California Pacific Medical Center (CPMC)

California Pacific Medical Center (CPMC), located in San Francisco, CA and part of the Sutter Health network, provides pediatric care to babies, young children, and adolescents through age 18. Our group at CPMC is comprised of six Pediatric Hospitalists who care for a variety of common diagnoses such as asthma, bronchiolitis, pneumonia, and bone and soft tissue infections. Additionally, we have several LPCH-affiliated and community pediatric subspecialists available for consultation at CPMC for common and complex diagnoses. Our hospitalists work in partnership with referring pediatricians during each child's hospitalization. These physicians -- who are available in the Pediatric Units 24 hours a day -- coordinate and oversee all inpatient care including subspecialty appointments, procedures, tests and transport. Families consider our hospitalists as their liaison to the Medical Center and an important resource regarding their child's health. Other benefits offered by our hospitalists include:

  • Board-certified pediatricians who coordinate all inpatient care and provide round-the-clock coverage, seven days a week
  • An experienced, consistent health care team
  • Ongoing communciation with and organized discharge/follow-up 


For general questions about CPMC, please contact Dr. Megan Faughnan, Medical Director at