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Healthier, Happier Lives Blog

Giving Children Hearing and Confidence

This is the second part of a month long series in honor of Women’s History Month at Stanford Medicine Children’s Health.

March 15, 2024 - By Erin Graham

Pediatric doctors tend to find their calling by following their passion for medicine and then choosing to treat children. But pediatric cardiologist Lynn Peng, MD, came about it from the reverse. When she went to Harvard as an undergrad, she didn’t think she’d go into medicine. She adored kids, so she volunteered at Boston Children’s Hospital in order to spend time with them. “I fell in love with taking care of kids in that setting,” she says. She’d always been good at science and was majoring in chemistry, and it clicked.

Read the full article Here.

Stanford Medicine Magazine

Smartwatches can pick up abnormal heart rhythms in kids, Stanford Medicine study finds.

Apple watches have some advantages over traditional ways of diagnosing cardiac arrhythmias in children but need more validation, finds a Stanford Medicine study.

December 13, 2023 - By Erin Digitale

Over a four-year period, patients’ medical records mentioned “Apple Watch” 145 times. Among patients whose medical records mentioned the smartwatch, 41 had abnormal heart rhythms confirmed by traditional diagnostic methods; of these, 29 children had their arrhythmias diagnosed for the first time.

“I was surprised by how often our standard monitoring didn’t pick up arryhthmias and the watch did,” said senior study author Scott Ceresnak, MD, professor of pediatrics. Ceresnak is a pediatric cardiologist who treats patients at Stanford Medicine. “It’s awesome to see that newer technology can really make a difference in how we’re able to care for patients.”

Read the full article Here.

Stanford Medicine Magazine

How Stanford Medicine is capturing the AI moment

Amid the frenzy over the potential of artificial intelligence to revolutionize medicine, Stanford Medicine is building on experience. AI helps pediatricians check heart health. Speedier, easier heart-pumping assessment for children.

November 10, 2023  - By Mark Conley & Anna Marie Yanny

Pediatric cardiologist Charitha Reddy, MD, teamed up with engineers and computer scientists to develop a model that automatically estimates the left ventricle’s function in children with accuracy and reliability. Medical decisions for children that rely on a doctor’s assessment of the heart’s ability to pump, such as determining safe chemotherapy doses, can benefit from models tailored to children, she said.

Reddy, a clinical assistant professor of pediatrics, helped collect heart ultrasound videos and annotate images from 1,958 pediatric patients seen at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford. The model she helped develop analyzed more than 4,000 video clips of hearts and generated estimates of the left ventricle’s function with high accuracy. Its assessments of heart-pumping ability were speedier and more consistent than doctors’, said Reddy, the lead author of a study of the model published in February 2023 in the Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography.

Read the full article Here.

Featured Events

Monday, March 25, 2024, 7:30 AM - 3:40 PM

Events Center

Heart Center Research Day

The 2024 Heart Center Research Day aims to update the Department of Cardiology members on new research as it relates to the care of pediatric patients with various cardiology related issues and the evolving role of cardiologists in the health care system. The event will feature expert physicians, clinical educators, APPs and senior research scientists. In addition, scientific posters will be presented by trainees and research associates.