High-Content Imaging

The ImageXpress Micro Confocal is in CCSR-0116

Molecular Devices ImageXpress Micro Confocal

We were awarded the NIH Shared Instrumentation Grant (S10OD026899) for an upgraded high-content automated cellular imaging and analysis machine; the Molecular Devices ImageXpress Micro Confocal  (datasheet, Full Brochure) with live-cell, fluidics, transmitted light and confocal capabilities. We can now image 3D objects (resources) in an automated high-throughput fashion. We can image nearly any fluorophore with our collection of Semrock filters. See below for our filter configurations. Please reference the HTSKC and the SIG S10OD026899 when publishing papers that utilized the IXM Confocal.

Please contact us for information on the IXMicro Confocal. For key card access to the IXMicro Confocal room (CCSR-0116) use iLabs.

iLabs IXM Confocal Schedule (click here to schedule training)
View only Calendar for non-registered users

ImageXpress Micro Confocal

Features and Capabilities of the ImageXpress Micro Confocal

  • The IXMicro Confocal contains a fully automated inverted epifluorescence microscope --  User Guide
  •     Capable of scanning a 6-, 24-, 48-, 96- or 384-well microplates, slides or any other microplate sized container.
  •     Can image an entire 384-well plate with multiple fluorescent images in a few minutes.
  • Can rapidly quantify morphological properties through the MetaXpress analysis software (Datasheet) -- Analysis Guide using up to 36 cores with the PowerCore Server.
  • Our current ImageXpress Micro Confocal configuration permits the visualization of both fixed cells and live cells, as well as 3D objects such as organoids in matrigel, spheroids, and small organisms such as C. elegans, zebrafish, and Drosophila embryos.
  •     The instrument has a temperature-, humidity-, and carbon dioxide-controlled chamber.
  •     Dual disk unit allowing for 3 imaging modes 
  •         A) 60 micron pinhole disk for basic confocal requirements
  •         B) 50 micron slit for high-throughput confocal requirements
  •         C) Widefield (non-confocal) imaging mode
  •     Integrated Fluidics for imaging real time kinetic events, such as channel activation, providing for simultaneous dispense and imaging.
  • Can image non-fluorescent cells/objects with the transmitted light option
  • Fully integrated to an external automated incubator (Thermo Cytomat 2C, 42 plates, Datasheet) to permit long-term or large-scale studies of cellular events via a robotic plate stacker (Precise Automation PF400 Microplate HandlerDatasheetGreen Button Go Automation Software, Datasheet, User Guide) thereby increasing the throughput of this workstation.
  • Training provided by HTS @ The Nucleus staff sign up here; iLabs IXMicro Confocal Schedule
  • Two MetaXpress analysis computers Analysis Computer1Analysis Computer2 also located in CCSR-0116
  • Prior to training, contact Chris Caridi (x5-6002) to discuss what your imaging parameters. 
Angiogenesis tube formation Cell Cycle
Cell Health Cell Proliferation HT
Cell Scoring/multiwavelength Count Nuclei
Granularity Live/Dead
Micronuclei Mitotic Index
Monopole Detection Neurite Outgrowth
Transfluor Transfluor HT
Translocation — basic, enhanced, Multi-wavelength, HT, Nuclear HT
3D Analysis Option Curve fitting
Transmitted Light Segmentation AutoQuant Widefield 3D Deconvolution

Preferred Imaging Plates



Catalog Number












3904 (which do I have?)








3764 or 4518 or 4581



*Secondary Preference


Technical Information

Objectives Aura II Light Engine Emission Filters Dichroics
2X 0.1 Plan Apo, 8.5mm WD 360_28nm* 447_60nm 409
4X 0.2 Plan Apo 20mm WD 475_28nm* 538_40nm 506
10X 0.45 Plan Apo 4mm WD 555_28nm* 593_40nm 562
20X 0.75 Plan Apo 1mm WD 575_35nm* 624_40nm 593
40X 0.95 Plan Apo 0.25-0.16mm WD 631_28nm* 692_40nm 660
60X 0.95 Plan Apo 0.21-0.11mm WD *Approximate still TBD    
Oil Objectives      
40X 1.3 Plan Fluor Oil 0.24mm WD      
60X 1.4 Plan Apo 0.13 WD      
100X 1.3 Plan Fluor 0.16mm WD      

Filter Sets

Label Name Excitation Emission Dichroic
DAPI 360_28nm 447_60nm 409
FITC 475_28nm 538_40nm 506
TRITC/Cy3 555_28nm 593_40nm 562
TxRED 575_35nm 624_40nm 593
Cy5 631_28nm 692_40nm 660
FM 1-43 475_28nm 593_40nm 562

The HTS labs are located in the Sarafan ChEM-H Building Room W008 and CCSR, Room 0133-North Wing, between the Transgenic Research Center and the Stanford Genomics Facility.

For Directions to the HTS labs, see our Contact page.

HTS iLAB Page for HTS registration, room access, and to see equipment Calendars.