Center for Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence
Focused on Therapy Response (CCNE-TR)
Core Resources
Core 1 - Stanford Nanocharacterization Laboratory
(R. Sinclair Core Leader, R. Chin, M. Kelly)
The purpose of this core is to provide specialized equipment and expertise for the characterization and understanding of novel cancer-detection agents made at the nano-scale level. Because magnetic nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes, semiconductor quantum dots, and other nanomaterials are synthesized well below the dimensions visible to optical light, highly sophisticated instrumentation is required to study their structure and chemistry and to relate these parameters to their sensing performance. By supplying highly sophisticated instrumentation such as high resolution electron microscopes, X-ray diffraction, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Core 3 provides essential technology and expertise to Research Projects 1, 2, and 5.
Core 2 - Stanford Nanofabrication Facility
(S. Wang Core Leader, E. Myers Co-Leader, M. Tang Co-Leader)
Fabrication of nanoscale devices and particles requires advanced and state-of-the art chemical and physical methods. Dimensional control for physical fabrication techniques at these size scales requires precise deposition equipment and patterning by methods which must rely on high-resolution electron-beam (EBeam) based lithographic techniques. To achieve these goals, we propose the formation of the Core Service Facility for Fabricated Nanoparticles and Structures that combines relevant capabilities of the Stanford's Nanomagnetics Facility and the Stanford Nanofabrication Facility. These capabilities are therefore central to Research Projects 1, 2, and 5.
Core 3 - Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Resource
(D. Paik Core Leader)
This core is designed to help CCNE-TR investigators with data and knowledge management, statistical data analysis, and novel biocomputational tools. Working closely with Research Projects 1-6, this core will ensure that investigators are confident in understanding and reporting the data they obtain and, when needed, will serve as a gateway for referring investigators to various data coordination and statistical resources within our consortium. Specifically, Core 3 will work closely with Research *Project 3 to develop and test Bayesian network analysis for reconstructing signaling pathways and with Research Projects 4 and 6 to help determine protein patterns predictive of treatment response. In addition, it will also be the key link to the ICBP, caBIG, and several other computational efforts at the national effort and will leverage the statistical resources at our Cancer Centers.
*Project 3 evolved into other areas and is no longer continuing with the CCNE-TR grant