September 12, 13 and 14, 2021

Boyd & Jill Family Softball Stadium, and Koret Plaza, Stanford, CA

Softball Stadium located at 667 Masters Mall, Stanford

Koret Plaza located at 326 Galvez Street, Stanford


Poster Sessions

Click Here to See Poster Details For Poster Sessions Sunday & Monday

SUNET ID Log in Required

Final Agenda

Sunday, September 12, 2021

3:30p Registration  Avoid the lines and come early!  Softball Stadium

4:30p Welcome and Department in Review

Session Chair: Mike Snyder

Land Acknowledgement

Department updates

4:45p Introduction of New Students

Session Chairs: MaryAnn Campion, Lars Steinmetz

Students in the Masters in Genetic Counseling Program and students in the Genetics doctoral program

5:05p Keynote Talk: Aaron Streets, PhD (UC Berkeley)

"Measuring protein-DNA interactions in single cells and single molecules"

Moderated by Christine Yeh

6:00 p Happy Hour and Poster Session 1 Koret Plaza

See Poster Session 1 for poster numbers in this session. The poster session will continue through dinner, formally ending at 8 pm

6:00 to 10:00 p Food Trucks serving small plates

8:30p Evening Social Activities

Featuring positively selected jams by DJ rEvolution


Monday, September 13, 2021

8:30a Breakfast (optional) Softball Stadium

9:30a Outreach and Student Advocacy

Session Chairs: Emily Greenwald, Roshni Patel, Megan Yabumoto

9:45a Session 1 Faculty Talks (See Faculty Talks for speakers in this session)

Session Chair: Chioma Madubata

10:50a     Group Photo  Field Hockey stadium (beside softball stadium) bleachers 

11:05a Keynote Talk: Karen Miga, PhD (UC Santa Cruz)

"Complete Telomere-to-Telomere Chromosome Assemblies: New Insights Into Genome Biology & Structure”.

Moderated by Hakhamanesh Mostafavi

12:05p Break

12:15p Session 2 Faculty Talks (See Faculty Talks for speakers in this session)

Session Chair: Nicole Krentz

1:15p Lunch Softball Stadium

Burritos from Jimmy Vi’s

2:30p Afternoon social activities

Volleyball tournament    Koret Plaza Volleyball Courts

Arts and Crafts.  Koret Plaza Picnic Tables near the Volleyball Courts

Petal painting with Stanford COVID19 Remembrance Project

Microcosmos with Steven Boeynaems

Lawn Games: Croquet, Ring Toss, Cornhole, Lawn Checkers & Tic-Tac-Toe

Lemonade Stand  Koret Plaza Picnic Tables near the Volleyball Courts

5:00p Postdoc social hour

Social butterflies: Michelle Hays, Hakhamanesh Mostafavi

6p Happy hour and Poster session 2 (See Poster Session 2 for poster numbers in this session)

6:00 to 10:00pm Food Trucks will be serving small plates

The poster session will continue through dinner, formally ending at 8pm

8:00p Department Entertainment- Provided by 3rd years     Koret Plaza Picnic Tables near the volleyball courts

8:30p Evening social activities 

Bring some cool dance moves for DJ Cryo in the Club 


Tuesday, September 14, 2021

8:30a Breakfast (optional) Softball Stadium

9:30a Session 3 Faculty talks (See Faculty Talks for speakers in this session)

Session Chair: Jane Yoe

10:50a Break

11:00a Department Trivia 

11:30a Session 4 Faculty Talks (See Faculty Talks for speakers in this session)

Session Chair: Nirmal Vadgaman

12:50p Wrap up and farewell

Session Chair: Mike Snyder

Poster prize announcements

1:00p Lunch                                                           Softball Stadium

Boxed lunches from Jimmy Vi’s


Keynote Speakers

 Aaron Streets, Ph.D.

Principal Investigator, Streets Lab, Assistant Professor, University of Calfornia at Berkeley, Bioengineering

Karen Miga, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, University of California at Santa Cruz, Biomolecular Engineering Department


Faculty Talks



Session 1: Monday, 9:45a - 10:50a

  1. Rogelio Hernandez-Lopez 

  2. Alice Ting

  3. Lars Steinmetz

  4. Julie Baker

  5. Jonathan Pritchard


Session 2: Monday 12:15p - 1:15p

  1. Anne Brunet

  2. Monte Winslow

  3. Minx Fuller

  4. Doug Vollrath

  5. Julien Sage

  6. Karla Kirkegaard


Session 3: Tuesday 9:30a - 10:50a

  1. Stephen Montgomery

  2. Maya Kasowski

  3. Mike Cherry

  4. Hiro Nakauchi

  5. Alex Urban

  6. Judith Frydman

  7. Monther Abu-Remaileh


Session 4: Tuesday 11:30a - 12:50p

  1. Andy Fire

  2. Mike Snyder

  3. Casey Gifford

  4. Billy Li

  5. Maria Barna

  6. Anshul Kundaje

  7. Christina Curtis


What to Bring


  • Reusable water bottle (trying to minimize our waste from the event)


  • Sun protective gear (sunscreen, hat)

  • Blanket or Beach Towel to enjoy some time on the Koret Plaza /Stadium  lawn

  • Sweatshirt

Be sure you remember your yellow wristband and “over 21” drink tickets on all days of the retreat. These are what signal to our food vendors that you should be served as part of the event. A yellow wristband will be given to you at registration when you check in. 

Please minimize (or remember to fully charge) any devices you plan on bringing. Charging sources are limited. The Locker Truck will have charging devices that you can borrow for a deposit of $10. Return the charging device and you will be given $5.

We will have access to lockers in the Locker Truck parked in the Athletics Lot on Sunday and Monday until 11:30 PM. The Locker Truck has been reserved to keep your items secure during segments of the retreat where one may not want to be toting a backpack. 




Rented for Sunday, Sept 12th and Monday, Sept 13th and parked in the Athletics Parking Lot for retreat attendees use. Show your yellow wristband and secure items that you do not want to carry while having fun at the social events. The truck closes both nights at 11:30 PM.


We'll be taking Q&A via slack. See here for instructions to get "set up"



This choice to light up our event is helping prevent chemical and plastic waste from entering our environment.  Enjoy your LÜMI for years. As part of their work to protect the planet, 1% of company sales go towards supporting RAVEN Trust, an Indigenous-lead land protection movement, to protect and take care of our amazing planet.


 FOOD TRUCKS serving small plates for dinner.

Sunday: Rolling Duck, Taqueria Angelica, The Waffle Roost


Monday: Cielito Line, Curveball, Hula Truck, ILoveCheesesteaks, Yoshi Sushi Food Truck





Ami Bhatt, Casey Gifford, Livnat Jerby, Serena Sanulli,  Anna Gloyn, Stephen Montgomery, Abby Bergman, Michelle Hays, Hakhamanesh Mostafavi, Michael Hayes, Dawn Billman