Explore SEAL Apps

Drug Reaction Diagnostic Assistant

Assess the presence of medication reactions by reviewing patient medications and relevant laboratory results plotted in the same timeline.

Problem Statement

Dangerous immune-mediated medication reactions can be challenging to recognize and diagnose.  Different medication reactions can be associated with specific laboratory abnormalities that help with diagnosis, but recognition of these abnormalities can be difficult and inconsistent.  Clinicians may not be aware of these associations and have a difficult time visualizing their presence because medications and laboratory data in the electronic health record are typically not displayed in a manner that can aid clinical decision making. 

App Overview

The SEAL Drug Reaction Diagnostic Assistant (DRDA) app is designed to synthesize and present data in a way to facilitate recognition of severe drug reactions. The app allows clinicians to create custom visualizations of medications and laboratory results in a timeline and analyze whether selected laboratory abnormalities coincide with when certain medications were prescribed. Relevant normal and abnormal laboratory values for medication reaction syndromes, such as Drug Rash With Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS) and Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT), are also displayed in the app to help with diagnosis.

Future Opportunities

More sophisticated analytics can be layered onto the app’s timeline design to more intelligently predict the presence of drug reactions and provide additional clinical decision support at the point of care. 

Clinician Co-developers

Bernice Kwong, MD (Dermatology) and Beth Martin, MD (Hematology/Oncology)

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