Does your child have a neurologic or psychiatric condition?

Researchers at Stanford University are recruiting children and adolescents with any neurologic or psychiatric condition to participate in a research registry that will allow researchers to contact their parents for relevant future studies and to review the medical records of the children to help answer questions about the brain and behaviors. 

Participants must:

  • -  Be between ages of 0-17 years
  • -  Be diagnosed with a brain condition
  • -  Be willing to be contacted for future studies. 
  •   There is no cost to participate. 

For more information, call (650) 723-7845 or sign up online by clicking the button below.

**If your child has an autism spectrum disorder or an intellectual disorder, please go to the Autism & Intellectual Disorders Research Registry for more information on how to sign up**


18th Annual Autism Update - Now Registering: 3/22/25 at Li Ka Shing Conference Center, Stanford,CA.

Mindfulness for Parents Class. Click here for details and registration

Positive Parenting During COVID-19 Series  for recorded webinars, click here

Autism Parent Support Group  Now via Zoom until further notice. Meets on second Mondays from 7-8:30pm (Sept.-June). To be added to the monthly email with participant zoom info, click here.

Stanford Parenting Center Classes