CTS Performance Science Initiative

  • Affiliation: Cardiothoracic Surgery
    There is little emphasis or training on skills related to optimizing performance. Evidence points to improved career satisfaction, lower rates in symptoms of burnout, higher patient satisfaction, lower error rates in those who address the human-factor elements commonly discussed throughout performance science literature.

    The aim of the Cardiothoracic Surgery - Performance Science Initiative is to introduce essential concepts of performance science and expertise to the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery.

    All faculty and trainees will be participants in a multifaceted program with the following core goals:
    1. Hear directly from expects regarding high-performance
    2. Learn and discuss performance science
    3. Have a forum to share what we each have found helpful/difficult as a CT surgeon - with a collective of support in each other's development
  • Open to: Faculty and trainees
  • Contact: Leah Backhus, lbackhus@stanford.edu