General Information
The Stanford Genome Technology Center (SGTC) is located in the Stanford Research Park.
Mailing address
Stanford Genome Technology Center
3165 Porter Drive
Palo Alto, CA 94304
Campus Mail Code: 5503
Important contacts
Ronald W. Davis, PhD, Professor of Biochemistry and of Genetics
Chief of Staff, Sr Program Manager
Katrina Hong
Phone: (650) 721-5614
Fax: (650) 721-5651
Lars M. Steinmetz, PhD, Professor of Genetics
Phone: (650) 721-5625
All donations will be directly deposited into a special fund at the Stanford Genome Technology Center that is designated specifically for the CFS Research Center at Stanford. Stanford University will take only 8% for managing and overseeing the fund. All other proceeds (92%) will go directly towards the research.
We have a full disclosure policy and aim to keep all donors up to date as frequently as possible regarding how their money is used, what research is underway, and what is being discovered.
Click the Give a Donation button in the column at the left on any page or find more information here and click "Make a Gift." Be sure to indicate the gift is for Ron Davis by inputting the following information at the aforementioned link:
I want to support... "Stanford Medicine" then select "Stanford Medicine - other" from the next drop down menu, and enter "Ron Davis, ME/CFS Research" in "Special Instructions/Other Designation." Follow the instructions and submit. On behalf of the research team, thank you.
SGTC in the Lab
Layla Cervantes
Life Science Research Professional
Fereshteh Jahaniani
Basic Life Research Scientist
Kevin Roy
Life Science Research Scientist
Julie Wilhelmy
Senior Scientist at Curio BioScience
Former Senior Researcher at the SGTC
Video Archives
Dr. Ronald W. Davis