About the Institute

Stanford has been a leader in stem cell research for the past three decades. In 2001, Stanford University School of Medicine unveiled a plan to create five new translational institutes of medicine, one of which is the Stanford Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine. The institute was established in 2002 to build on Stanford’s leadership in stem cell science and to set the foundations for the creation of a new field of science: regenerative medicine. Under the direction of renowned stem cell researcher Dr. Irving Weissman, the institute is devoted to exploring the how stem cells are created, the mechanisms by which they are regulated and how they devolve into specialized cells. The ultimate goal is to translate this knowledge into dramatic new medical therapies for some of the world’s most serious and intractable afflictions. Finally, as part of Stanford School of Medicine, the institute is dedicated to training the next generation of stem cell researchers.

The Institute is structured to foster success in meeting these goals. Interdisciplinary collaborations are the engine that promotes discovery and accelerates translational research. Collaborations between faculty, post-docs and students from diverse disciplines have led to significant discoveries and have been a hallmark of Stanford’s leadership in the past. This fertile, interdisciplinary environment is partly due to the proximity of the seven schools on Stanford’s compact campus, the Stanford Hospital and Clinics, and the entrepreneurial environment of Silicon Valley. This environment is a stage for dynamic collaboration among those who will create the future of medicine: basic scientists, clinical researchers, medical care providers, legal and ethical scholars, biomedical engineers, business leaders, and venture capitalists.