About Santa Clara Valley Medical Center

Santa Clara Valley Medical Center is a 574 bed hospital located 20 miles south of Stanford Hospital. It is the major county hospital for the population of San Jose and beyond, encompassing nearly 2 million people. Training here is overseen by a number of highly seasoned clinicians who are affiliated with Stanford. 


Name Position Stanford Affiliation
Dr. Eric Hsiao SCVMC Division Chief Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine  
Dr. John Wehner SCVMC Medical Director of Respiratory Care
Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine
Dr. Vibha Mohindra
Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine
Dr. Amit Gohil SCVMC PCCM and CCM Fellowship Site Director Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine
Dr. Virginia Chen
SCVMC Clinical Assistant Professor
Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine
Dr. Umang Barvalia SCVMC Director Residency POCUS Training
Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine
Dr. Heng Duong SCVMC Clinical Assistant Professor Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine  

Dr. Kirsch, chief of the service, reviews a CT with an internal medicine resident

SCVMC ICU Fellowship Director Dr. Mohindra and fellow Meghan Ramsey review a case

Former fellows Drs. Gohil and Chen prepare for attending another busy ICU service