SPORR Rigor and Reproducibility
RaRe Researcher Awards
2024 Winners
- Jan Niklas Hansen - for creation of free software that allows complex image analysis of specific fields of cell biology
- Kif Liakath-Ali - for rigorous and reproducible experimental designs in assessing mRNA alternative splicing in neurons - Award Coverage in The Mercury News
Nomination text (applications) can be seen here.
Media Coverage:
2023 Winners
- Thomas Robinson - For a rigorous and reproducible design of a large scale, community-based child and family obesity intervention trial
- Arjun Divyang Desai - For creation of a large corpus of machine readable medical images, tutorials and reproducible research workflows used to train AI in medical imaging
- Jade Benjamin-Chung - For creation of an online open source lab manual that describes, among other topics, authorship guidelines, creation of reproducible workflows, and data management.
- (Emma) Lundberg Lab - For a decade long effort to build the Cell Atlas of the Human Protein Atlas database and for promoting bioimaging analysis using reproducible, open methods and citizen science.
Honorable Mentions:
- Xiaotao Shen - For creation of computational framework that can achieve traceable, shareable, and reproducible workflows in the field of metabolomics
- Joseph P. Garner - For decades long work on improving rigor and reproducibility of animal and translational research
Nomination text (applications) can be seen here.
Media Coverage:
StanfordMed Pulse covered the event and awardees.