Data Sharing and Data Managment Plans
The Stanford DMP Service provides consultation and feedback for the interpretation of data management and sharing policies, including guidance related to data management plans (DMPs).
The Stanford DMP service is available to any member of the Stanford University and/or Stanford Medicine community who is writing a data management plan or would like assistance navigating data management and sharing-related policies.
This service is free of charge.
To request consulation fill out the following form or contact SPORR directly.
Training Grant Consultations
The Stanford Program on Research Rigor and Reproducibility (SPORR) offers free consultations to research teams regarding their institutional training grant proposals (e.g. T32, T35, R25, R38.) These proposals require a document titled Methods for Enhancing Reproducibility, and the consultation can provide support for your team as they prepare this document or advise on other questions you might have.
This service is free of charge.
To request consulation fill out the following form or contact SPORR directly.
Other SPORR Consultations
- Are you a new PI or looking for a refresher on R&R principles?
- Do you have new people to onboard in your research group?
- Do you know where and how all research outputs from your lab members are saved, compiled, and processed?
- Are you developing a research group/lab manual?
- Do you have a grant application or institute report due with required R&R documentation?
If any of these questions resonate with you, then SPORR's consultation services can help. This free service can provide answers to all these questions and more!
Other Stanford Consultation services
The following services are available at Stanford, but are not provided by the SPORR team:
Data Studio Office Hours