Center for Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence
Focused on Therapy Response (CCNE-TR)
Leadership & Organization
Shown here is the organizational structure of our CCNE-TR. The Executive Council, meeting bi-monthly in the first year, will work closely with the IAB to assure the smooth running of this complex program, including careful selection and monitoring of research proposals. The IAB will meet bi-annually. The EAB will be selected by the IAB, should the grant be funded. The EAB will meet annually.
Internal Advisory Board
- Russ Altman, MD, PhD
Professor, Stanford Genetics - Patrick Brown, PhD
Professor, Stanford Biochemistry - Gary Glazer, MD
Professor & Chair, Stanford Radiology - Arthur Bienenstock, PhD
Professor, Vice Provost - Dean of Research and Graduate Policy
Stanford Materials Science & Engineering - Irving Weissman, MD
Professor, Stanford Cancer Center-Pathology
External Advisory Board
- Andrew Berlin, PhD
Director and General Manager, Intel Corporation
Biomedical and Life Sciences - Margaret Blohm, PhD
Nanotechnology Program Lead, GE Global Research
Science & Engineering - Lee Hartwell, PhD
President, Director and Professor, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Institute
Human Biology - Harvey Herschman, PhD
Professor, UCLA Johnsson Cancer Center - Nadeem Ishaque, PhD
Manager, GE Health Care Science
GE Global Research - Don Listwin, BS
Founder, Canary Foundation
- Mark Sliwkowski, PhD
Director Molecular Oncology, Genentech Translational Oncology
*Project 3 evolved into other areas and is no longer continuing with the CCNE-TR grant