Software and Tools

AMIDE: A Medical Imaging Data Examiner

AMIDE is a competely free tool for viewing, analyzing, and registering volumetric medical imaging data sets. It's been developed using GTK+/GNOME, and runs on any system that supports the toolkit (Linux, Mac OS X with fink, etc.).

Features include:

  • Abitrary orientation, thickness, and time period slice viewing of a data set.
  • Multiple data sets can be loaded and viewed at once. Each data set can be viewed from any orientation.
  • Nearest Neighbor and Trilinear interpolation functions
  • Zooming
  • The following colormaps are supported: Black/White,White/Black,Red/Green/Blue Temperature, Hot Metal/Blue/Green, Spectrum, NIH/UCLA
  • Thresholding: data sets are thresholded independently. Data sets can be thresholded over the entire data set or over each slice.
  • 3-dimensional ROI's can be drawn directly on the images and statistics can be generated for these ROI's. Currently supported ROI's are ellipsoids, elliptic cylinder's, boxes, and isocontours.
  • Imports raw data files (8bit,16bit,32bit,float,etc). Imports CTI 6.4 and CTI 7.0 using libecat. Imports Acr/Nema 2.0, Analyze (SPM), DICOM 3.0, InterFile3.3, and Gif87a/89a using (X)medcon/libmdc.
  • Saves studies (ROI and Data Set data) as XML data.
  • Series of slices can be viewed.
  • True volume rendering support with the capability of rendering multiple data sets at a time. Series of renderings can be saved as MPEG1 movies. Data sets can also be rendered as stereoscopic image pairs
  • Semiautomated alignment of data sets is supported. This is done by placing fiducial reference points on the data sets to be aligned, and then running an alignment wizard to perform a rigid body transformation (procrustes method).

Visit the AMIDE Web site to learn more about this product.

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