Graduate Courses
Please see official schedule information at Explore courses
Courses by RSL Faculty
- RAD 220 Introduction to Imaging and Image-based Human Anatomy (K. Butts Pauly, S. Vasanawala, G. Zaharchuk) Win MW 2:30-4:20pm
- RAD 221 Radionucleide Imaging (PET and SPECT) (C. Levin) Win TTh 9:00-10:30
- RAD 222A/B/C Multimodality Molecular Imaging in Living Subjects I (M. Moseley/C. Levin)
- RAD 223 Physics and Engineering of X-Ray Computed Tomography (S. Hsieh/N. Pelc) Aut
- RAD 224 Probes and Applications for Mulit-modality Molecular Imaging of Living Subjects (M. Moseley/C. Levin) Win MF 8:30-10:20am
- Rad225/Bioe225 Intro to Ultrasound Imaging and Therapeutic Applications (K Butts Pauly, J. Dahl) Aut
- RAD 226A/BIOE 326A In Vivo MR: Spin Physics and Spectroscopy (D. Spielman) Win
- RAD 226B/BIOE 326B In Vivo MR: Relaxation Theory and Contrast Mechanisms (D. Spielman) Spr
- RAD 227 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Methods (G. Glover) Win Tuesdays, 1:00-2:20; Fridays, 10:00-11:20
- RAD 228 MRI Programming Seminar (B. Hargreaves) Offered as Individual Study in 2016
- RAD 229 MRI Signals and Sequences (B. Hargreaves) Aut
- RAD 235 Advanced Ultrasound Imaging (J. Dahl) Win
Other Medical Imaging Courses
- EE 169 Introduction to Bioimaging (D. Nishimura) Aut
- EE 369A Medical Imaging Systems I (D. Nishimura) Win (Not offered every year)
- EE 369B Medical Imaging Systems II (D. Nishimura) Spr
- EE 369C Medical Image Reconstruction (J. Pauly)
- EE 469B RF Pulse Design for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (J. Pauly) Aut
- BioE 222 Molecular Imaging (C.Levin/M.Moseley/C.Chang) Aut
- BioE 224 Molecular Imaging (C. Levin/D. Kurtz)
- BioE 229 Molecular Imaging (C. Levin) Win MF