Education of students, post-doctoral fellows and research scientists is a primary mission of RSL. Graduate students at Stanford must apply to a primary department for their degree program, but may then work for a primary thesis advisor within RSL. Post-doctoral fellows include both PhD and MD fellows who are allowed to attend any Stanford courses as well as numerous seminars offered by the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs

Graduate Studies

Medical Imaging Courses (Approximately 12 specialized courses in addition to core Engineering and Science courses)

Biomedical Physics PhD Program

RSL-Affiliated Degree Programs include Electrical EngineeringBioengineeringPhysicsBiophysicsApplied PhysicsComputer ScienceManagement Science and EngineeringMedicineNeuroscience

Pre-doctoral Fellowship Programs 
Training in Biomedical Imaging Instrumentation

If you are interested in applying to our degree programs, please see Information for Prospective Students

Postdoctoral Training