Stanford Child Mental Health Projects for Ukraine

The Stanford Child Mental Health Projects is the Stanford Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Department initiative to support Ukrainian organizations (Child with Hope and Hope), professionals, and families. The Stanford Child Mental Health Projects services these communities through biweekly presentations/workshops in addition to sending toys and materials through a continuing toy drive effort. 

Please note that the Stanford Child Mental Health Projects for Ukraine will not host webinars during July and August 2023. 

Translations for upcoming and previous webinars are available in Ukrainian and Russian

To watch recordings of previous webinars, please click on the Youtube button below. 

June 7th, 2023: The Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS®); Jessika Hurts, PsyD

Dr. Jessika Hurts will be discussing the world-renowned Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS®). PEERS provides evidence-based social skills treatment to preschoolers, adolescents, and young adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety, depression, and other socio-emotional problems.

English recording, click here. 

May 10th, 2023: Complementary and Integrative Approaches to Autism Spectrum Disorder;  Robert Hendren D.O.

In this webinar, Dr. Hendren will:

1) Critically review the wide variety of CIM treatments proposed for the treatment of people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) using the US Preventive Services Task Force criteria;
2) Describe in more detail the studies with stronger evidence of efficacy;
3) Describe how to integrate CIM treatments with the strongest evidence into comprehensive treatments of ASD.

English Recording, click here.

Russian Recording, click here.

April 12th, 2023: Supporting Language Development with Augmentative and Alternative Communication; Shivani Patel; PhD, CCC-SLP and Haley Dayel; MS, CCC-SLP, CBIS.

For children with autism who struggle to develop spoken language, Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) may support language development and offer a means of self-expression. This webinar will describe the various forms of AAC that may be used at different stages of language development. The presenters will also share strategies to implement AAC and support functional communication skills during daily activities.

English recording, click here.

Ukranian recording, click here

Russian recording, click here.

March 1st, 2023: Neurodiversity in the Workplace, Lawrence Fung M.D, Ph.D

Eighty percent of autistic individuals are unemployed or underemployed. In this presentation, Dr. Fung will explain the employment issues in the neurodiverse community and the approaches that are taken to tackle them.

English recording, click here

Ukranian recording, click here

Russian recording, click here

Feburary 1st, 2023:  : Improving Language in Children with Autism by Teaching Initiations; Lynn Kern Koegel, PhD, CCC-SLP

Individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder tend to use communication primarily for requests and protests. Question-asking is often absent or low in this population. This presentation will provide step-by-step instructions for teaching a variety of initiations. In addition to expanding the functions of communication, the collateral gains that occur after teaching initiated question-asking will also be discussed.

English recording, click here.

Russian recording, click here

January 11th, 2023: Assessment and Treatment of Eating and Feeding Issues in Autism Spectrum Disorder; Kari Berquist, Ph.D. BCBA-D

Feeding and eating issues are highly common in young autistic children and occur more often in comparison to their neurotypical peers. These issues can impact various aspects of a child and family’s life. This presentation will provide an overview of feeding and eating issues in autism spectrum disorders and focus on how to assess and treat these issues using behavioral strategies.

English recording, click here

Ukranian recording, click here.

Russian recording, click here

December 7th, 2022: Treating Fear and Anxiety in Youth with Autism; Lauren Moskowitz Ph.D.

This presentation will discuss how to treat anxiety in children with ASD. Interventions discussed will incorporate strategies from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – i.e., gradual exposure, cognitive restructuring, and psychoeducation – as well as strategies from Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)/ Positive Behavior Support (PBS) (e.g., positive reinforcement, antecedent-based/prevention strategies such as visual supports). We will discuss how these interventions that were originally applied with neurotypical children can be modified for youth with ASD. Case examples of children both with and without intellectual disabilities will be presented.

English recording, click here.

Russian recording, click here

 November 2nd, 2022: "Assessment and Brief Intervention of Suicidality and Self-Harm with Adolescents"; Anaid Atasuntseva Ph.D.

This presentation will focus on effectively assessing suicidality and self-harm urges in an adolescent population and review evidence-based strategies for reducing suicidal risk; such as creating a safety plan, removal of lethal means, and teaching teens new skills to reduce distress. 

English recording, click here

Russian recording, click here.

September 21, 2022: "Parenting Strategies to Address Challenging Behaviors in Autism Spectrum Disorder"; Karen Bearss, Ph.D.

Individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) can exhibit behavioral challenges such as tantrums, aggression, and difficulties following parent requests, which impact engagement in daily living skills. The recognized struggles parents face in raising a child with ASD have sparked increased interest in evidence-based parent training (PT) programs, as they empower parents to be the agent of change for their child. This presentation will describe of the impact of challenging behaviors on families and review evidence-based approaches targeting the treatment of challenging behaviors in ASD. 
English recording, click here
Russian recording, click here

September 7, 2022: Jacqui Rodgers Ph.D. and  Mirko Uljarevic MD-PhD (Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors)

Restricted and repetitive behaviors and interests (RRB) have been recognized as a core symptom domain of autism since the original clinical descriptions by Leo Kanner almost 80 years ago. Despite their diagnostic and clinical significance, much is yet to be learned about RRB in autism. This presentation will provide a comprehensive overview of the latest scientific developments in the areas of definition, assessment, mechanisms, and interventions for RRB in autism. Where possible, clinical and practical guidelines for RRB will be discussed. 
English recording, click here
Russian recording, click here

August 24: "Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)"; John Erik Leikauf MD

Dr. Leikauf will discuss current guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.

English Recording, click here.

August 17, 2022: "Advances toward supporting mental health in the autistic community: A focus on depression."; Katherine Oberle Gotham Ph.D. (Depression & Autism)

Mood problems are common and impairing among individuals on the autism spectrum. In this presentation, we will discuss what depression looks like in autistic youth and adults, and propose some ideas to approach challenges in assessing this co-occurring disorder. I will present a few recent research findings on causes and contributors to depression in autism, and then discuss what we know to this point about adapting depression treatments to better serve the autistic community.​

English recording, click here. 

Russian recording, click here.

August 10, 2022: "Addressing Problem Behaviors through the use of Positive Parenting Strategies"; Kyle Cassidy LCSW & Abigail Webber MS 

Behavior issues are a common challenge for many families. Investigating why children are engaging in problematic behaviors is the first essential step toward effecting positive change. This presentation will provide an overview of behavioral principles associated with problematic behaviors, as well as evidence-based parenting strategies to strengthen the caregiver/parent-child relationship.

English recording, click here

Russian recording, click here

June 29, 2022: "Treatment Considerations for Substance Use and Behavioral Addictions"; Bradley Aaron Zicherman MD & Karen Parsons LCSW 

English Recording, click here.

June 22, 2022:  Shea Kelly Fedigan, Ph.D. (Anxiety)

English recording, click here.

Ukrainian recording, click here.

June 15, 2022:  Cultivating Parent Self-Care, Linda Lotspeich, MD, MEd 

About: Being a parent of a child, adolescent, or adult with autism carries unique responsibilities and stressors. The war significantly increases these stressors. This requires extra doses of emotional resilience, perseverance, and resourcefulness. Parents frequently find that there is little time and energy for their self-care. This presentation will emphasize the importance and the gift of parent self-care, not only for themselves but also for the well-being of their children and family. The focus of this presentation will be to provide various ways parents can care for themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally.     

English recording, click here

Ukrainian recording, click here. 

Russian recording, click here.

June 8, 2022:  Understanding and Improving Sleep in Children with Autism; Dr. Micah Mazurek 

About: Sleep is essential for health, well-being, and development. Unfortunately, many children with autism have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep at night. This webinar will provide an overview of the basics of sleep, common types of sleep problems in children with autism, and strategies parents can use to help improve their child's sleep.   

English recording, click here.

Ukrainian recording, click here

Russian recording, click here. 

June 1, 2022: Supporting and Understanding Children with Autism who Have Experienced Trauma; Dr. Molly Cevasco 

About: Children and adolescents with autism are often incredibly resilient and benefit from the support their families and communities provide. When disruptions to a child's world, whether they come from changes in routines or war, the impacts can be immediate and intense. Families may often feel at a loss in understanding the effects of trauma on their child with autism and may feel helpful to know what to do about it. This talk focuses on understanding why trauma affects children, how trauma may specifically impact children with autism and their families, and recognizing signs that a child may be experiencing traumatic stress. We will also discuss what parents and caregivers can do to help their child with autism cope with trauma exposure and symptoms.

For more information on the topic, click here.

English recording, click here

Russian recording, click here

May 18, 2022: "Positive Approaches to Assessing and Changing Behavior in Individuals with ASD" Devon White, MS, BCBA 

  • English recording, click here.

May 11, 2022: "Pivotal Response Treatment (PRT) in Autism Spectrum Disorder," Grace Gengeoux, Ph.D., Maria Estefania Millan, MS, Katherine Paszek, MA

  • English recording, click here

May 4, 2022: "Anxiety in Autism Spectrum Disorder," Earth Hasassri, MD

  • English recording, click here
    Russian recording, click here. 

April 25, 2022: "Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder," Jennifer Phillips, PhD

  • English recording, click here. 

April 20, 2022: "Psychopharmacological Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Clinical and Research Update," Antonio Hardan, MD

  • English recording, click here.

April 11, 2022: "Trauma in Youth: Stress and Resilience"

  • English recording, click here
  • Russian subtitles, click here


This work is being organized in collaboration with Child with Future which provides care for people with autism in Ukraine.

For more information, click here.



18th Annual Autism Update - SAVE THE DATE: 3/22/25 at Li Ka Shing Conference Center, Stanford,CA.

16th Annual Pivotal Response Treatment (PRT) Conference - UPDATE: Conference has been postponed. 

Mindfulness for Parents Class. Click here for details and registration

Positive Parenting During COVID-19 Series  for recorded webinars, click here

Autism Parent Support Group  Now via Zoom until further notice. Meets on second Mondays from 7-8:30pm (Sept.-June). To be added to the monthly email with participant zoom info, click here.

Stanford Parenting Center Classes