Explore SEAL Apps

Pulmonary Embolism Risk Stratification

Calculate the pre-test probability of pulmonary embolism using the Wells' criteria

Problem Statement

The Wells' criteria is one of the standard validated tools to assess a patient’s likelihood of having a PE in order to guide subsequent diagnostics and therapy.  Validated tools such as the Wells criteria are often underutilized or incorrectly used due to difficulty in accessing these tools from the EHR and finding the relevant data from patient medical records.  

App Overview

The SEAL PE risk stratification app facilitates clinical use of the Well’s criteria by 1) allowing the user to launch the calculator from within the patient chart to minimize disruption in workflow, 2) pulling and classifying relevant data from the patient chart to guide the clinician in populating the calculator, and 3) enabling the clinician to copy the results into a clinical note. 

Future Opportunities

The UI/UX design and data integration methods used by the SEAL PE risk stratification app can potentially be applied to future point of care clinical risk prediction tools for Stanford clinicians that leverage more sophisticated predictive analytics, such as machine learning.

Clinician Co-developer

Shreya Shah, MD (Medicine - Primary Care and Population Health)

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