• Stanford Health Care’s future plans

    In a meeting that featured online, interactive participation from SHC employees, leaders discussed how Stanford’s hospitals and medical school strengthen each other.

  • Previously uncharacterized bacteria found in dolphins

    Researchers have discovered poorly understood bacterial lineages in the mouths of dolphins.

  • Distinguishing features of high-value care

    Two novel Stanford studies have uncovered attributes of high-quality, low-cost care for cancer and primary care patients.

  • Chest X-ray algorithm

    Stanford researchers have developed a deep-learning algorithm that evaluates chest X-rays for signs of disease.

  • Cancer research funds awarded

    Maximilian Diehn, Sanjiv “Sam” Gambhir, Ash Alizadeh and Young-Jun Jeon will work on “dream teams” aiming to improve detection of cancer.

  • Scientists awarded grant for autism study

    The grant will help Stanford investigators find out if variants in many different autism-linked genes trigger the condition by affecting molecular pathways and cellular processes.

  • RNA labeling reveals stem cell secrets

    The Stanford research suggests that any conclusions about stem cell function based on studies of stem cells in lab dishes may now need to be reconsidered in light of the fact that the cells’ biology changes during isolation.

  • Using cellphones to track mosquitoes

    A simple recording of a mosquito’s buzz on a cellphone could contribute to a global-scale mosquito tracking map of unprecedented detail.

  • Researchers discover lung stem cell in mice

    Stanford scientists have found a cell that creates the two different compartments in the mouse lung. They hope their discovery could lead to better therapies for people with lung disease.

  • Study upends heart-valve replacement guidelines

    The benefits of a mechanical valve compared with a biological valve persist until the age of 70 for mitral-valve replacement, according to a new Stanford study.

2024 ISSUE 1

Psychiatry’s new frontiers