Welcome to the INSPIRE Training Program
INSPIRE training offers specialized training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for psychosis (CBTp) and a variety of workshops for clinicians who work with individuals with complex mental health needs. Explore our site and watch the video below to learn more about what we offer and our team of trainers!
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for psychosis Training
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for psychosis (CBTp) was initially developed as an individual treatment, and later as a group based intervention, to reduce the distress associated with the symptoms of psychosis, improve functioning and support the individual to understand the development, and maintenance, of psychosis experiences.
Master Clinician Series
The Master Clinician Series offers a variety of monthly virtual 4-hour workshops focusing on clinical interventions for psychosis. The Master Clinician Series is designed for clinicians with experience of working with individuals with complex mental health needs (including psychosis and bipolar disorder) who are interested in learning skills to advance their clinical practice. Presenters are international experts in the field of clinical interventions for serious mental health problems.
Compassion Focused Therapy Workshops
Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) is based on the framework of how evolution has set up humans with a tricky brain that has a natural threat bias that can incline towards dissociating, problematic attention, and over-estimating threat, using 'better safe than sorry' algorithms. Training in this approach guides participants through the CFT formulation of voice-hearing and delusions, which focuses on their (protective) function for people, particularly in the context of interpersonal threat and trauma.
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Our Mission
The INSPIRE Training Team is committed to delivering cutting-edge training in psychological interventions for complex mental health presentations. Our approach is rooted in compassion, empowerment, collaboration, and inclusion. We serve diverse groups of learners including organizations, mental health professionals, caregivers, peer professionals and individuals with lived experience, providing world-class education led by expert clinicians, experts by experience and researches.
Our Vision
Our vision is to provide accessible training to empower professionals worldwide to deliver recovery-oriented evidence-based care, revolutionizing the treatment of psychosis to ensure accessible, meaningful treatment for all.