ADHD and Executive Functioning

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Free Webinar

Organizational Skills Training for Parents

Organizational Skills Training (OST) is important in giving your child the techniques to help them better relate to the family dynamic, motivate for academic performance, and increase independence. OST techniques for kids include: 1) learning time management, 2) taking responsibility/ownership over their work, and 2) organizing materials they need to complete their tasks. Join us as Dr. Reichert and Dr. Long discuss how the organization, time management, and planning can increase positive behaviors.

Presenters: Kan Long, Ph.D. and Elizabeth Reichert, Ph.D.

Individual Treatment

Organizational Skills Training: Individual Treatment

(elementary age & adolescents)

Organizational Skills Training provides support for caregivers of 3rd-6th graders in learning and understanding evidence-based strategies for improving their child’s organization, time management, and planning skills. Growth in these skills can have a significant impact on a child’s academic performance and proficiency as well as reduce tensions and have a positive influence on family relationships at home.

To Make an Appointment: Call Child & Adolescent Psychiatry at (650) 723-5511



The Stanford Parenting Center offers an empirically-supported 8-week cognitive-behavioral group treatment program for adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This therapeutic group builds upon adolescents’ executive functioning skills, while simultaneously offering parent strategy and support to optimize patient and family functioning. Group members will learn essential behavioral strategies to strengthen organization and planning, managing distractibility, and adaptive thinking.

To Make an Appointment: Call Child & Adolescent Psychiatry at (650) 723-5511

Wellness Resources

Mindfulness practices can reduce stress and cultivate wellness for parents and children. The Stanford Mindfulness Program offers classes for parents and teens as well as recorded guided mindfulness meditations through the SPC website and YouTube channel. 


18th Annual Autism Update - Now Registering: 3/22/25 at Li Ka Shing Conference Center, Stanford,CA.

Mindfulness for Parents Class. Click here for details and registration

Positive Parenting During COVID-19 Series  for recorded webinars, click here

Autism Parent Support Group  Now via Zoom until further notice. Meets on second Mondays from 7-8:30pm (Sept.-June). To be added to the monthly email with participant zoom info, click here.

Stanford Parenting Center Classes