Medical Student & Resident Educations
Medical Student Education
Our division welcomes medical students for training in our specialty. Known as a medical clerkship, this offering teaches future physicians to diagnose and care for children with blood diseases. Students participate in a hematology clinic, inpatient consultations, and small group discussions of clinical problems. They also receive instruction on reading blood and bone marrow samples.
A more advanced clerkship is also available to qualified medical students, the subinternship. This training offers an intensive learning experience on the hematology/oncology unit at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital. Students act as primary caretakers for their patients, working as part of a ward team and supervised by residents, fellows, and physicians. They participate in rounds and procedures, such as bone marrow aspiration and lumbar puncture. Students in this clerkship strengthen their medical skills and learn to manage complex cases.
To learn more, please visit the Stanford School of Medicine site here.
Resident Education
The Division of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology offers a four week visiting resident rotation designed to increase resident
knowledge of the pathophysiology and presentation of some of the most common hematologic and oncologic disorders. This rotation is designed to equip the general pediatrician with tools to recognize some of the possible presentations for these disorders and to make appropriate referrals. The resident will become familiar and develop a general approach to the work-up of patients with anemia, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, thrombophilia, coagulopathies and the most common neoplasms in children. The residents will develop these approaches through several activities: inpatient and outpatient care of hematology/oncology patients and inpatient hematology consultations, didactic learning sessions, inpatient and outpatient clinical sign-outs, performing literature searches for patient care, interacting with the medical team, and through
To learn more, please visit the Graduate Medical Education Visiting Resident site here.