervical Spine Fixation Hardware").
To read more, please access the following articles: "SNM's Image of the Year Highlights Non-Oncology Utility" and "SNM's Image of the Year: PET/CT of Cervical Spine Hardware."
Congratulations, Dr. Quon!
Dr. Gambhir Awarded SNM's 2011 Georg Charles de Hevesy Nuclear Pioneer Award
June 9, 2011
Dr. Sanjiv Sam Gambhir has been awarded the Society of Nuclear Medicine's 2011 recipient of the Georg Charles de Hevesy Nuclear Pioneer Award for his contributions to the nuclear medicine profession.
"'Dr. Gambhir has made extraordinary contributions to the field of molecular imaging,' said Dominique Delbeke, MD, PhD, 201011 president of SNM. 'He is leading the way in shaping the future of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging.'"
Congratulations, Dr. Gambhir!
June 7, 2011
Congratulations to Dr. Heike Daldrup-Link , for being appointed as Associate Professor.
Congratulations, Professor Daldrup-Link!
June 1, 2011
Research from the Cancer Molecular Imaging Chemistry Laboratory (CMICL) in collaboration with the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, entitled "Enzyme-Responsive Multifunctional Magnetic Nanoparticles for Tumor Intracellular Drug Delivery and Imaging" was featured on the cover of the Chemistry - An Asian Journal.
[ read article ]
Dr. Wu Received California Institute of Regenerative Medicine Basic Biology Award
May 24, 2011
Joseph Wu, MD, PhD, an Associate Professor in Medicine (Cardiovascular Medicine) and a MIPS Member, is one of 4 Stanford investigators to receive the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine Basic Biology Award.
Congratulations, Dr. Wu!
[ read more ]
MIPS Reseach Featured on the Cover of the Journal Molecular Therapy
May 16, 2011
Work from the Multimodality Molecular Imaging Laboratory (MMIL) in collaboration with the New England Musculoskeletal Institute entitled "'Same Day' Ex-vivo Regional Gene Therapy: A Novel Strategy to Enhance Bone Repair" was featured on the cover of the journal Molecular Therapy.
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Dr. Rao Appointed as Associate Professor
May 10, 2011
Congratulations to Dr. Jianghong Rao, for being appointed as Associate Professor.
Congratulations, Professor Rao!
Aloma D'Souza Received Highly Rated Poster at 102nd AACR
April 28, 2011
The poster, "A Novel Method of Tumor Characterization by Protein and microRNA Biomarker Release Using Ultrasound" submitted by Aloma D'Souza, a research scientist in Dr. Glazer's laboratory and the Multimodality Molecular Imaging Lab (MMIL), was recognized as Highly Rated at the AACR 102nd Annual Meeting 2011.
Congratulations, Aloma!
MIPS Research Featured on the Cover of Science Translational Medicine
April 25, 2011
Research from the Multimodality Molecular Imaging Laboratory (MMIL) entitled "The Fate and Toxicity of Raman-Active Silica-Gold Nanoparticles in Mice" was featured on the cover of the journal Science Translational Medicine.
Injecting gold nanoparticles into mice by either an intra-rectal or intravenous route, this study showed a lack of significant toxicity.
[ read article ]
[ more from Stanford Radiology Scan Times ]
[ Research Moves Nanomedicine One Step Closer to Reality ]
[ Raman Effect Makes Cancer Detection Possible ]
Eugene Gu Awarded HHMI Fellowship
April 14, 2011
Eugene Gu, a medical student in the Cardiovascular Gene and Cell Therapy Lab, was awarded a fellowship from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
Congratulations, Eugene!
MIPS Research Featured and Highlighted in Medical Imaging
March 25, 2011
Research from the Translational Molecular Imaging Lab (TMIL) was featured and highlighted in an article in the journal Medical Imaging.
[ read article ]
Paper from Molecular Imaging Instrumentation Lab Among PMB's Most Downloaded
March 21, 2011
A paper from the Molecular Imaging Instrumentation Lab has been among the most downloaded articles published in Physics in Medicine and Biology during the past year, with 325 downloads to date.
The journal PMB has the highest Impact Factor (2.781) in the field of medical physics, and is rated Q1 in the ISI 'radiology, nuclear medicine and medical imaging' category.
MIPS Research Featured on Cover of Bioconjugate Chemistry
March 17, 2011
Research from the Cancer Molecular Imaging Chemistry Laboratory (CMICL) entitled "Radiolabeled Affibody-Albumin Bioconjugates for HER2-Positive Cancer Targeting" was featured on the cover of the journal Bioconjugate Chemistry.
[ read article ]
New Method Allows Human Embryonic Stem Cells to Avoid Immune System Rejection
March 7, 2011
A study published in Cell Stem Cell by Jeremy Pearl, Mark Davis, and Joseph Wu show that short-term course of costimulatory blockers can induce immune tolerance for human embryonic stem cells and human induced pluripotent stem cell.
[ read more ]
Paper by Nirupama Deshpande highlighted in the journal "Radiology"
March 1, 2011
The paper on "Tumor Angiogenic Marker Expression Levels during Tumor Growth: Longitudinal Assessment with Molecularly Targeted Microbubbles and US Imaging", by Nirupama Deshpande, PhD, et al, from the Translational Molecular Imaging Lab (TMIL) was highlighted by a dedicated editorial "Science to Practice" in the journal "Radiology". Co-authors are Ying Ren, PhD, Kira Foygel, PhD, Jarrett Rosenberg, and Juergen K. Willmann, MD, PhD.
Congratulations, Nirupama!
Dr. Andrei Iagaru Received Best Essay Award at the 2011 Mid-Winter SNM/ACNM Annual Meeting
January 31, 2011
Dr. Andrei Iagaru received the Best Essay Award at the 2011 Mid-Winter SNM/ACNM Annual Meeting for the abstract "Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma in First Complete Remission: Is There a Role for 18F FDG PET/CT Surveillance".
Congratulations, Dr. Iagaru!
Stanford Research Featured in Aunt Minnie and SNM Smart Brief
January 27, 2011
Aunt Minnie and SNM Smart Brief featured the work on "Prospective Comparison of Combined 18F FDG and 18F NaF vs. Conventional 18F FDG PET/CT Imaging for Detection of Malignancy", a collaboration between Apollo Gleneagles PET CT Centre in Hyderabad, India and Stanford Hospital.
Article from the Molecular Imaging Instrumentation Laboratory (MIIL) Selected for Physics in Medicine and Biology (PMB) Highlights Collection of 2010
January 25, 2011
The article, "Analog signal multiplexing for PSAPD-based PET detectors: simulation and experimental validation", from the Molecular Imaging Instrumentation Laboratory (MIIL) published in Physics in Medicine and Biology (PMB) has been selected to be part of the journal's Highlights collection of 2010.
The journal's Highlights are a selection of papers that collectively represent the high quality and breadth of contributions that were published in the journal last year.
Congratulations, MIIL!
[ View the Highlights of 2010]
Conroy Sun Received Breast Cancer Research Program (BCRP) Fellowship Award
January 1, 2011
Conroy Sun, a postdoctoral fellow in the Image Guided Intervention Laboratory, has received a Breast Cancer Research Program (BCRP) Fellowship Award from the Department of Defense to support the development and research of x-ray luminescent nanophosphors for use in breast tumor detection and treatment.
Congratulations, Conroy!