Center for Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence
Focused on Therapy Response (CCNE-TR)
New biosensor microchip could speed up drug development, Stanford researchers say
April 19, 2011
A new biosensor microchip that could hold more than 100,000 magnetically sensitive nanosensors could speed up drug development markedly, Stanford researchers say. The nanosensors analyze how proteins bond a critical step in drug development. The ultrasensitive sensors can simultaneously monitor thousands of times more proteins than existing technology, deliver results faster and assess the strength of the bonds.
Parade Magazine Article Highlights Raman Gold Nanoparticles
June 24, 2010
CCNE-TR funded reseach using raman gold nanoparticles for the detection of colorectal cancer was featured in Parade Magazine.
[ read article ]
Stanford-led research team aims for rapid detection of radiation dose
January 26, 2010
[ Download PDF ]
Drew Hall and Richard Gaster Won Inaugural IEEE Presidents' Change the World Competition
June 24, 2009
Drew Hall and Richard Gaster, both members of Shan Wang's lab, have won the inaugural IEEE Presidents' Change the World Competition for their magneto-nano handheld diagnostic devise "capable of diagnosing illness in remote corners of the globe".
Congratulations, Drew and Richard! [ read article ]
Ai Leen Koh Received First Prize in the James Clerk Maxwell Young Writers Prize Contest
March 17, 2008
The paper, Koh AL, Hu W, Wilson RJ, Wang SX, Sinclair R. Preparation, Structural and Magnetic Characterization of Synthetic Anti-ferromagnetic (SAF) Nanoparticles. Philosophical Magazine 2008; 88 (36):4225-4241, has won the first prize in the James Clerk Maxwell Young Writers Prize Contest, organized by Philosophical Magazineand Philosophical Magazine Letters.
Congratulations, Ai Leen!
ABC News: Health - Can Magnets Help Detect Cancer?
[ view the video ]
Shan Wang elected as a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Shan Wang, PhD, CCNE Project 1 Leader, Professor of Materials Science and Electrical Engineering at Stanford School of Engineering, was elected a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), in recognition of his "contribution to magnetic materials and device." Wang's Group conducts cutting edge research in magnetic nanotechnology, magneto-nano sensors, integrated inductors, spintronics, and information storage. IEEE has the most members of any technical professional organization in the world.
[ IEEE ]
Recent News Articles
- Labs on a chip - Spinning a good tale: Quantum mechanics may hold the key to a hand-held biology laboratory
- Real-Time Intravital Imaging of RGD-Quantum Dot Binding to Luminal Endothelium in Mouse Tumor Neovasculature [ read article ]
- Nanotubes deliver high-potency punch to cancer tumors in mice
- Stanford nanotech project may find tumors [ read article ]
- New Imaging Technique Could Spot Early Cancers [ read article ]
- Nanotech boost for chemotherapy [ read article ]
Canary Foundation and Stanford University Announce Center of Excellence for Cancer Early Detection
[ read article ]
NCI Annual Site Visit
April 23, 2007
Over 75 visitors from a variety of universities, foundations, and industries attended annual CCNE-TR/NCI site visit which provides an opportunity for the NCI to review and experience CCNE-TR research and enables the scientists involved in the multiple cores of the CCNE-TR to convene in one meeting and share their scientific progress.
[ read article ]
January 5, 2006
Research in magneto-nano protein chips, led by Shan Wang, Ph.D., is featured in the November/December 2006 Monthly Feature of the NCI Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer.
Congratulations, Dr. Wang!