Research Grant Support
Our work is primarily funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health, GE Healthcare, and Stanford University, including the following:
Imaging Brain Metabolism Using MRS of Hyperpolarized 13C-Pyruvate (NIH R01 EB019018)
The overall goal of this tgrant is to develop optimized methods for imaging brain energy utilization using in vivo using magnetic resonance spectroscopy of hyperpolarized 13C-pyruvate to assess glycolysis, oxidative phosphorylation, and mitochondrial metabolism.
Metabolic Therapy of GBM Guided by MRS of Hyperpolarized 13C-pyruvate (NIH R01 CA176836)
The goal of this project is to link bevacizumab’s treatment effect with an optimal “lactate/bicarbonate ratio” that can be used clinically as a measure of effectiveness and therapeutic goal.
Center for Advanced MR Technology at Stanford (NIH P41 EB015891)
This National Research Resource Center develops, maintains, and make available innovative technologies in five for MRI research areas: (1) Imaging reconstruction, fast imaging, and RF pulse design methods, (2) high-field MR and hardware, (3) body imaging, method (4) functional and structural neuroimaging methods, and (5) MR spectroscopy & multinuclear imaging methods.
Novel MRS Methods for Measuring Brain Energetics and Neurotransmitter Cycling, (NIH R21 EB019665)
The overall goal of this two-year technical development project is to develop optimized magnetic resonance methods for the noninvasive measurement of neuroenergetics and neurotransmitter cycling throughout the human brain.
Cross-species Multi-Modal Neuroimaging to Investigate GABA Physiology in Fragile X Syndrome (NIH R01 HD084214)
The goal of this project is to significantly contribute new discoveries by studying both animals and humans with FXS, and undertaking research from a developmental perspective and at multiple levels of scientific analysis.
Hyperpolarizer for 13C MR Metabolic Imaging of human subjects and animal models (NIH S10 OD012283)
This high-end shared instrumentation grant was for the purchase of a GE SpinLab dynamic nuclear polarizer and quality control system.
PET-MRI Advanced Research and Development Project (GE Healthcare)
The goal of this project is to develop and evaluate new methods for combined PET-MR imaging.
Real-time Fused Hyperpolarized MRS/PET/Molecular Ultrasound Imaging for Improved Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer (GE Healthcare)
The goal of this multidisciplinary proposal is to increase the diagnostic accuracy of guided prostate cancer biopsy by developing and testing a novel, clinically translatable real-time acquisition and analysis platform for acquiring fused hyperpolarized 13C MRS, PET, and molecular ultrasound imaging data sets.
In vivo Metabolic Imaging of Senescent Cells Using Hyperpolarized 13C MRS (Stanford Bio-X Research Grant)
The goal of this project is to develop multi-modal imaging methods for detecting and quantifying senescent cells.