Center for Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence
and Translation (CCNE-T)
NCI Alliance's Scientific Bibliography
Project 1: Next Generation Smart Nanoparticles
- Ye D., Gao L., Ma M.L., Rao J. Controlling intracellular macrocyclization for imaging protease activity. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2011; 50: 2275-2279. PMID: 21351335. PMCID in progress.
- Luther J. M. , *Jain P. K. , Ewers T., Alivisatos A.P. Localized surface plasmon resonances arising from free carriers in doped quantum dots. Nature Materials, 2011; 10, 361-366. PMID: 21478881. PMCID in progress.
- Hentschel M., Saliba M., Harald G., Alivisatos A.P., Liu N. Transition from Isolated to Collective Modes in Plasmonic Oligomers. Nano Letters, 2010; 10, 2721-2726. PMID: 20586409. PMCID in progress.
- Liang G., Ren H., Rao J. A biocompatible condensation reaction for controlled assembly of nanoparticles in cells. Nature Chemistry, 2010; 2: 54-60. PMCID: PMC3196337.
- Liang G., Ronald J., Chen Y., Ye D., Pandit P., Ma M.L., Rutt B., Rao J. Controlled self-assembly of nanoparticles as molecular magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents.Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2011; 50(28): 6283-6. PMID: 21618367. PMCID in progress.
- Razgulin A., Ma N., Rao J. Strategies for in vivo imaging of enzyme activity: an overview and recent advances. Chemical Society Reviews, 2011; 40(7): 186-216. PMID: 21552609. PMCID in progress.
- Ye D., Gao L., Ma M.L., Rao J. Controlling intracellular macrocyclization for imaging protease activity. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2011; 50(10): 2275-9. PMID: 21351335. PMCID in progress.
- Daldrup-Link H.E., Golovko D., Ruffell B., DeNardo D.G., Castaneda R., Ansari C., Rao J., Tikhomirov G.A., Wendland M., Corot C., Coussens L.M. MR imaging of tumor associated macrophages with clinically applicable iron oxide nanoparticles. Clinical Cancer Research 2011; 17: 5695-5704. (cover), PMCID: PMC3166957.
- Xia Z., Xing Y., Jeon J., Kim Y-P, Gall J., Dragulescu-Andrasi A, Gambhir S.S., Rao J. Immobilizing reporters for molecular imaging of extracellular microenvironment in living subjects. ACS Chemical Biology 2011; 6: 1117-1126. PMCID: PMC3199358.
- Liang G., Ronald J., Chen Y., Ye D., Pandit P., Ma M.L., Rutt B., Rao J. Controlled self-assembling of gadolinium nanoparticles as smart molecular magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 2011; 50: 6283-6286. PMID: 21618367. PMCID in progress.
- Ye D., Liang G., Ma M.L., Rao J. Controlling intracellular macrocyclization for the imaging of protease activity. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2011; 50(10): 2275-9. PMID: 21351335. PMCID in progress.
- Jeon J., Shen B., Xiong L., Miao Z., Lee K., Rao J.*, Chin F.T.*. An efficient and site-specific F18-labeling method using the rapid condensation reaction between 2-cyanobenzothiazole and cysteine. Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2012; 23: 1902-1098. PMID: 22845703. PMCID: PMC3447118.
- Xiong L., Shuhendler A.L., Rao J. Self-luminescing BRET-FRET near infrared nanoparticles for in vivo lymph node mapping and tumor imaging. Nature Communications. 2012; 3: 1193 doi: 10.1038/ncommons2197. PMID: 20700952. PMCID in progress.
- Lee M.K., Williams J., Twieg R.J., Rao J., Moerner W.E. Enzymatic activation of nitro-aryl fluorogens in live bacterial calls for turnover activated localization microscopy. Chemical Science. 2013; 4: 220-225. DOI: 10.1039/C2SC21074F. PMCID in progress.
- Xiong L., Rao J. Self-luminescing BRET-FRET NIR nanoparticles for in vivo tumor Imaging.Nature Communication 2012, 3, 1193. PMCID in progress.
- Xiong L., Shen B., Behera D., Gambhir S.S., Chin F.T., Rao J. Synthesis of ligand-functionalized water-soluble [18F]YF3 nanoparticles for PET imaging. Nanoscale 2013, 5, 3253-3256. PMCID: PMC3645980
- Pu K., Shuhendler A.L., Rao J. Conjugated polymer nanoprobe for real-time in vivo imaging of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in disease and injury. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2013, 52, 10325-10329. PMCID in progress.
- Shen B., Jeon J., Palner M., Ye D., Shuhendler A.J., Chin F.T., Rao J. Positron emission tomography imaging of drug-induced tumor apoptosis with a caspase-triggered nano-aggregation probe. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2013, 52, 10511-10514. (Front inside cover). PMCID in progress.
- Chapman S., Dobrovolskaia M., Joshi A., Lee H., Meade T., Pomper M., Ptak K., Rao J*, Smith R, Sridhar S*, Stern S, Wang A, Weaver J, Woloschak G*, Yang L. Nanoparticles for cancer imaging: the good, the bad and the promises. NanoToday 2013, 8, 454-460. PMCID in progress.
- Khurana A., Chapelin F., Lenkov O.D., Beck G., Doing J., Nejadnik H., Messing S., Derugin N., Chan C..F, Gaur A., Sennino B., McDonald D., Kempen P., Tikhomirov G.A., Rao J., Daldrup-Link H.E. Iron administration before stem cell harvest enables MR imaging tracking after transplantation. Radiology 2013, 29, 186-197. PMCID: PMC3781357.
- Dragulescu-Andrasi A., Kothapalli S.R., Tikhomirov GA, Rao J.*, Gambhir S.S*. Oligomerizable imaging agents for photoacoustic imaging of furin-like activity in living subjects. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013, 135, 11015-11022. PMCID: PMC3771329.
- Ansari C., Tikhomirov G.A., Castaneda R., Ruffel B., Aflakiyan N., Hong S.H., Coussens L., Rao J.*, Daldrup-Link HE*. Development of novel activatable theranostic nanoparticles for combined cancer MR imaging and therapy. Small, 2013, In press. PMCID in progress.
- Pu K., Shuhendler A.J., Jokerst J.V., Mei J., Gambhir S.S., Bao Z., Rao J. Semiconducting polymer nanoparticles as photoacoustic molecular imaging probes in living mice. Nature Nanotechnology, 2013, accepted.
Project 2: Magneto-Nano Diagnostic and Analytical Devices for Cancer
- Koh A.L., Hu W., Wilson R.J., Earhart C.M., Wang S.X. and Sinclair R. Structural and Magnetic Characterization of High Moment Synthetic Antiferromagnetic Nanoparticles Fabricated Using Self-Assembled Stamps. J Appl PhysU, 2010; 107: 09B522. PMCID: PMC2053178.
- Hall D.A., Gaster R.S., Osterfeld S.J., Murmann B., and Wang S.X. GMR biosensor arrays: correction techniques for reproducibility and enhanced sensitivity. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2010; 25: 2177–2181. PMCID: PMC2881564.
- Hall D.A., Gaster R.S., Lin T., Osterfeld S.J., Han S., Murmann B., and Wang S.X. GMR biosensor arrays: a system perspective. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2010; HU25(9UH): 2051-2057. PMCID: PMC2855856.
- Hall D.A., Gaster R.S., Wang S.X., Murmann B. Portable biomarker detection with magnetic nanotaags. Proceedings of UISCAS, 2010; 1779-1782. PMCID: PMC2855856.
- Gaster R.S., Hall D.A. and Wang S.X. Autoassembly Protein Arrays for Analyzing Antibody Cross-Reactivity. Nano Letters, 2010. PMCID: PMC3136110.
- Fan A.C., Dermody J., Kong C., Zhang N., Colevas A.D., Felsher D.W. Nano-immunoassay profiling of ERK and MEK isoforms in fine-needle aspirates of solid tumors. J. Clin. Onc., (May 20 Supplement) 2010; 28, No 15: 2564. Spin-off abstract using NIA to profile solid tumors including lung cancer.
- Hu W., Zhang M., Wilson R.J., Koh A.L., Wi J.-S., Tang M., Sinclair R. and Wang S.X. Fabrication of Planar, Layered Nanoparticles Using Tri-layer Resist Templates. Nanotechnology, 2011; 22(18):185302. PMCID: PMC3143003.
- Gaster R.S., Hall D.A., Wang S.X. nanoLAB: An ultraportable, handheld diagnostic laboratory for global health. Lab on a Chip, 2011; 11(5): 950 - 956. PMID: PMC21264375.
- Tsai K.L., Ziaei-Moayyed M., Candler R.N., Hu W., Brand V., Klejwa N., Wang S.X., Howe R.T. Magnetic, mechanical, and optical characterization of a magnetic polymer for microactuation.JMEMS, 2011; 20(1): 65-72.
- Mak A.C., Osterfeld S.J., Yu H., Wang S.X., Davis R.W., Jejelowo O.A., Pourmand N. Sensitive giant magnetoresistive-based immunoassay for multiplex mycotoxin detection. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2010; 25: 1635-1639. PMCID: PMC2947153.
- Zhang M., Hu W., Earhart C.M., Tang M., Wilson R.J., Wang S.X. Silane-based functionalization of synthetic antiferromagnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications. J Appl Phys., 2010; 107(9): 09B325-09B325-3. PMCID: PMC2884041.
- DeChristopher BA*, Fan AC*, Felsher DW, Wender PA. "Picolog," a Synthetically-Available Bryostatin Analog, Inhibits Growth of MYC-Induced Lymphoma In Vivo. Oncotarget, 2012; 3:58-66. *these authors contributed equally. PMCID: PMC3292892.
- Seetharam M, Fan AC, Tran M, Xu L, Renschler JP, Felsher DW, Sridhar K, Wilhelm F, Greenberg PL. Treatment of Higher Risk Myelodysplastic Syndrome Patients Unresponsive to Hypomethylating Agents with ON 01910.Na. Leukemia Research, 2012; 36(1): 98103. doi: 10.1016/j.leukres.2011.08.022. Epub 2011 Sep 14. PubMed PMID: 21924492. PMCID in progress.
- Fan AC, Xu Liwen, Sridhar KJ, Tran M, Banerjee P, Renschler JP, Tripuraneni R, Wilhelm F, Greenberg PL, Felsher DW. A Novel Nano-Immunoassay (NIA) Reveals Inhibition of PI3K and MAPK Pathways in CD34+ Bone Marrow Cells of Patients with Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) Treated with the Multi-Kinase Inhibitor On 01910.Na (Rigosertib). Blood, 2011; 118: 3808. Spin-off abstract using NIA to profile rare cells from patient bone marrow.
- Gaster R.S, Xu L., Han S.-J., Wilson R.J., Hall D.A., Osterfeld S.J., Yu H., and Wang S.X., Protein Interactions and Solution Transport Are Quantified by High-Density GMR Sensor Arrays. Nat. Nanotech. 2011; 6(5):314-20. PMCID: PMC3089684.
- Wi J.-S., Wilson R.J., White R.M., and Wang S.X. Gradual Pressure Release for Reliable Nanoimprint Lithography. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 29, 033001, 2011; DOI: 10.1116/1.3574390. This is a spin-off paper on nanoimprinting led by Drs. Wi and Wilson who also worked Raman nanoparticles for imaging. The technique paper was not directly supported by NCI because both main authors were also supported by other means at the time.
- Wi J.S., Sengupta S., Wilson R.J., Zang M., Tang M. and Wang S.X. Raman-active Two-tiered Ag Nanoparticles with a Concentric Cavity. Small, 2011; (access: PMID: 21990231. PMCID in progress. NIHMSID #445606.
- Wi J.S., Wilson R.J., Lee D., and Wang S.X. Silicon Nano-well Arrays for Reliable Pattern Transfer and Local High Temperature Reactions. Nanotechnology 22 305304 Epub 2011; Jun 28. PMCID: PMC3167870. [Available on 2012/7/29].
- Wi J.S., Barnard E.S., Wilson R.J., Zhang M., Tang M., Brongersma M.L. and Wang S.X. Sombrero-shaped Plasmonic Nanoparticles with Molecular-level Sensitivity and Multifunctionality. ACS Nano, 2011; 5(8):6449-57. PMCID: PMC3160147.
Book Chapters
- Gaster R.S., Hall D.A, and Wang S.X, Magneto-nanosensor Diagnostic Chips, book chapter in Point of Care Diagnostics on a Chip, Editors: Robert M Westervelt and David Issadore,Springer, in press, 2011.
- Hall D.A., Gaster R.S., and Wang S.X., GMR Biosensors, book chapter in Spin Transport and Magnetism in Electronic Systems, Editors: Evgeny Tsymbal and Igor Žutić, Taylor & Francis, 2011.
- Fu A., Wilson R.J., Smith B.R., Mullenix J., Earhart C., Akin D., Guccione S., Wang S.X., Gambhir S.S. Fluorescent Magnetic Nanoparticles for Magnetically Enhanced Cancer Imaging and Targeting in Living Subjects. ACS Nano., 2012; 6(8): 6862-9. PMID: 22857784. PMCID in progress. NIHMSID #445618.
- Ooi C., Earhart C.M., Wilson R.J., and Wang S.X. Effect of Magnetic Field Gradient on Effectiveness of the Magnetic Sifter for Cell Purification. IEEE Trans Magn. 2013 Jan;49(1):316-320. PubMed PMID: 23515873; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3600415.
- Kim D., Lee J.R., Shen E., and Wang S.X. Modeling and experiments of magneto-nanosensors for diagnostics of radiation exposure and cancer. Biomed Microdevices., 2013; in press. PMID: 22763391. PMCID in progress.
- Lee J.R., Magee M., Gaster R.S., LaBaer J., Wang S.X. Emerging Protein Array Technologies for Proteomics. Expert Review of Proteomics, 2013; in press. PMCID in progress.
- Hall D.A., Gaster R.S., Makinwa K., Wang S.X., Murmann B. A 256 pixel magnetoresistive biosensor microarray in 0.18µm CMOS. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), 2013; 48(5): 1290-1301, 2013. PMCID in progress.
- Ooi C., Earhart C.M., Wilson R.J., and Wang S.X. Rapid Characterization of Magnetic Moment of Cells for Magnetic Separation. IEEE Tran. Magn., 2013; in press. PMCID in progress.
- Seetharam M., Fan A.C., Tran M., Xu L., Renschler J.P., Felsher D.W, Sridhar K., Wilhelm F., Greenberg P.L. Treatment of higher risk myelodysplastic syndrome patients unresponsive to hypomethylating agents with ON 01910.Na. Leuk Res. 2012 Jan;36(1):98-103. doi: 10.1016/j.leukres.2011.08.022. Epub 2011 Sep 14. PMID: 21924492; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3612532.
- DeChristopher B.A.*, Fan A.C.*, Felsher D.W., Wender P.A. "Picolog," a Synthetically-Available Bryostatin Analog, Inhibits Growth of MYC-Induced Lymphoma In Vivo. Oncotarget, 2012: 3:58-66. PMCID: PMC3292892
- Fu A., Wilson R.J., Smith B.R., Mullenix J., Earhart C., Akin D., Guccione S., Wang S.X., Gambhir S.S. Fluorescent Magnetic Nanoparticles for Magnetically Enhanced Cancer Imaging and Targeting in Living Subjects. ACS Nano. 2012; Aug 28;6(8):6862-9. doi: 10.1021/nn301670a. Epub 2012 Aug 13. PubMed PMID: 22857784; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3601027.
- Zhang M., Xie X., Tang M., Criddle C.S., Cui Y., Wang S.X., Magnetically ultra-responsive nanoscavengers for next-generation water purification systems. Nature Communications, 2013, 4: 1866, 2013. PMCID in progress.
- Kim D., Marchetti F., Chen Z., Zaric S., Wilson R.J., Hall D.A., Gaster R.S.,. Lee J.-R., Wang J., Osterfeld S.J., Yu H., White R.M., Blakely W.F., Peterson L., Bhatnagar S., Manion B., Tseng S., Roth K., Coleman M., Snijders A.M., Wyrobek A.J., and S. X. Wang S.X.. Nanosensor dosimetry of mouse blood proteins after exposure to ionizing radiation. Scientific Reports, 2013, 3, 2234; DOI:10.1038/srep02234, 2013. PMCID: PMC3715761.
- Kim D., Fu C., Ling X.B., Hu Z., Tao G., Zhao Y., Kastenberg Z.J., Sylvester K.G., Wang S.X., Magnetic Nanoparticle-Based Biosensor for the Diagnosis of Pediatric Necrotizing Enterocolitis,J Proteomics Bioinformatics, accepted, 2014, PMCID in progress.
- Zhang M., Bechstein D.J.B., Wilson R.J., and Wang S.X, Wafer-scale synthesis of monodisperse synthetic magnetic multilayer nanorods, Nano Letter, accepted, 2014, PMCID in progress.
- Zhang M., Xie X., Tang M., Criddle C.S., Cui Y., Wang S.X., Magnetically ultra-responsive nanoscavengers for next-generation water purification systems, Nature Communications, 4,1866, 2013. PMCID in progress.
- Zhang M., Earhart C.M., Ooi C., Wilson R.J., Tang M., and Wang S.X., Functionalization of high-moment magnetic nanodisks for cell manipulation and separation, Nano Research, 6(10), 745–751, 2013. PMCID in progress.
- Ooi C., Earhart C.M., Wilson R.J., and Wang S.X., Rapid Characterization of Magnetic Moment of Cells for Magnetic Separation, IEEE Tran. Magn, 49(7), 3434-7, 2013. PMCID in progress.
- Earhart C.M., Hughes C.E., Gaster R.S., Ooi C., Wilson R.J., Zhou L.Y., Humke E.W., Xu L., Wong D.J., Willingham S.B., Schwartz E.J., Weissman I.L., Jeffrey S.S., Neal J.W., Rohatgi R., Wakelee H.A., and Wang S.X., Isolation and mutational analysis of circulating tumor cells from lung cancer patients with magnetic sifters and biochips, Lab on a Chip, Special Issue on Circulating Tumor Cells, DOI: 10.1039/c3lc50580d, 2013. PMID: 23969419. PMCID in progress. (Cover Article)
- Fan A.C., ORourke J.J., Praharaj D.R., Felsher D.W. Real-Time Nanoscale Proteomic Analysis of the Novel Multi-Kinase Pathway Inhibitor Rigosertib to Measure the Response to Treatment of Cancer. Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs, 2013; Aug 13 [Epub ahead of print]. PMCID in progress.
Project 3: Nanotechnologies for Comprehensive Single Cancer Cell Analysis
- Fan H.C., Wang J., Potanina A,. Quake S.R. Whole Genome Molecular Haplotyping of Single Cells. Nature Biotechnology, 2011; 29 (1), 51-57. PMID: 21170043. PMCID in progress.
- McCabe K.E., Wu A.M. Positive progress in ImmunoPET – not just a coincidence. Cancer Biother. Radiopharm, 2010; 25:253-261. PMCID: PMC2936262.
- Girgis M.D., Kenanova V., Olafsen T., McCabe K.E., Wu A.M., and Tomlinson J.S. Anti-CA19-9 diabody as a PET imaging probe for pancreas cancer. J. Surg. Oncol., 2011. PMID: 21601881. PMCID in progress.
- McCabe, K.E., Liu, B., Marks J.D., Tomlinson J.S., Wu H., and Wu A.M. An engineered cysteine-modified diabody for imaging activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule (ALCAM)-positive tumors. Mol. Imag. Biol., 2011; EPub ahead of print NIHMS 316637. PMCID: PMC3227780.
- Girgis, M.D., Kenanova, V., Olafsen, T., McCabe, K.E., Wu, A.M., and Tomlinson, J.S. Anti-CA19-9 diabody as a PET imaging probe for pancreas cancer. J. Surg. Res., 2011; Epub ahead of print. PMID: 21601881. PMCID in progress.
- Girgis, M.D., Olafsen, T., Kenanova, V., McCabe, K., Wu, A.M. and Tomlinson, J.S. CA-19-9 as a potential target for radiolabeled antibody-based positron emission tomography of pancreas cancer. Int. J. Molec. Imag., Published online 2011; Sept 6. PMCID: PMC3168788.
- Kani K, Sordella R, Mallick P. Investigation of acquired resistance to EGFR-targeted therapies in lung cancer using cDNA microarrays. Methods Mol Biol., 2012; 795: 233-53. PMID: 21960227. PMCID in progress.
- Fang Q, Kani K, Faca VM, Zhang W, Zhang Q, Jain A, Hanash S, Agus DB, McIntosh MW, Mallick P. Impact of protein stability, cellular localization, and abundance on proteomic detection of tumor-derived proteins in plasma. PLoS One, 2011; 6(7): e23090. Epub 2011 Jul 29. PMCID: PMC3146523.
- Dimov I. D., Kijanka G., Park Y., Ducree J., Kang T., Lee L. P. Integrated microfluidic array plate (iMAP) for cellular and molecular analysis. Lab Chip., 2011; 11: 2701-2710. PMID: 21709914. PMCID in progress.
- Gansen, A*, Herrick A.M., Dimov, I, Lee, L.P. Chiu, D.T. Digital LAMP in a sample self-digitzation (SD) chip, Lab on a chip, 2011; PMID: 22399016. PMCID: PMC3383853.
- Chambers M.C., Maclean B., Amodei D., Ruderman D.L., Neumann S., Gatto L., Fischer B., Pratt B., Egertson J., Hoff K., Kessner D., Tasman N., Shulman N., Frewen B., Baker T.A., Brusniak M.Y., Paulse C., Creasy D., Flashner L., Kani K., Moulding C., Seymour S.L., Nuwaysir L.M., Lefebvre B., Kuhlmann F., Roark J., Rainer P., Detlev S., Hemenway T., Huhmer A., Langridge J., Connolly B., Chadick T., Holly K., Eckels J., Deutsch E.W., Moritz R.L., Katz J.E., Agus D.B., MacCross M., Tabb D.D. Mallick, P. A Cross-platform Toolkit for Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics. Nature Biotechnology, 2012; 30(10): 918-20. PMID: 23051804. PMCID: PMC3471674.
- Kani K, Faca V, Hughes L, Zhang W, Fang Q, Shahbaba B, Katz J, Luethy R, Erde J, Schmidt J, Pitteri S, Zhang Q, Plevritis S, McIntosh M, Jain A, Hanash S, Agus D, Mallick P. Quantitative proteomic profiling identifies a panel of proteins indicative of EGFR kinase inhibition response in vitro and in vivo. MCT, 2012; In Press. PMCID in progress.
- Mumenthaler, S.M*., Foo, J*., Leder, K., Choi, N.C., Agus, D.B., Pao, W., Mallick, P. & Michor, F. Evolutionary modeling of combination treatment strategies to overcome resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibitors in non-small cell lung cancer. Molecular pharmaceutics, 2011; 8: 2069-2079. PMID: 21995722. PMCID: PMC3230244.
- Hong S., Pan Q., Lee L.P. Single-Cell Level Co-culture Platform for Intercellular Communication. Integrative Biology, 2012; 4: 374-380. PMID 22434268; PMCID in progress.
- Fu M., Brewer S., Olafsen T., Wu A.M., Gordon L.K., Said J., Braun J., Wadehra M. Positron emission tomography imaging of endometrial cancer using engineered anti-EMP2 antibody fragments. Mol. Imag. Biol. Epub ahead of print. 2012; DOI: 10.1007/s11307-012-0558-y. PMID: 22585360. PMCID: PMC3553410.
- Wang J., Fan C.H., Behr B., Quake S.R. Genome-wide Single-Cell Analysis of Recombination Activity and De Novo Mutation Rates in Human Sperm. Cell, 20 July 2012; 150:402-412. PMID: 22817899. PMCID: PMC3525523.
- Federman N., Chan J., Nagy J.O., Landaw E.M., McCabe K., Wu A.M., Triche,T., Liu B., Marks J., Denny C.T., and Kang H.-G. Enhanced growth inhibition of osteosarcoma by cytotoxic polymerized liposomal nanoparticles targeting the ALCAM cell surface receptor. Sarcoma, 2012; Epub 2012 Sep. 11. PMID: 23024593. PMCID: PMC3447386.
- Byun S., Son S., Amodei D., Cermak N., Shaw J., Winslow M., Jacks T., Mallick P. and Manalis S. Characterizing deformability and surface friction of cancer cells, 2013. PNAS, Early Edition. PMCID in progress.
- Knowles, S. and Wu, A.M. Advances in ImmunoPET: Applications in oncology. J. Clin. Oncol. 2012, 30:3884-3892. PMCID in progress.
- Choe, U.-J. Rodriguez, A.R., Lee, B.S., Knowles, S., Wu, A.M., Deming, T.J. and Kamei, D.T. Endocytosis and intracellular trafficking properties of transferrin-conjugated block copolypeptide vesicles. Biomacromolecules, 2013, 14:1458-1464. PMCID in progress.
- Sano, K., Nakajima, T., Ali, T., Bartlett, D.W., Wu, A.M., Kim, I., Paik, C.H, Choyke, P.L., Kobayashi, H. Activatable fluorescent cys-diabody conjugated with indocyanine green derivative; Consideration of fluorescent catabolite kinetics on molecular imaging. ePubJ.Biomed. Optics, 2013, 18(10), 101304. PMCID: PMC3677842.
- Wu A.R., Neff N.F.,Kalisky T., Dalerba P., Barbara Treutlein, Rothenberg M.E., Mburu F.M., Mantalas G.L., Sim S., Clarke M.F. and Quake S.R., Quantitative assessment of single-cell RNA-sequencing methods, Nature Methods, Published online 20 October 2013. PMCID in progress.
- Widney, D.P., Olafsen, T., Wu, A.M., Kitchen, C.M.R., Said, J.W., Smith, J.B., Pena, G., Magpantay, L., and Martinez-Maza, O. (2013) Levels of murine, but not human, CXCL13 are greatly elevated in a NOD-SCID mice bearing the AIDS-associated Burkitt Lymphoma cell line, 2F7. PLoSOne, 2013, 8:e72414. PMCID: PMC3732224.
- Wu, A.M. (2013) Engineered antibodies for molecular imaging of cancer. Methods, doi: 10.1016/j.ymeth.2013.09.015. [Epub ahead of print] NIHMS 532167. 2013, PMCID in progress.
- Knowles, S.M., Zettlitz, K.A., Tavaré, R., Rochefort, M.M., Salazar, F.B., Stout, D.B., Yazaki, P.J., Reiter, R.E., and Wu, A.M. (2013) Quantitative immunoPET with 89Zr and 124I-labeled anti-PSCA A11 minibody. JNM. 2013, in press, PMCID in progress.
Tavaré, R., McCracken, M.N., Zettlitz, K.A., Knowles, S.M., Salazar, F.B., Olafsen, T., Witte, O.N. and Wu, A.M. Engineered antibody fragments for immunoPET imaging of endogenous CD8 T cells in vivo. PNAS. Accepted 2014. PMCID in progress.
Project 4: Integration of Nano-Molecular Imaging and Nanosensors
- Jokerst, J.V., Miao, Z., Zavaleta, C., Cheng, Z., Gambhir, S.S. Affibody Functionalized SERS Nanoparticles for Molecular Imaging of EGFR. Small, 2011; 7(5), 625-633. PMID: 21302357. PMCID: 3386295.
- Jokerst J.V., Lobovkina, T., Zare, R.N., Gambhir, S.S. Nanoparticle PEGylation for Imaging and Therapy. Nanomedicine, 2011; PMCID: PMC3217316.
- Jokerst J.V. and Gambhir S.S. Theranostic Nanoparticles in Molecular Imaging. Accounts of Chemical Research, 2011; PMCID: PMC3196845.
- Smith BR, Cheng Z, De A, Rosenberg J, Gambhir S.S. Dynamic visualization of RGD-quantum dot binding to tumor neovasculature and extravasation in multiple living mouse models using intravital microscopy. Small, 2010; Oct 18;6(20): 2222-9. [Featured on Journal Frontispiece]. PMCID: PMC3030963.
- Levi, J., Kothapalli, S. R., Ma, T. J., Hartman, K., Khuri-Yakub, B. T., Gambhir, S. S. Design, synthesis, and imaging of an activatable photoacoustic probe. Journal of American Chemical Society, 2010; 132, 11264-9. PMCID: PMC2922742.
- Ma, T.J., Kothapalli, S. R., Vaithilingam, S., Oralkan, O., Kamaya, A., Wygant, I. O., Zhuang, X., Gambhir, S. S., Jeffrey, R. B., Khuri-Yakub, B. T. 3-D deep penetration photoacoustic imaging with a 2-D CMUT array. Ultrasonics, IEEE Symposium, 2010. PMCID: PMC3438520.
- de la Zerda, A., Kim, J-W., Galanzha, E., Gambhir, S.S., Zharov, V. Advanced contrast nanoagents for photoacoustic molecular imaging, cytometry, blood test, and photothermal theranostics. Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging, 2011; 6(5):346-69. PMID: 22025336. PMCID in progress.
- de la Zerda, A.*, Liu, Z.*, Bodapati, S., Teed, R., Vaithilingam, S., Khuri-Yakub, B., Chen, X., Dai, H., Gambhir, S. S. Ultrahigh Sensitivity Carbon Nanotube Agents for Photoacoustic Molecular Imaging in Living Mice, (*equal contribution) Nano Letters, 2010; 10, 2168-72. PMCID: PMC2893026.
- de la Zerda, A., Paulus, Y., Teed, R., Bodapati, S., Dollberg, Y., Khuri-Yakub, B., Blumenkranz, M., Moshfeghi, D., Gambhir, S. S. Photoacoustic Ocular Imaging. Optics Letters, 2010; 35: 270-2. PMCID: PMC2886805.
- de la Zerda, A., Bodapati, S., Teed, R., Schipper, M., Keren, S., Smith, B., Ng, J. S. T., Gambhir, S. S. A Comparison between Time Domain and Spectral Imaging Systems for Imaging Quantum Dots in Small Living Animals. Molecular Imaging and Biology, 2010; 12: 500-8. PMCID: PMC3089652.
- Zavaleta C., Hartman K. B., Miao Z., James M.L., Kempen P., Thakor A., Nielsen C.H., Sinclair R., Cheng Z., & Gambhir S.S. (2011) Preclinical Evaluation of Raman Nanoparticle Biodistribution for Their Potential Use in Clinical Endoscopy Imaging. Small, 2011; 7(15): 232-40. PMID: 21608124. PMCID in progress.
- Thakor A.S., Luong R., Paulmurugan R., Lin F.I., Kempen P., Zavaleta C., Chu P., Massoud T.F., Sinclair R., Gambhir S.S. The fate and toxicity of Raman-active silica-gold nanoparticles in mice. Science Translational Medicine, 2011; 3(79): 79ra33 (Cover Article). PMID: 21508310. PMCID in progress.
- Thakor A.S., Paulmurugan R., Kempen P., Zavaleta C., Sinclair R., Massoud T.F., & Gambhir S.S. Oxidative stress mediates the effects of Raman-active gold nanoparticles in human cells.Small, 2011; 7(1): 126-36. PMID: 21104804. PMCID in progress.
- Van de Sompel, D., Garai, E., Zavaleta, C., Gambhir, S.S., A Hybrid Least Squares and Principal Component Analysis Algorithm for Raman Spectroscopy. Proceedings of EMBC, 2011; 6971-4. PMID: 22255942. PMCID in progress.
- Zavaleta C., Kircher M., Gambhir S.S. Raman's “Effect" on Molecular Imaging. JNM, 2011; Dec (52)12: 1839-44. PMID: 21868625. PMCID in progress.
- Van de Sompel D, Garai E, Zavaleta C, Gambhir S.S. A Hybrid Least Squares and Principal Component Analysis Algorithm for Raman Spectroscopy. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Boston, USA, 2011. PMID: 22255942. PMCID in progress.
- Jokerst J.V., Lobovkina T., Zare R.N., Gambhir S.S. PEGylated Nanoparticles for Imaging and Therapy. Nanomedicine, 2011; 6(4):715-728. PMCID: PMC3217316.
- Jokerst J.V., Miao Z., Chan C.T., Zavaleta C., Cheng Z., Gambhir S.S. Molecular Imaging of the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor in Rodent Colon via Affibody-Functionalized Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) Nanoparticles. 241st National Meeting of the American Chemical Society. Paper #00501. 2011.
- Jokerst J.V., Kothapalli S., Tabakman S., Levi J., and Gambhir S.S. A Novel Multimodality Targeted Gold Particle for Concurrent Raman/Photoacoustic Imaging. World Molecular Imaging Congress. Paper P0150. 2011.
- Jokerst J.V., Gambhir S.S. Small Silica Particles are an Alternative to Microbubbles for Ultrasound Tracking of Stem Cells in vivo. World Molecular Imaging Congress. Paper P265. 2011.
- Thakor A.S., Jokerst J.V., Zavaleta C., Massoud T.F., Gambhir S.S. Gold Nanoparticles: A Revival in Precious Metal Administration to Patients. Nano Letters, 2011; 11(10): 4029-4036. PMCID: PMC3195547.
- Jokerst J.V., Gambhir S.S. Molecular Imaging with Theranostic Nanoparticles. Accounts of Chemical Research, 2011; 44(10): 1050-1060. PMCID: PMC3196845.
- Thakor A.S., Luong R., Paulmurugan R., Lin F.I., Kempen P., Zavaleta C., Chu P., Massoud T.F., Sinclair R., Gambhir S.S. The fate and toxicity of Raman-active silica-gold nanoparticles in mice. Science Translational Medicine, 2011; 3(79):79ra33. PMID: 21508310. PMCID in progress.
- Zavaleta C.L., Hartman K.B., Miao Z., James M.L., Kempen P., Thakor A.S., Nielsen C.H., Sinclair R., Cheng Z., Gambhir S.S. Preclinical evaluation of Raman nanoparticle biodistribution for their potential use in clinical endoscopy imaging. Small, 2011; 7(15): 2232-40. PMID: 21608124. PMCID in progress.
- Kircher M.F., de la Zerda A., Jokerst J.V., Zavaleta C., Kempen P.J., Mittra E., Pitter K., Huang R., Campos C., Habte F., Sinclair R., Brennan C., Mellinghoff I.K., Holland E.C., Gambhir S.S. A Brain Tumor Molecular Imaging Strategy Using a new triple-modality MRI-photoacoustic-Raman nanoparticle. Nature Medicine, 2012; 18(5): 829-34. PMCID: PMC3422133.
- Hori, S. and Gambhir, S.S. Mathematical Model Identifies Blood Biomarker-Based Early Cancer Detection Strategies and Limitations. Sci. Trans. Medicine, 2011; 3(109): 109ra116. PMID: 22089452.
- de la Zerda, A., Bodapati, S., Teed, R., May, S., Tabakman, S., Liu, Z., Khuri-Yakub, B. T., Chen, X., Dai, H., Gambhir, S.S. Family of Enhanced Photoacoustic Imaging Agents for High Sensitivity and Multiplexing Studies in Living Mice. Nano Letters, 2012; 6(6): 4694-701. PMCID: PMC3397693.
- Jokerst J.V., Miao Z., Zavaleta C., Cheng Z., Gambhir S.S. Affibody-Functionalized Gold-Silica Nanoparticles for Raman Molecular Imaging Of The Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor. Small, 2011; 7(5): 625-633. PMCID: PMC3386295.
- Jokerst J.V., Miao Z., Chan C.T., Zavaleta C., Cheng Z., Gambhir S.S. Molecular Imaging of the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor in Rodent Colon via Affibody-Functionalized Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) Nanoparticles. 241st National Meeting of the American Chemical Society. Paper #00501. 2011.
- Jokerst J.V., Thangaraj M., Kempen P.J., Sinclair R., Gambhir S.S. Photoacoustic Imaging of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Living Mice via Silica-Coated Gold Nanorods. ACS Nano, 2012; 6(7): 5920-5930. PMID: 22681633. PMCID in progress.
- Jokerst J.V., Cole A.J., Van de Sompel D., Gambhir S.S. Gold Nanorods for Ovarian Cancer Detection with Photoacoustic Imaging and Resection Guidance via Raman Imaging in Living Mice. ACS Nano, 2012; 6(11): 10366-77. PMID: 23101432. PMCID: PMC3582222.
- Fu A, Wilson RJ, Smith BR, Mullenix J, Earhart C, Akin D, Guccione S, Wang SX, Gambhir SS. Fluorescent magnetic nanoparticles for magnetically enhanced cancer imaging and targeting in living subjects. ACS Nano, 2012; Aug 28;6(8): 6862-9. PMID: 22857784. PMCID in progress.
- Jokerst J.V., Khademi C., Gambhir S.S. Intracellular Aggregation of Multimodal Silica Nanoparticles for Ultrasound-Guided Stem Cell Implantation in Living Mice. Science Translational Medicine, Accepted February 21, 2013; In Press. PMCID in progress.
- Smith B.R., Zavaleta C., Liu Z., Tong R., Ramunas J., Dai H., Gambhir S.S. High-resolution, serial intravital microscopic imaging of nanoparticle delivery and targeting in a small animal tumor model. Nano Today, 2013; In Press. PMCID in progress.
- Frieboes H., Smith B.R., Chuang Y-L, Ito K., Roettgers A.M., Gambhir S.S., Cristini V. An Integrated Computational/Experimental Model of Lymphoma Growth. PLoS Computational Biology, 2013; In Press. PMCID in progress.
- Smith, B.R., Kempen, P., Bouley, D., Liu, Z., Dai, H., Sinclair, R. Gamhir, S.S. Shape Matters: Intravital Microscopy Reveals Surprising Geometrical Dependence for Nanoparticles in Tumor Models of Extravasation. Nano Letters, 2012; 12(7): 3369-77. PMCID: PMC3495189.
- Bohndiek S., Gambhir S.S. Molecular Imaging with gold nanoparticles combined with Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. Imaging Med., 2013; 5(1): 11-14. PMCID in progress.
- Ito K., Smith B.R., Parashurama N., Yoon J.K., Song S.Y., Miething C., Mallick P., Lowe S., Gambhir S.S. Unexpected dissemination patterns in lymphoma progression revealed by serial imaging within a murine lymph node. Cancer Research, 72(23): 6111-8. PMCID in progress.
- Kothapalli S.R., Ma T.J., Waithilingam S., Oralkan O., Khuri-Yakub B.T., Gambhir S.S. Deep tissue photoacoustic imaging using a miniaturized 2-D Capacitive miromachined ultrasonic transducer array. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 2012; 59(5): 119-204. PMCID in progress.
- Kotsuma M., Parashurama N., Smith B.R., Gambhir S.S. Non-desctructive, serial in vivo imaging of a tissue-flap using a tissue adhesion barrier: applications for IVM imaging in the mammary fat pad and lymph node. IntraVital, 2012; 1(1): 1-8. (Cover Article). PMCID in progress.
- Van de Sompel D., Sasportas L., Dragulescu-Andrasi A., Bohndiek S., Gambhir S.S. Improving image quality by accounting for changes in water temperature during a photoacoustic tomography scan. PLoS One, 2012; 7(10):e45337. PMCID: PMC3469660.
- Ziv K., Gambhir S.S. Bioengineering and regenerative medicine: Keeping track. Nature Material, 2013; 12(3): 180-1. PMCID in progress.
- Smith B.R., Zavaleta C., Liu Z., Tong R., Ramunas J., Dai H, Gambhir S.S. High-resolution, serial intravital microscopic imaging of nanoparticle delivery and targeting in a small animal tumor model. Nano Today. 2013, 8:126-37. PMCID in progress.
- Frieboes H., Smith B.R., Chuang Y-L., Ito K., Roettgers A.M., Gambhir S.S., Cristini V. An Integrated Computational/Experimental Model of Lymphoma Growth. PLoS Computational Biology. 2013, In press. PMCID in Progress.
- Bohndiek S.E., Wagadarikar A., Zavaleta C.L., Sompel D.V.D., Garai E., Jokerst J.V., Yazdanfar S., and Gambhir S.S. A small animal Raman instrument for rapid, wide-area, spectroscopic imaging. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013, 110(30): 12408-12413.
- Smith B.R., Kempen P., Bouley D., Xu A., Liu Z., Melosh N., Dai H., Sinclair R, and Gambhir SS. Shape matters: intravital microscopy reveals surprising geometrical dependence for nanoparticles in tumor models of extravasation. Nano Letters. 2013, 12(7): 3369-3377. PMCID in Progress.
- Bohndiek S.E. and Gambhir S.S. Molecular imaging with gold nanoparticles combined with Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. Imaging Med. 2013, 5 (1) 11-14. PMCID in Progress.
- Jokerst J.V., Khademi C., and Gambhir SS. Intracellular Aggregation of Multimodal Silica Nanoparticles for Ultrasound-Guided Stem Cell Implantation in Living Mice. Science Translational Medicine. 2013, 5: 177ra135. PMCID in Progress.
- Ziv K., Gambhir S.S. Bioengineering and regenerative medicine: Keeping track. Nature Materials. 2013, Mar;12(3):180-1. PMCID in progress.
- Bohndiek, S. E., Bodapati S., Van De Sompei D., Kothapalli S-R., Gambhir S.S. Development and Application of Stable Phantoms for the Evaluation of Photoacoustic Imaging Instruments.PLoS One. 2013, 8(9): e75533. PMCID in progress.
- Bohndiek, S. E., Bodapati S., Van De Sompei D., Kothapalli S-R., Gambhir S.S. Stable phantoms for characterization of photoacoustic tomography (PAT) systems. SPIE BiOS, International Society for Optics and Photonics. 2013, 858308-6. PMCID in progress.
- Dragulescu-Andrasi, A., Kothapalli, S.R., Tikhomirov G.A., Rao J., Gambhir S.S. Activatable oligomerizable imaging agents for photoacoustic imaging of furin-like activity in living subjects.J Am Chem Soc. 2013, 135(30): 11015-11022. PMCID in progress.
- Frieboes, H. B., Smith B.R., Chuang Y-L, Ito K., Roettgers A.M., Gambhir S.S., Cristini V. An Integrated Computational/Experimental Model of Lymphoma Growth. PLoS computational biology. 2013, 9(3): e1003008. PMCID in progress.
- Garai, E., Sensam S., Zavaleta C.L., Van de Sompei, D., Loewke, N.O., Mandella M.J., Gambhir S.S., Contag C.H. High-sensitivity, real-time, ratiometric imaging of surface-enhanced Raman scattering nanoparticles with a clinically translatable Raman endoscope device. J Biomed Opt. 2013, 18(9): 096008-096008.
- Jokerst, J. V. and Gambhir S.S. Development of appropriate imaging methods to trace cell fate, engraftment and cell survival. Translational Regenerative Medicine. A. a. Allickson, 2014, Elsevier.
- Jokerst, J. V., Khademi C., and Gambhir S.S. Intracellular aggregation of multimodal silica nanoparticles for ultrasound-guided stem cell implantation. Sci Transl Med. 2013, 5(177): 177ra135. PMCID: PMC3839309.
- Jokerst, J. V., Pohling C., and Gambhir S.S. Molecular imaging with surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy nanoparticle reporters. MRS bulletin/Materials Research Society. 2013, 38(8). PMCID in progress.
- Kitagawa, T., Kosuge H., Chang E., James M.L., Yamamoto T., Shen B., Chin F.T., Gambhir S.S., Dalman R.L., and McConnell, M.V. Integrin-Targeted Molecular Imaging of Experimental Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms by 18F-labeled Arg-Gly-Asp Positron-Emission Tomography. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2013, 6(6): 950-956. PMCID in progress.
- Levi, J., Kothapalli, S.R., Bohndiek S., Yoon J-K., Dragulescu-Andrasi A., Nielsan C., Tisma A., Bodapati S., Gowrishankar G., and Yan X. Molecular photoacoustic imaging of follicular thyroid carcinoma. Clinical Cancer Research. 2013, 19(6): 1494-1502. PMCID in progress.
- Nair, V.S., Keu K.V., Luttgen M.S., Kolatkar A., Vasanawala M., Kuschner W., Bethel K., Iagaru A.H., Hoh C., Shrager J.B., Loo, B.W. Jr., Bazhenova L., Nieva J., Gambhir S.S. and Kuhn P. An observational study of circulating tumor cells and (18)F-FDG PET uptake in patients with treatment-naive non-small cell lung cancer. PLoS One. 2013, 8(7): e67733. PMCID in progress.
- Salm, E., Duarte C., Dak P., Dorvel B., Reddy Jr. B., Alam A., and Bashir R. Ultra-localized Thermal Reactions in Sub-Nanoliter Droplets-in-Air. PNAS. 2013, 110: 3310-3315. PMCID in progress.
- Van de Sompel, D., D., Garai E., Zavaleta C., and Gambhir S.S. A comparison of noise models in a hybrid reference spectrum and principal components analysis algorithm for Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. 2013., 44(6): 841-856. PMCID in progress.
- Van de Sompel, D., Garai E., Zavaleta C., and Gambhir S.S. Comparison of gaussian and poisson noise models in a hybrid reference spectrum and principal component analysis algorithm for raman spectroscopy. SPIE BiOS, International Society for Optics and Photonics. 2013, 85900I-85900I-12. PMCID in progress.
- Zavaleta, C.L., Garai E., Liu J.T., Sensam S., Mandella M.J., Van De Sompei, D., Friedland S., Van Dam J., Contag C.H., and Gambhir S.S. A Raman-based endoscopic strategy for multiplexed molecular imaging. PNAS. 2013, 110(25): E2288-E2297. PMCID in progress.
Core 1: Nanoinformatics
- Klemm J., Baker N., Thomas D., Harper S., Hoover M.D., Fritts M., Cachau R., Gaheen S., Pan S., Stafford G., Paik D.S. nano-TAB: A Standard File Format for Data Submission and Exchange on Nanomaterials and Characterizations. Nanoinformatics, 2010; November (poster).
- Baker N.A., Cachau R., Collins B., Fragoso G., Freund E.T., Fritts M., Gaheen S., Hahn-Dantona E., Harper S., Hoover M.D., Klaessig F., Klemm J., Malghan S., Paik D.S., Pan S., Reznik-Zellen R., Stafford G.A., Stokes T., Thomas D. Identifying the Common Informatics Needs of Nanomedicine Characterization Methodology. caBIG Annual Meeting, 2010; September (poster).
- Kode K.K., Shachaf C., Elchuri S.V., Nolan G., Paik D.S. Raman Labeled Nanoparticles for in-vivo Imaging: Characterization of Variability and Improved Method for Unmixing. World Molecular Imaging Congress, 2010; September (poster).
- Thomas D.G., Klaessig F., Harper S.L., Fritts M., Hoover M.D., Gaheen S., Stokes T.H., Reznik-Zellen R., Freund E.T., Klemm J.D., Paik D.S., Baker N.A. Informatics and standards for nanomedicine technology. WIRES Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology. 2011; 3(5):511-32. PMCID: PMC3189420.
- Kode K., Shachaf C., Elchuri S., Nolan G., Paik D.S. Raman Labeled Nanoparticles: Characterization of Variability and Improved Method for Unmixing. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2011; In press. PMCID in progress.
Core 2: Nanocharacterization and Nanofabrication
- Hu W., Zhang M., Wilson R.J., Koh A.L., Wi J-S., Tang M., Sinclair R. and Wang S.X. Fabrication of planar, layered nanoparticles using tri-layer resist templates. Nanotechnology, 2011; 22:185302. PMCID: PMC3143003.
- Thakor A.S., Luong R., Paulmurugan R., Lin F.I., Kempen P., Zavaleta C., Chu P., Massoud T.F., Sinclair R., and Gambir S.S. The Fate and Toxicity of Raman-Active Silica-Gold Nanoparticles in Mice. Sci Transl Med., 2011; 20 April, 3:79ra33. PMID: 21508310. PMCID In progress.
- Thakor A.S., Paulmurugan R., Kempen P., Zavaleta C., Sinclair R., Massoud T.F., and Gambhir S.S., Oxidative Stress Mediates the Effects of Raman-Active Gold Nanoparticles in Human Cells. Small, 2011; 7: 126–136. PMID: 21104804. PMCID in progress.
- Koh A.L. and Sinclair R. Scanning Electron Microscopy and Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 2010; I17.3. PMCID In progress.
- Koh A.L., Hu W., Wilson R.J., Earhart C.M., Wang S.X., and Sinclair R. Structural and magnetic characterization of high moment synthetic antiferromagnetic nanoparticles fabricated using self-assembled stamps. J. Appl. Phys., 2010; 107:09B522 1-3. PMCID: PMC2881929.
- Kempen P.J., Thakor A.S., Zavaleta C.L., Gambhir S.S., and Sinclair R. Utilizing scanning transmission electron microscopy to locate and image Raman active gold core nanoparticles in mouse tissue. Microsc. Microanal., 2010; 16 (Suppl. 2): 1116-1117. PMCID In progress.
- Koh A.L. and Sinclair R. Organic-Inorganic Particles as Labels to Trace Biological Signaling Pathways. Microsc. Microanal.,2010; 16 (Suppl. 2): 1130-1131. PMCID In progress.
- Koh A.L. and Sinclair R. Electron microscopy investigations of Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) nanoparticles and their applications to cancer detection. Proc. IMC XVII, 2010; M16.15. PMCID in progress.
- Kempen P.J., Thakor A.S., Zavaleta C.L., Gambhir S.S., and Sinclair R. Utilizing scanning transmission electron microscopy to locate and image Raman active gold core nanoparticles in mouse tissue. Proc. IMC XVII, 2010; M16.4. PMCID In progress.
- Chin R. and Sinclair R. Developing remote microscopy at a university user facility. Proc. IMC XVII, 2010; I17.3. PMCID in progress.
- Kempen, P.J., Smith B.R., Kircher M.F., Gambhir S.S., and Sinclair R. Correlative Microscopy of Tumor Vasculature. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 2011; 360-361. doi:10.1017/S1431927611002674. PMCID In progress.
- Kircher M.F., de la Zerda A., Jokerst J.V., Zavaleta C., Kempen P.J., Mittra E., Pitter K., Huang R., Campos C., Habte F., Sinclair R., Brennan C., Mellinghoff I.K., Holland E.C., Gambhir S.S. A Brain Tumor Molecular Imaging Strategy Using a new triple-modality MRI-photoacoustic-Raman nanoparticle. Nature Medicine, 2012; 18(5): 829-34. PMCID: PMC3422133.
- Zavaleta C.L., Hartman K.B., Miao Z., James M.L., Kempen P.J., Thakor A.S., Nielsen C.H., Sinclair R., Cheng Z., Gambhir S.S. Preclinical evaluation of Raman nanoparticle biodistribution for their potential use in clinical endoscopy imaging. Small, 2011; 7(15): 2232-40. PMID: 21608124. PMCID in progress.
- Koh A.L. and Sinclair R. Scanning Electron microscopy and Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Correlation Studies of Functionalized Composite Organic-Inorganic SERS Nanoparticles on Cancer Cells. Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 2011; 1316: mrsf10-1316-qq11-06 doi: 10.1557/opi.2011.664. PMCID: PMC2650478.
- Jokerst, JV, Thangaraj, M., Kempen, P., Sinclair, R., and Gambhir, S.S. Photoacoustic Imaging of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Living Mice via Silica-Coated Gold Nanorods. ACS Nano, 2012; 6(7): 5920-30. PMID: 22681633. PMCID In progress.
- Smith, B.R., Kempen, P., Bouley, D., Liu, Z., Dai, H., Sinclair, R. Gamhir, S.S. Shape Matters: Intravital Microscopy Reveals Surprising Geometrical Dependence for Nanoparticles in Tumor Models of Extravasation. Nano Letters, 2012; 12(7): 3369-77. PMCID: PMC3495189.
- Kempen, P.J. Electron Microscopy Investigations of Nanoparticles Conjugated to Biological Systems, PhD Dissertation, Stanford University: 2012.
- Kempen, P.J.,Thakor, A.S., Zavaleta, C.L., Gambhir,S.S. and Sinclair, R. A Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy Technique to Analyze 'Large' Volumes of Tissue for the Presence of Raman Active Gold Core Nanoparticles. Microsc. Microanal. 2013,19(5):1290-1297. PMCID: PMC3778105.
- Scholl, J.A., Koh, A.L., Dionne, J.A. Quantum plasmon resonances of individual metallic nanoparticles. (Cover) Nature, 2012; 483 (March 22): 421-428. PMID: 22437611. PMCID In progress.
- Smith B.R., Cheng Z., De A., Koh A.L., Sinclair R., and Gambhir S.S. Real-Time Intravital Imaging of RGD-Quantum Dot Binding to Luminal Endothelium in Mouse Tumor Neovasculature. Nano Letters, 2008; 8(9): 2599-2606. PMID: 18386933. PMCID in progress.
- Kircher M.F., De La Zerda A., Jokerst J.V., Zavaleta C.L., Kempen P.J., Mittra E.S., Pitter K., Huang R., Campos C., Habte F., Sinclair R, Brennan C.W., Mellinghoff I.K., Holland E.C., Gambhir S.S. A brain tumor molecular imaging strategy using a new triple-modality MRI-photoacoustic-Raman nanoparticle. Nature Medicine, 2012; Advanced online publication. doi:10.1038/nm.2721. PMCID: PMC3422133.
- Jokerst J.V., Thangaraj M., Kempen P.J., R. Sinclair, Gambhir S.S., Photoacoustic Imaging of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Living Mice via Silica-Coated Gold Nanorods. ACS Nano, 2012; 6(7):5920-30. PMCID: PMC3582222.
- Smith B.R., Kempen P.J., Bouley D., Liu Z., Dai H., Sinclair R., Gamhir S.S., Shape Matters: Intravital Microscopy Reveals Surprising Geometrical Dependence for Nanoparticles in Tumor Models of Extravasation. Nano Letters 2012; 12(7):3369-77. PMCID: PMC349518.
- Koh A.L., Gidcumb E., Zhou O. and Sinclair R., Observation of Carbon Nanotube Oxidation in an Aberration-Corrected, Environmental Transmission Electron Microscope. ACS Nano. 2013; In-press. DOI: 10.1021/nn305949h. NIHMSID: NIHMS442328. PMCID in progress.
- De la Zerda A., Kircher M.F., Jokerst J.V., Zavaleta C.L., Kempen P.J., Mittra E., Pitter K., Huang R., Campos C., Habte F., Sinclair R., Brennan C.W, Mellinghoff I.K,. Holland E.C., Gambhir S.S. A brain tumor molecular imaging strategy using a new triple-modality MRI-photoacoustic-Raman nanoparticle. Proc SPIE 8581, Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing. 2013; 85810G DOI:10.1117/12.2991719.
- Sinclair R., Li H., Madsen S., Dai H. HREM analysis of graphite-encapsulated metallic nanoparticles for possible medical applications. Ultramicroscopy 2013; 134 167-174. PMCID: PMC3769614.
- Kempen P.J., Hitzman C., Sasportas L.S., Gambhir S.S., Sinclair R. Advanced characterization techniques for nanoparticles for cancer research: applications of SEM and nanoSIMS for locating Au nanoparticles in cells. Mater. Res. Soc. Online Proc. Library. 2013; 1569. PMCID in progress.
- Khurana A., Chapelin F., Beck G., Lenkov O.D., Donig J., Nejadnik H., Messing S., Derugin N., Chan R.C., Gaur A., Sennino B., McDonald D.M., Kempen .PJ., Tikhomirov G.A., Rao J., Daldrup-Link H.E. Iron administration before stem cell harvest enables MR imaging tracking after transplantation. Radiology. 2013; 269(1) 186-197. PMCID: PMC3781357.
- Kempen P.J., Nejadnik H., Ye D., Rutt B.K., Rao J., Daldrup-Link HE, Sinclair R. Locating and characterizing self-assembled gadolinium chelate nanoparticles in stem cells using TEM.Microscopy and Microanalysis. 2013; 19 (Suppl. 2): 178-179. doi:10.1017/S1431927613002882. PMCID in progress.
- Madsen S., Kempen P., Sinclair R. Characterization of E-beam fabricated gold nanoparticles.Microscopy and Microanalysis. 2013; 19 (Suppl. 2): 1554-1555. doi:10.1017/S1431927613009768. PMCID in progress.
- Koh A.L., Gidcumb E., Zhou O., Sinclair R. Oxidation studies of carbon nanotubes for applications as x-ray field emitters using an aberration-corrected, environmental TEM.Microscopy and Microanalysis. 2013; 19(Suppl. 2): 466-467. PMCID in progress.
Core 3: Clinical and Translational and Integration
- See Research Project 2, Research Project 3 and Research Project 4 Reports
Pilot Project 1
- Smith B.R., Cheng Z., De A., Rosenberg J., Gambhir S.S. Dynamic Visualization of RGD-Quantum Dot Binding to Tumor Neovasculature and Extravasation in Multiple Living Mouse Models Using Intravital Microscopy. Small, 2010; 6(20): 2222–2229. PMCID: PMC3030963.
- Smith B.R., Cheng Z., De A., Koh A.L., Sinclair R., and Gambhir S.S. Real-Time Intravital Imaging of RGD-Quantum Dot Binding to Luminal Endothelium in Mouse Tumor Neovasculature. Nano Letters, 2008; 8(9): 2599-2606. PMID: 18386933. PMCID in progress.
- Zhao H., Shaqfeh E.S.G. and Narsimhan V. Shear-induced particle migration in a cellular suspension. Physics of Fluids. 2012; 24:011902. PMCID in progress.
- Shambat G., Kothapalli S.R., Provine J., Sarmiento T., Harris J., Gambhir S.S., and Vuckovic J., Single-cell photonic nanocavity probes. Nano Letters, advanced print 2013. PMCID in progress.
Pilot Project 2
- Brnard E.S, Pala R.A, and Brongersma M.L. Photocurrent mapping of near-field optical antenna resonances. Nature Nanotechnology, 2011. PMID: 1857687. PMCID In progress.
Alliance Challenge Project 1
- Vandersarl, J.J., Xu, A.M, and Melosh, N.A. Nanostraws for Direct Fluidic Intracellular Access.Nano Letters, 2012; 12(8): 3881-6. PMCID in progress.
- Salm, E., C. Duarte, P. Dak, B. Dorvel, B. Reddy Jr., A. Alam, and R. Bashir, Ultra localized Thermal Reactions in Sub-Nanoliter Droplets-in-Air. PNAS, 2013, 110: 3310-3315. PMCID: PMC3587226.