Faculty Advisory & Support Panel (FASP)

What is the Faculty Advisory & Support Panel?

The Faculty Advisory and Support Panel is a 12-member panel comprised of volunteer faculty members willing to offer confidential advice and support to any faculty member at the School of Medicine.  This independent panel of longstanding members of the School of Medicine lowers the barriers for individual faculty facing difficulties or challenges to have frank discussions and get dispassionate advice from a neutral and concerned colleague. Topics may span the domains of professional interactions, collegial relationships, interpersonal or department concerns, career development, mentoring, promotion and reappointment, and conflict. Panel members are experienced, trained, and well-connected to offer guidance and make referrals if needed.

Individual faculty may contact any of the panel’s members directly by email. Add “Secure:” in the subject heading of the message if you like. Conversations have the same confidential protection as any other career development process.

Panel Members

Loretta Chou, MD
Orthopaedic Surgery

Michael Gisondi, MD
Emergency Medicine

Kim Hazard, MD

Dan Jarosz, PhD
Chemical and Systems Biology

Gordon Li, MD

Suzann Pershing, MD

Kate Shaw, MD, MS
Obstetrics & Gynecology

Jay Shah, MD

John Sunwoo, MD