Faculty Onboarding Programs

Stanford School of Medicine and Stanford University have a wide variety of faculty training opportunities. The Office of Faculty Development and Diversity (OFDD) and the Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) created a centralized faculty training website with go-to resources for your professional development.

If you have questions, please contact OFDD and/or OAA.

Resources are organized in the eleven categories below. Under each category are Stanford organizations highlighting the type of program, intended audiences, sponsoring unit, how to join, duration/logistics, details, and the website links/contact information. 

  • Onboarding

    Once a new faculty appointment is finalized, OAA and the department initiate the process by an email to the faculty member asking for specific information (clinically active, research program, etc.). Notifications are sent to each functional unit for appropriate actions (medical staff services, human resources, etc.). Open to new faculty and invitations are sent to target groups.

  • New Faculty Orientation

    Overview of University and Stanford Medicine, brief description of OAA and each faculty line, mentoring, research, clinical care, teaching, wellness, responsibilities of department. Open to new faculty and invitations are sent to target groups.

  • Welcome Meeting with an Associate Dean

    The Associate Deans of Academic Affairs will meet with new Assistant Professors to welcome you to Stanford, answer questions about getting started at Stanford, and inform you about resources available to you. Open to new assistant professors in all lines and invitations are sent to target groups.