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Parenting Classes

Mindful Parenting

Spring 2025 registration coming soon!

For parents of children/adolescents/adults with behavior challenges and/or learning differences. This education program offers instruction in mindfulness practices including meditation and its application for reducing stress and cultivating self-compassion and quality of life for parents. The program includes didactic presentations, guided meditations, and dialogue around how mindfulness can address parenting. In between classes, participants are instructed to cultivate a daily meditation practice as well as apply mindfulness to parenting and other daily activities.

Topics we will be exploring include:

  • What is mindfulness? 
  • How can it help me as a parent? 
  • How can we better manage our own difficult emotions as parents? 
  • How can we move from coping to living more meaningful lives?


Tuition and Scholarships

$330 per participant; scholarships available for those unable to pay the full cost. Please email us at parentingcenter@stanford.edu for more information.


Audio Recordings

Please explore the following guided mindfulness meditations that can help with decreasing stress and cultivating well-being. 

Duration: 5 minutes, 36 seconds
Led by Co-Director Dr. Mari Kurahashi

Duration: 4 minutes, 16 seconds
Led by Co-Director Dr. Mari Kurahashi

Duration: 12 minutes, 57 seconds
Led by Co-Director Dr. Mari Kurahashi

Duration: 5 minutes, 40 seconds
Led by Co-Director Dr. Mari Kurahashi

Duration: 12 minutes, 10 seconds
Led by Co-Director Dr. Mari Kurahashi

Duration: 14 minutes, 42 seconds
Led by Co-Director Dr. Mari Kurahashi


18th Annual Autism Update - Now Registering: 3/22/25 at Li Ka Shing Conference Center, Stanford,CA.

Mindfulness for Parents Class. Click here for details and registration

Positive Parenting During COVID-19 Series  for recorded webinars, click here

Autism Parent Support Group  Now via Zoom until further notice. Meets on second Mondays from 7-8:30pm (Sept.-June). To be added to the monthly email with participant zoom info, click here.

Stanford Parenting Center Classes