Chichilnisky Lab - Publications

Shah NP, Phillips AJ, Madugula SS, Lotlikar A, Gogliettino AR, Hays M, Grosberg L, Brown J, Dusi A, Tandon P, Hottowy P, Dabrowsky W, Sher A, Litke AM, Mitra S, and Chichilnisky EJ. (2024) Precise control of neural activity using dynamically optimized electrical stimulation. eLife 2024;13:e83424. [reprint]

Wu EG, Brackbill N, Rhoades C, Kling A, Gogliettino AR, Shah NP, Sher A, Litke AM, Simoncelli EP, and Chichilnisky EJ. (2024) Fixational eye movements enhance the precision of visual information transmitted by the primate retina. Nature Communications. 7964 [reprint]

Zaidi M, Aggarwal G, Shah NP, Karniol-Tambour O, Goetz G, Madugula SS, Gogliettino AR, Wu EG, Kling A, Brackbill N, Sher A, Litke AM, and Chichilnisky EJ. (2023) Inferring light responses of primate retinal ganglion cells using intrinsic electrical signatures. J. Neur. Eng. 20:045001 [reprint]

Gogliettino AR, Madugula SS, Grosberg LE, Vilkhu RS, Brown J, Nguyen H, Kling A,  Hottowy P , Dąbrowski W , Sher A, Litke AM, and Chichilnisky EJ. (2023) High-Fidelity Reproduction of Visual Signals by Electrical Stimulation in the Central Primate Retina. J Neurosci. 43(25):4625-4641. [reprint]

Madugula SS,  Vilkhu R, Shah NP, Grosberg LE, Kling A, Gogliettino AR, Nguyen H, Hottowy P,  Sher A, Litke AM, Chichilnisky EJ. (2023) Inference of Electrical Stimulation Sensitivity from Recorded Activity of Primate Retinal Ganglion Cells. J Neurosci. 43(26):4808-4820. [reprint]

Madugula S, Gogliettino AR, Zaidi M, Aggarwal G, Kling A, Shah NP, Brown J, Vilkhu R, Hays M, Nguyen H, Fan V, Wu EG, Hottowy P, Sher A, Litke AM, Silva RA, Chichilnisky EJ (2022). Focal electrical stimulation of human retinal ganglion cells for vision restoration. J. Neur. Eng. 19 (066040) [reprint]

So E, Yeon P, Chichilnisky EJ & Arbabian A (2022) An RF-Ultrasound Relay for Adaptive Wireless Powering Across Tissue InterfacesIEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, doi: 10.1109/JSSC.2022.3171233. [reprint]

Shah NP, Brackbill N, Samarakoon R, Rhoades C, Kling A, Sher A, Litke A, Singer Y, Shlens J, Chichilnisky EJ (2022). Individual variability of neural computations in the primate retina. Neuron. 2022 Feb 16;110(4):698-708.e5. [reprint] [preview]

Vilkhu R, Madugula S, Grosberg LE, Gogliettino AR, Hottowy P, Dabrowski W, Sher A, Litke AM, Mitra S, Chichilnisky EJ (2021). Spatially patterned bi-electrode epiretinal stimulation for axon avoidance at cellular resolution. J. Neur. Eng. 18 (06607) [reprint]

Kim YJ, Brackbill N, Batty E, Lee J, Mitelut C, Tong W, Chichilnisky EJ, Paninski L (2021)  Nonlinear Decoding of Natural Images From Large-Scale Primate Retinal Ganglion Recordings. Neural Computation 33, 1719–1750. [reprint]

Brackbill N, Rhoades C, Kling A, Shah NP, Sher A, Litke AM, Chichilnisky EJ (2020). Reconstruction of natural images from responses of primate retinal ganglion cells. eLife 2020;9:e58516. [reprint]

Shah NP, Chichilnisky, EJ (2020). Computational challenges and opportunities for a bi-directional artificial retina. J. Neural Eng. 17 055002 [reprint]

Obaid A, Hanna M, Wu Y, Kollo M, Racz R, Angle MR, Müller J, Brackbill N, Wray W, Franke F, Chichilinsky EJ, Hierlemann A, Ding JB, Schaefer AT, Melosh NA (2020). Massively parallel microwire arrays integrated with CMOS chips for neural recording. Science Advances. Vol. 6, no. 12, eaay2789 [reprint]

Shah NP, Brackbill N, Rhoades C, Kling A, Goetz G, Litke AM, Sher A, Simoncelli E, Chichilnisky EJ (2020). Inference of nonlinear receptive field subunits with spike-triggered clustering. Elife: 9:e45743. [reprint]

Shah NP, Madugula S, Hottowy P, Sher A, Litke A, Paninski L, Chichilnisky EJ (2019). Efficient characterization of electrically evoked responses for neural interfaces. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32: 14421–14431 [reprint]

Shah NP,  Madugula, S; Grosberg, L, Mena, G, Tandon, P, Hottowy P, Sher A, Litke A, Mitra S., Chichilnisky EJ (2019). Optimization of Electrical Stimulation for a High-Fidelity Artificial Retina. IEEE NER, March 2019, San Francisco, CA [reprint]

Rhoades CE, Shah NP, Manookin MB, Brackbill N, Kling A, Goetz G, Sher A, Litke AM, Chichilnisky EJ (2019). Unusual physiological properties of smooth monostratified ganglion cell types in primate retina. Neuron. 103:1-15 [reprint][preview]

Kling A, Field GD, Brainard DH, Chichilnisky EJ (2019). Probing computation in the primate visual system at single-cone resolution. Annu Rev Neurosci. 42:169–86. [reprint]

Golden JR, Erickson-Davis C, Cottaris NP, Parthasarathy N, Rieke F, Brainard D, Wandell B, Chichilnisky EJ (2019). Simulation of visual perception and learning with a retinal prosthesis. J Neural Eng. 16:025003. [reprint]

Fan VH, Grosberg LE, Madugula SS, Hottowy P, Dabrowski W, Sher A, Litke AM, Chichilnisky EJ (2019). Epiretinal stimulation with local returns enhances selectivity at cellular resolution. J Neural Eng. 16:025001. [reprint]

Field GD, Uzzell V, Chichilnisky EJ, Rieke F (2019). Temporal resolution of single photon responses in primate rod photoreceptors and limits imposed by cellular noise. J Neurophysiol. 121:255–268. [reprint]

Shah NP, Madugula S, Chichilnisky EJ, Singer Y, Shlens J (2018). Learning a neural response metric for retinal prosthesis. International Conference on Learning Representations, Vancouver, Canada. [reprint]

Ravi S, Ahn D, Greschner M, Chichilnisky EJ, Field GD (2018). Pathway-specific asymmetries between ON and OFF visual signals.  J Neurosci. 38 (45) 9728-9740. [reprint]

Mena GE, Grosberg LE, Madugula S, Hottowy P, Litke A, Cunningham J, Chichilnisky EJ, Paninski L (2017). Electrical stimulus artifact cancellation and neural spike detection on large multi-electrode arrays. PLoS Comput Biol. 13(11):e1005842. [reprint]

Batty E, Merel J, Brackbill N, Heitman A, Sher A, Litke A, Chichilnisky EJ, Paninski L (2017). Multilayer recurrent network models of primate retinal ganglion cell responses. International Conference on Learning Representations, Toulon, France. [reprint]

Parthasarathy N, Batty E, Falcon W,  Rutten T, Rajpal M, Chichilnisky EJ, and Paninski L (2017). Neural networks for efficient Bayesian decoding of natural images from retinal neurons. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 30:6437-6448. [reprint]

Grosberg LE, Ganesan K, Goetz GA, Madugula SS, Bhaskhar N, Fan V, Li P, Hottowy P, Dabrowski W, Sher A, Litke AM, Mitra S, Chichilnisky EJ (2017). Activation of ganglion cells and axon bundles using epiretinal electrical stimulation. J Neurophysiol 118(3):1457-1471. [reprint]

Greschner M, Heitman AK, Field GD, Li PH, Ahn D, Sher A, Litke AM, Chichilnisky EJ (2016). Identification of a retinal circuit for recurrent suppression using indirect electrical imaging. Current Biology 26:1935-1942 [reprint]

Richard E, Goetz GA, & Chichilnisky EJ (2015). Recognizing retinal ganglion cells in the dark. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 28: 2467-2475. [reprint]

Freeman J, Field GD, Li PH, Greschner M, Gunning DE, Mathieson K, Sher A, Litke AM, Paninski L, Simoncelli EP, Chichilnisky EJ (2015). Mapping nonlinear receptive field structure in primate retina at single cone resolution. eLife 2015;4: e05241. [reprint]

Latimer KW, Chichilnisky EJ, Rieke F & Pillow JW (2014). Inferring synaptic conductances from spike trains with a biophysically inspired point process model. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 27:954-962. [reprint]

Li PH, Gauthier JL, Schiff M, Sher A, Ahn D, Field GD, Greschner M, Callaway EM, Litke AJ, Chichilnisky EJ (2015). Anatomical identification of extracellularly recorded cells in large-scale multielectrode recordings. Journal of Neuroscience 35:4663-4675. [reprint]

Jepson LH, Hottowy P, Weiner GA, Dabrowski W, Litke AM, & Chichilnisky EJ (2014). High-fidelity reproduction of spatiotemporal visual signals for retinal prosthesis. Neuron 83(1):87-92. [reprint]

Jepson LH, Hottowy P, Mathieson K, Gunning D, Dabrowski W, Litke AM, & Chichilnisky EJ (2014) Spatially patterned electrical stimulation to enhance resolution of retinal prostheses. Journal of Neuroscience 34:4871-4881. [reprint]

Greschner M, Field GD, Li PL, Schiff M, Gauthier J, Ahn D, Sher A, Litke AM & Chichilnisky EJ (2014).  A polyaxonal amacrine cell population in the primate retinaJournal of Neuroscience 34:3597-3606. [reprint]

Li PL, Field GD, Greschner M, Ahn D, Gunning DE, Mathieson M, Sher A, Litke AM & Chichilnisky EJ (2014). Retinal representation of the elementary visual signal.  Neuron 81:130-139. [reprint]

Pillow JW, Shlens J, Chichilnisky EJ, Simoncelli EP (2013). A model-based spike sorting algorithm for removing correlation artifacts in multi-neuron recordings. PLoS One 8(5):e62123. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0062123. [reprint]

Jepson LH, Hottowy P, Mathieson M, Gunning DE, Dabrowski W, Litke AM & Chichilnisky EJ (2013). Focal electrical stimulation of major ganglion cell types in the primate retina for the design of visual prostheses. Journal of Neuroscience 33:7194-7205. [reprint]

Sadeghi K, Gauthier JL, Field GD, Greschner M, Agne M, Chichilnisky EJ & Paninski L (2013). Monte Carlo methods for localization of cones given multielectrode retinal ganglion cell recordings. Network 24:27-51. [reprint]

Doi E, Gauthier JL, Field GD, Shlens J, Sher A, Greschner M, Machado T, Jepson LH, Mathieson K, Gunning DE, Litke AM, Chichilnisky EJ & Simoncelli EP (2012). Efficient coding of spatial information in the primate retina. Journal of Neuroscience 32:16256-16284. [reprint]

Vidne M, Ahmadian Y, Shlens J, Pillow JW, Kulkarni J, Litke AM, Chichilnisky EJ, Simoncelli E & Paninski L (2012). Modeling the impact of common noise inputs on the network activity of retinal ganglion cells. J. Comp. Neurosci. 33:97-121. [reprint]

Ala-Laurila P, Greschner M, Chichilnisky EJ & Rieke FM (2011). Cone photoreceptor contributions to noise and correlations in the retinal output. Nature Neuroscience 14:1309. [reprint]

Sekirnjak C, Jepson LH, Hottowy P, Sher A, Dabrowski W, Litke AM & Chichilnisky EJ (2011). Changes in physiological properties of rat ganglion cells during retinal degeneration. Journal of Neurophysiology 105:2560. [reprint]

Greschner M, Shlens J, Bakolitsa T, Field GD, Gauthier JL, Jepson LH, Sher A, Litke AM & Chichilnisky EJ (2011). Correlated firing among major ganglion cell types in primate retina. Journal of Physiology 589:75. [reprint]

Field GD, Gauthier JL, Sher A, Greschner M, Machado TA, Jepson LH, Shlens J, Gunning DE, Mathieson K, Dabrowski W, Paninski L, Litke AM & Chichilnisky EJ (2010). Functional connectivity in the retina at the resolution of photoreceptors. Nature 467:673. [reprint] [supplement] [news & views] [F1000 evaluation]

Anishchenko A, Greschner M, Elstrott J, Sher A, Litke AM, Feller M & Chichilnisky EJ (2010) Receptive field mosaics of retinal ganglion cells are established without visual experience. Journal of Neurophysiology 103:1856. [reprint]

Sekirnjak C, Hulse C, Jepson LH, Hottowy P, Sher A, Dabrowski W, Litke AM & Chichilnisky EJ (2009) Loss of responses to visual but not electrical stimulation in ganglion cells of rats with severe photoreceptor degeneration. Journal of Neurophysiology 102:3260. [reprint]

Field GD, Greschner M, Gauthier JL, Rangel C, Shlens J, Sher A, Marshak DW, Litke AM, & Chichilnisky EJ (2009). High sensitivity rod photoreceptor input to blue-yellow color opponent pathway in primate retina. Nature Neuroscience 12:1159. [reprint]

Shlens J, Field GD, Gauthier JL, Greschner M, Sher A, Litke AM, & Chichilnisky EJ (2009) The structure of large-scale synchronized firing in primate retina. Journal of Neuroscience 29:5022-5031. [reprint]

Gauthier JL, Field GD, Sher A, Greschner M, Shlens J, Litke AM, & Chichilnisky EJ (2009) Receptive fields in primate retina are coordinated to sample visual space more uniformly. PLoS Biology 7:1. e63 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1000063. [reprint] [F1000 evaluation]

Gauthier JL, Field GD, Sher A, Shlens J, Greschner M, Litke AM, & Chichilnisky EJ (2009) Uniform signal redundancy of parasol and midget ganglion cells in primate retina. Journal of Neuroscience 29:4675-4680. [reprint]

Shlens J, Rieke FM & Chichilnisky EJ (2008). Synchronized firing in the retina. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 18:1-7.[reprint]

Pillow JW, Shlens J, Paninski L, Sher A, Litke AM, Chichilnisky EJ & Simoncelli EP (2008). Spatio-temporal correlations and visual signalling in a complete neuronal population. Nature 454:995-9. [reprint] [F1000 evaluation]

Elstrott J, Anishchenko A, Greschner M, Sher A, Litke AM, Chichilnisky EJ & Feller MB (2008) Direction selectivity in the retina is established independent of visual experience and cholinergic retinal waves. Neuron 58:499-506. [reprint]

Sekirnjak C, Hottowy P, Sher A, Dabrowski W, Litke AM, & Chichilnisky EJ (2008) High-resolution electrical stimulation of primate retina for epiretinal implant design. Journal of Neuroscience 28:4446-4456. [reprint] [journal cover]

Sekirnjak C, Hottowy P, Sher A, Dabrowski W, Litke AM & Chichilnisky EJ (2007). Electrical stimulation of mammalian retinal ganglion cells using dense arrays of small-diameter electrodes. In: Artificial Sight; Springer Series Biological and Medical Physics/Biomedical Engineering, edited by Humayun MS, Weiland JD, Chader G & Greenbaum E. Springer (New York). pp 333-345. [reprint]

Field GD, Sher A, Gauthier JL, Greschner M, Shlens J, Litke AM, & Chichilnisky EJ (2007) Spatial properties and functional organization of small bistratified ganglion cells in primate retina. Journal of Neuroscience 27(48):13261-13272. [reprint]

Petrusca D, Grivich MI, Sher A, Field GD, Gauthier JL, Greschner M, Shlens J, Chichilnisky EJ, & Litke AM (2007) Identification and characterization of a Y-like primate retinal ganglion cell type. Journal of Neuroscience 27(41):11019-11027. [reprint] [supplement] [F1000 evaluation]

Field GD & Chichilnisky EJ (2007) Information processing in the primate retina: circuitry and coding. Annual Review of Neuroscience 30:1-30. [reprint]

Shlens J, Kennel MB, Abarbanel HDI & Chichilnisky EJ (2007) Estimating information rates with confidence intervals in neural spike trains. Neural Computation 19(7):1683-1719. [reprint]

Horwitz GD, Chichilnisky EJ & Albright TD (2007) Cone inputs to simple and complex cells in V1 of awake macaque. Journal of Neurophysiology 97(4):3070-3081. [reprint]

Shlens J, Field GD, Gauthier JL, Grivich MI, Petrusca D, Sher A, Litke AM, & Chichilnisky EJ (2006) The structure of multi-neuron firing patterns in primate retina. Journal of Neuroscience 26(32):8254-8266. [reprint] [F1000 evaluation] [journal cover]

Sekirnjak C, Hottowy P, Sher A, Dabrowski W, Litke AM, & Chichilnisky EJ (2006) Electrical stimulation of mammalian retinal ganglion cells with multi-electrode arrays. Journal of Neurophysiology 95:3311-3327. [reprint] [journal cover]

Pillow JW, Paninski L, Uzzell VJ, Simoncelli EP, & Chichilnisky EJ (2005) Prediction and decoding of retinal ganglion cell responses with a probabilistic spiking model. Journal of Neuroscience 25(47):11003-11013. [reprint] [F1000 evaluation]

Frechette ES, Sher A, Grivich MI, Petrusca D, Litke AM, & Chichilnisky EJ (2005) Fidelity of the ensemble code for visual motion in primate retina. Journal of Neurophysiology 94(1):119-135. [reprint]

Chichilnisky EJ & Rieke F (2005) Detection sensitivity and temporal resolution of visual signals near absolute threshold in the salamander retina. Journal of Neuroscience 25(2):313-330. [reprint]

Kennel MB, Shlens J, Abarbanel HDI & Chichilnisky EJ (2005) Estimating entropy rates with Bayesian confidence intervals. Neural Computation 17:1531. [reprint]

Horwitz GD, Chichilnisky EJ & Albright TD (2005) Blue-Yellow signals are enhanced by spatiotemporal luminance contrast in macaque V1. Journal of Neurophysiology 93(4):2263-78. [reprint]

Uzzell VJ & Chichilnisky EJ (2004) Precision of spike trains in primate retinal ganglion cells. Journal of Neurophysiology 92:780-789. [reprint]

Litke AM, Bezayiff N, Chichilnisky EJ, Cunningham W, Dabrowski W, Grillo AA, Grivich M, Grybos P, Hottowy P, Kachiguine S, Kalmar RS, Mathieson K, Petrusca D, Rahman M & Sher A (2004) What does the eye tell the brain? Development of a system for the large scale recording of retinal output activity. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 51(4):1434-1440 [reprint]

Chichilnisky EJ & Kalmar RS (2003) Temporal resolution of ensemble visual motion signals in primate retina. Journal of Neuroscience 23(17):6681-6689. [reprint]

Chichilnisky EJ & Kalmar RS (2002) Functional asymmetries in ON and OFF ganglion cells of primate retina. Journal of Neuroscience 22(7):2737-47. [reprint]

Schwartz O, Chichilnisky EJ & Simoncelli EP (2002) Characterizing neural gain control using spike-triggered covariance. Neural Information Processing Systems 14:269-276. [reprint]

Chander D & Chichilnisky EJ (2001) Adaptation to temporal contrast in primate and salamander retina. Journal of Neuroscience 21(24):9904-16. [reprint]

Chichilnisky EJ (2001) A simple white noise analysis of neuronal light responses. Network 12(2):199-213. [reprint]

Previous Publications

Chichilnisky EJ & Baylor DA (1999) Receptive-field microstructure of blue-yellow ganglion cells in primate retina. Nature Neuroscience 2(10):889-893. [reprint] [journal cover]

Chichilnisky EJ & Wandell BA (1999) Trichromatic opponent-color classification. Vision Research 39(20):3444-3458. [reprint]

Chichilnisky EJ & Wandell BA (1996) Seeing gray through the ON and OFF pathways. Visual Neuroscience 13:591-596 [reprint]

Chichilnisky EJ & Wandell BA (1995) Photoreceptor sensitivity changes explain color appearance shifts induced by large uniform backgrounds in dichoptic matching. Vision Research 35(2):239-254. [reprint]

Engel SA, Rumelhart DE, Wandell BA, Lee AT, Glover GH, Chichilnisky EJ & Shadlen MN (1994.) fMRI of human visual cortex. Nature 369:525. [reprint]

Chichilnisky EJ & Wandell BA (1993) Functional segregation of color and motion perception examined in motion nulling. Vision Research 33(15):2113-2125. [reprint]

Chichilnisky EJ (1986) A mathematical model of pattern formation. Journal of Theoretical Biology 123:81-101. [reprint]