Explore SEAL Apps

Current SEAL Apps

Drug Reaction Diagnostic Assistant

Immune-mediated medication reactions can be challenging to diagnose. The DRDA App visualizes patient medications and relevant laboratory results on the same timeline to help clinicans more quickly assess the presence of medication-induced reactions.

Opioid MME Visualization

Perioperative pain management may result in patients receiving multiple types of opioids. The Opioid MME App calculates the total morphine equivalent dose of all administered opioids over time and layers the data on top of patient pain scores to help clinicians more safely titrate opioids.

Fast Fax

All incoming faxes currently go to a single queue, which has a multi-day backlog and is manually sorted. The Fast Fax system recognizes urgent faxes and triages them to a new ‘Urgent’ queue so they can be prioritized for processing, thus minimizing delay of care for these patients.

Ophthalmology Synopsis+

Ophthalmic chart review requires correlating eye exam data with various medical and procedural interventions. This app displays all relevant clinical information in the same timeline for rapid and accurate clinical assessment of a patient's eye history.

Antimicrobial Dashboard

Evaluating appropriate antimicrobial treatment requires clinicians to click through multiple tabs in the EHR. With this app, clinicians can review administered antimicrobials and relevant clinical data such as laboratory values, microbiology cultures, and recent invasive procedures within one place to more easily assess serious infections.

Stroke Risk Prediction

Calculates the CHA2DS2-VASc score to assess annual risk of stroke and thromboembolism in patients with atrial fibrillation.

Coming Soon

Nutrition Provision Tool

Dieticians manually calculate the amount of nutrition a patient has received from all sources, which can be a time-consuming and error-prone process. SEAL is developing a tool to automatically calculate and visualize this information to help with clinical decision-making.

Interested in seeing your app here?

If you have an idea for an app that could improve clinical workflows at SHC or have a workflow pain point you want us to help address, please complete our intake form via the button below.

Previous SEAL Apps and Projects


Healthcare providers are experiencing more burnout than ever before, in large part due to time spent in the EHR. We ran a short pilot to learn whether a problem-oriented summary tool would save chart review time and allow clinicians more time to interact with their patients.

True Image

Fuzzy or dim photos can result in delay of dermatological care. In partnership with Stanford Catalyst, SEAL developed a patient-facing responsive web app that offers immediate feedback on photo quality. Patients can retake their photos before the images are sent to the care team's inbasket in Epic.

AREDS Severity Score

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness in our elderly population. This app visualizes a patient's 5-year risk of progression to advanced AMD.

Pulmonary Embolism Risk Stratification

Calculates the pre-test probability of pulmonary embolism using the Wells' criteria.

Have an idea for how we can improve your clinical workflow pain point at SHC?