Former Post-Docs, Research Associates, Visiting Scholars
Toshiharu Nakai - Faculty, National Inst. of Advanced Industrial Sci. and Tech., Osaka Japan
Elfar Adalsteinsson - Faculty, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Health Sciences and Technology, MIT
Josh Star-Lack - Senior Scientist/Research Manager at Varian Medical Systems
David Clayton - Senior Research Scientist, Genentech
Sandeep Hunjan - Co-Founder and Managing Partner at Century Physics International LLC, Houston, TX
Moses Darpolor - Research Associate, UPenn
Dirk Mayer - Faculty, Dept. of Radiology, U. of Maryland
Lasitha Senadheera - Scientist, Viewray Inc., Mountain View, CA.
Sonal Josan - Senior Scientist MR, Siemens Healthcare
Kelvin Billingsley - Faculty, Dept. of Chemistry, San Francisco State
Yi-Fen Yen - Faculty, Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Harvard-MGH
Arif Wibowo - Post-doctoral fellow, Dept. of Biochemistry, Stanford University
Former Graduate Students
Chien-Mo Li - Faculty, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Univ.
Lars Hansen - Faculty, Danish Research Center of MR Copenhagen University Hospital & Biomedical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark
Simon Topp - Danish Research Center of MR Hvidovre, Denmark
Glen Morrell - Faculty, Dept. of Radiology, University of Utah
Spanta Ashjee - Valley Digital Technolgies, Menlo Park, CA
Jin Lee - Faculty, Neurology and Neurosurgery, Bioengineering, Stanford University
Carissa Lew - Senior Embedded Software Engineer, Varian Medical Systems
Dong-Hyun Kim - Faculty, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Yonsei University, Korea
Yakir Levin - Physician, Boston University Medical Center
Priti Balchandani - Faculty, Dept. of Radiology, Mt Sinai Hospital, NY.
Tao Xu - TransMarket Group, L.L.C., Chicago, IL
Andreas Clemmensen - PhD student, Denmark
Rie Hanson - PhD student, Technical U of Denmark
Seugwook Yang - PhD student, Yonsei University, South Korea