Preparing the Mentees


Preparing the Mentees

For mentees, mentoring shapes personal development, career guidance, career choice, and research production, including publication and grant success.

Finding Mentors

Mentor-Mentee Matching criteria may include: 

  • Similar levels of interest in engaging in the mentoring process.
  • Availability (time, distance) for planned meetings.
  • Skill set (e.g., expertise pertinent to areas of needs identified by the mentee).
  • Relevant research, clinical, education, and teaching interests of the mentor.
  • Personal characteristics (e.g., personality, approach, life experiences).
  • Formal mentor education.

A Network of Mentors

Some mentoring programs go beyond matching mentees with mentors and into establishing mentoring networks for their mentees, within or outside of the department/division/unit, or even the institution.  Such networks often provide a new perspective or approach to thinking about one’s work. 

Selection of Mentees

Quick Guides for Mentees

Training of Mentees