Farewell Dr.'s Ferrara, He, and Lee
June 20, 2017
Today the Multimodality Molecular Imaging Lab (MMIL) bids farewell to Katherine Ferrara, PhD, Yan He, PhD, and Sheen-Woo Lee, MD, PhD.
Dr. Ferrara will return to the University of California, Davis, where she is a Professor, and will hopefully continue to collaborate with Stanford and the Gambhir laboratory. She will continue to work on various aspects of ultrasound imaging and therapy, nanotherapies and combined focal and immunotherapies.
Dr. He will be returning to Xidian University and plans to get into interdisciplinary research among electronic engineering, mathematics, and medicine. The main direction she is headed in, is wearable and implanted devices, and big data technology. She sincerely appreciated that Dr. Gambhir for the opportunity and eye opening experience she has gained here at Stanford. She is also thankful for the kindness and support from the lab members.
Dr. Lee will return to Gachon University in South Korea and dive back into teaching and reading.
Best of luck, all!