FXN - Resident Portal
Welcome from the Program Director
Dr. Josh Levin, MD
Welcome to our Resident Portal! Here you will find more about what our program has to offer. It is our goal to provide residents with the environment and resources to fulfill their highest professional potential as physiatrists. Here you will find a variety of information about our world-class teaching faculty and their specialized expertise in a variety of clinical and research areas. Check out our facilities and curriculum – we encourage our residents to not only learn but to enjoy their experience here as residents. Inpatient rehabilitation, outpatient clinics, and research are all part of the curriculum. Additionally, amazing things are being developed and invented here at Stanford. The potential here is limitless!
Latest News
Fellowship Matches!
Fantastic news! Our amazing Chief Resident, Chantal Nguyen, MD has matched with our Stanford Sports Non-Operative Fellowship. We're thrilled and so proud—a truly great win for Stanford PM&R team!
We are thrilled to extend our heartfelt congratulations to our Chief Resident, Dr. Bonnie Lui! A huge shoutout to Dr. Lui for successfully matching into the Stanford Spinal Cord Injury Medicine Fellowship Program.
Congratulations to Chief Resident, Dr. Gerald Yeung! Dr. Yeung secured his position in the UCSF Pain Fellowship. We are so happy for you! Your hard work and dedication have truly paid off!
Stanford PM&R supporting the National Veterans Wheelchair Games!
PM&R Stanford Resident – Chantal Nguyen, MD & Dr. Robert Oh from the Palo Alto VA participated in an extraordinary experience for a resident interested in sports medicine, SCI, P&O, or general rehab by supporting the National Veterans Wheelchair Games.
The National Veterans Wheelchair Games is the world’s largest annual wheelchair sports and rehabilitation event solely for military veterans and was held this past summer in New Orleans.
She and Dr. Oh joined forces to support the medical/sports coverage for the 560 athletes who participated in the games – with 150 newly participating – her quote “I had the most incredible time” and her accounts of her experience are just so inspiring… such important work - we are so proud of her championship to support those who have had life changing injuries to become more active in their lives and communities!
Shout out to our very own PGY3 Resident, Chantal Nguyen, MD, who presented an outstanding presentation titled “Minimally Invasive Needle Tenotomy Versus Platelet Rich Plasma Injections for Pain Relief in Chronic Elbow Epicondilitis” at the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine - Orthobiologic Symposium. The project was invited for the podium presentation among a few thousand abstracts and is in conjunction with her research with Stanford’s own Dr. Eugene Roh. She did a fantastic job, and Dr. Roh is so proud of her, as are we!!!
She also presented a case report poster presentation for “Chronic Low Back Pain in a Trapeze Artist – No more mousing around” with Dr. Robert Oh. Great job Chantal, Dr. Roh and Dr. Oh!!
2024 PM&R Match!
The Stanford PM&R Residency program is proud to announce our 2024 MATCH!
We are so excited to welcome these amazing future residents:
We are so happy to announce our Residents program matches! We are so proud of them!
Roxana Garcia, MD – Pain Medicine Fellowship, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science, Arizona
Cyrus Ghaffari, MD – Pain Medicine Fellowship, University of California, San Diego
Derek Schirmer, DO – Intervntional Spine Fellowship, Stanford University
Resident Research Day 2023
Announcing the 2023 Resident Research Day Awards!
Nathan Barnett, MD, for his presentation on the “Effects of Testosterone Supplementation on Neurobehavioral Outcomes in Special Operations Military Personnel with Multiple Mild Traumatic Brain Injury".
Yue Meng, MD, for her presentation on the “Evaluation of Range of Motion Using Vision AI in Musculoskeletal Medicine".
Our invited guest speaker, Dr. Janna Friedly, delivered an excellent presentation on “Moving the Needle on Outcomes for Low Back Pain: What the Evidence Tells Us”. We are so grateful for Dr. Friedly, our esteemed faculty Dr. Michael Fredericson and Dr. Molly Timmerman, and our Research Committee Chief, Dr. James Crew, for taking on the tough task of being judges of all the amazing presentations.
Also, a big thank you to our fabulous participating PGY 2, 3, and 4’s for a wonderful and informative morning.
We are so proud of all of you!
Stepping Up To The Challenge!
We are so excited to announce our 2023-2024 Academic year Stanford PM&R Chiefs!
Welcome Class of 2027!
Spaulding Sports Medicine Fellowship
Here she is, on her way to Boston… Dr. Paige Dyrek, the new Harvard/Spaulding Sports Medicine Fellow for 2023-2024! We are so proud of you Paige and wish you an amazing next step …CONGRATS!!
Traumatic Brain Injury Fellowship
Huge congrats to Nathan Barnett, PGY-4 who matched a TBI fellowship at Emory/Shepard Center!! We are so proud of him and can't wait to see him do great things! The field is lucky to have you! Best of luck!!
PM&R Residents Class of 2022!
What better way to ring in the new academic year and meet our new residents and fellows but to have a party. Stanford PM&R!, always a fun time with faculty and friends.
PM&R Residents Class of 2022!
Let’s all take a moment to celebrate our PM&R Residency class of 2022, who are all set and ready to explore the next step in their careers! This has been an outstanding class in every way and we will miss each and every one of them – we know they will do amazing things and wish them all the best!
Welcome Class of 2026!
Top Abstract
2021 AAPM&R Annual Assembly
Our very own Nolan Gall, MD, and the Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System’s Ninad Karandikar, MD’s, recently received high regard as their work titled “Veteran Information Retention and Expectations of a Platelet Rich Plasma Periprocedural Protocol” was selected as a top abstract submission for the 2021 AAPM&R Annual Assembly in Nashville, TN. Their team’s work ultimately helps improve the quality of orthobiologic treatment. Congratulations to their team for their hard work!
Welcome PGY-2's!
Sending a shout out to our new PGY2's! We got a quick picture of them while they were in boot camp with Dr. Levin… We can’t wait to see all the wonderful things they will bring to the program!
Welcome: Savannah Truehart, Miesha Farahmand, Cyrus Ghaffari, Derek Schirmer, Roxana Garcia, Chris Dove, and Yue Meng!
Graduation 2021!
Closing a difficult year with many hurdles, these amazing doctors persevered though it all with grace and humor. These outstanding people were able to celebrate with their fellow residents and faculty in person with a breakfast – not the normal dinner with their families, but… at least it was together! We all were so happy to see their mostly unmasked faces and wish them every wonderful thing as they move on to their next adventures!
Additionally, we also recognized and celebrated our outstanding 2020/2021 award winners:
- Thao Duong, MD – James D. Thomson, MD Award for the physician who embodies compassion, humility & conciliation
- Jeremy Stanek, MD – Jose C. Montero MD Teaching Award for Excellence in Teaching
- Anita Lowe, MD – Peter T. Singleton Award Resident who exemplified excellence, loyalty & special dedication to the program
- Nathan Barnett, MD – Team Player Award for the resident who most embodied camaraderie & team spirit amongst the residents
- Nolan Gall, MD – Arbor Free Clinic Resident Award - for outstanding service to support the Arbor Free Clinic
- Iris Ortiz – Staff Appreciation Award for the Staff member who most exemplifies the spirit of teamwork & humanitarianism
- Santa Clara Valley Medical Center 3ARU Staff – Special Recognition Award for their continued dedication to patient care through adversity
- Anita Lowe, MD – The Highest Score on the American Academy of Physical Rehabilitation Annual residents Self-Assessment Examination
Residents In The News
John Chan, MD has been busy and recently published a study in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine with fellow author PM&R Faculty, Dr. Jeffery Krauss titled "Comprehensive Lifestyle Medicine Program Improves Fitness, Function, and Blood Pressure in Poststroke Veteran Cohort: A Pilot Study American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine”. We are so proud of his accomplishments read more about this important study:
Top 10 & Best Innovation
Stanford PM&R Residents, Anita Lowe, MD and John Chan, MD, were recognized for the poster presented at the 2021 Quality Improvement & Patient Safety Symposium (QIPSS) titled: "Greening the Clinics: Improving Environmental Sustainability at the Stanford Redwood City Outpatient Center." This was done In collaboration with Dr. Josh Levin and Dr. Paige Fox.
Not only were they voted one of the top 10 presentations for the entire conference, but they also won Best Innovation.
Great Job!!!
2021 PM&R Graduates
Shout out to our AMAZING 2021 soon to be Graduates! Take a look at the impressive list below of where they are going next and when you see them … shout out your congrats (at a safe distance…) so all can hear!! Pictures are few these days… so here is a throw back in time from their first month with us – such an outstanding class – we are so proud!
Welcome Class of 2025!
Dr. Jeremy Stanek
Founder of the Stanford Ortho/PM&R Performing Arts Medicine Program
Dr. Stanek has taken on the challenge of putting together a team of Stanford Orthopaedic Surgery, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Sports Medicine and ENT physicians to address the treatments for injuries and conditions caused in the work of performing artists. This innovative and collaborative program focuses on cutting-edge research and exceptional patient care to diagnose and effectively treat injuries for these patients. This program is one of the first that focuses on this patient population. We are so proud of Dr. Stanek and the team.
Please visit the Performing Arts Medicine Program page for more information.
Graduation 2020!
The PM&R Virtual Graduation on June 12th was a lovely tribute to our 2020 Graduating Residents and Fellows! The Residents and Fellows asked one special faculty member to speak for them in our online tribute video. If you were not able to dial in, please take a look here and see what outstanding people we are sending out into the world - impressive is the only word for it!
In addition to our Graduates - Program Director, Dr. Josh Levin acknowledged our 2020 Award Winners! Special Faculty, Staff, and Residents were recognized for their achievements and contributions to the program, and each other. It was an outstanding group, and we are so appreciative of all they have contributed this past year!
Sherry Roderick | Staff Appreciation Award for the Staff member who most exemplifies the spirit of teamwork & humanitarianism |
Priya Varma, MD | James D. Thomson, MD Award for the physician who embodies compassion, humility & conciliation |
Anne Kuwabara, MD | Peter T. Singleton Award Resident who exemplified excellence, loyalty & special dedication to the program |
David Tomajan, MD | Team Player Award for the resident who most embodied camaraderie & team spirit amongst the residents |
Frank Nguyen, DO | Arbor Free Clinic Resident Award - for outstanding service to support the Arbor Free Clinic |
Molly Timmerman, MD | Jose C. Montero MD Teaching Award for Excellence in Teaching |
It is the end to a wild and unexpected year - we are grateful and appreciative of our Residents and Fellows flexibility and initiative as they continued to keep, not only their educational goals on track, but each other - we wish them nothing but happiness and success in future!
“Ask Me How!"
Stanford Health Care’s Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Symposium
Another win for our Stanford PM&R Residents - PGY4 Lyndly Tamura and PGY2 John Chan participated as part of a team of residents and nursing staff in Stanford Health Care’s Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Symposium. Their project, titled “Ask Me How!" A provider‐driven intervention to increase usage of the inpatient MyHealth App, was selected as a multidisciplinary winner! Way to go Lyndly and John!
Stanford PM&R Resident
For Dr. Lowe's talks, Listen here!
2019 PhyzTalks Presentation
Stanford 2020 Graduates
Where to Next?
Dan Daneshvar, MD, PhD
Clinical Associate at MGH, Active Staff at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Christina Giacomazzi, MD
Sports Medicine Fellowship at University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Emily Miller, MD
Sports Medicine Fellowship at Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
Manoj Mohan, DO
Interventional Spine Fellowship at Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
Frank Nguyen, DO
Sports Medicine Fellowship at State University of New York Downstate, Brooklyn, NY
Sharlene Su, MD
Pain Medicine Fellowship at Washington University, St. Louis, MO
Lyndly Tamura, MD
Interventional Spine Fellowship at Hudson Medical, New York, NY
Here they are, such a great team and so supportive of one another!
We know they are on to do GREAT THINGS!!!
Residents Making An Impact!
PGY4, Dr. Dan Daneshvar, has been deeply involved with the online educational program TeachAids, creating an online tool to educate sports players and coaches about concussions called CrashCourse. Dr. Daneshvar has joined faculty, students, and alumni from Stanford, MIT, and Harvard to continue educating others by creating an education platform that provides high-quality, community-vetted resources on coronavirus. We are so proud of his continued efforts to educate the public during these trying times.
Please take a look: https://covidb.org
2020 Susan L. Ivey Courage to Lead Award Winner!
Congrats to our PGY3 Resident, Dr. Anne Kuwabara, for being awarded the 2020 Susan L. Ivey Courage to Lead Award from the American Medical Women’s Association.
This award recognizes Students, Residents, and Physicians who have demonstrated exceptional leadership skills through vision, inspiration, innovation, and coordination of projects that further the mission of AMWA, by improving women’s health and/or supporting women in medicine.
Dr. Kuwabara is all that and more - we are honored to have her in our program!
MATCH 2020!
We are so happy to announce our 2024 class, Chris Dove, Miesha Farahmand, Roxana Garcia, Cyrus Ghaffari, Yue Meng, Derek Schirmer, and Savannah Truehart!!
Our Stanford residents reached out to celebrate with our newly matched medical students in the best way possible. Acknowledging this unique year, and that these students might not be able to celebrate in the old fashion way, they improvised and held the celebration in 2020 style…via Zoom!
Just another example of just how amazing these residents are... thinking outside the box and committed to cheering each other on - regardless of the obstacles! How lucky are we to attract such talented and kind people!
Congratulations to our new class!
Nothern California: Discover Physical Medicine and Rehabiliation Expo
Nothern California: Discover Physical Medicine and Rehabiliation Expo
The Stanford PM&R interest group is hosting the 2nd Northern California: Discover Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Expo Saturday, February 22nd from 9:00am-1:00pm at the Li Ka Shing Building, 291 Campus Drive, (Rooms 203-209) Stanford, CA 94305. The purpose of the event is to showcase the specialty and department to medical students throughout the region (Stanford University, University of California-San Francisco, University of California-Davis, Northstate and Touro) and connect with others in the field.
9:00am-9:30am Breakfast & Introduction Lecture
9:30am-12:00pm Rotation through stations (spasticity management through botox injections on Allergan models, traumatic brain injury, interventional spine, MSK ultrasound, prosthetics, orthotics, and pet therapy)
12:00pm-1:00pm Networking and Mentorship Lunch
RSVP: https://goo.gl/forms/pzNwyU013tbTGXwt2
Questions: pmr_interest@stanford.edu
Stanford at AAPM&R Annual Assembly
November 14-17, 2019
Our PM&R Residents and Attending Faculty had a huge showing at AAPM&R 2019!! 14 residents attended the conference - resident contributions included: 1 podium presentation, 2 PhyzTalks, 12 poster presentations, and 1 medical student panel discussion! Stanford PM&R Faculty were busy too! Dr. Smuck, Dr. Fredericson, and Dr. Roh were up front and center - sharing their expertise in multiple panels and talks.
Other big news: Drs. Giacomazzi, Lowe, Kuwabara and Prabhakar WON the Resident Quiz Bowl competing against 16 other programs and Anita Lowe, MD WON the PhyzTalk award! Talk about talent!
Additionally, we had a record number attend the Alumni Reception on Friday night. It was a good time to be had by all. Check out our pictures to see more!
4th Annual Ultrafest
Hosted by the Stanford Emergency Medicine Department
On September 28th, 2019 the Stanford Emergency Medicine Department hosted its 4th annual Ultrafest event. Ultrafest is a conference that gathers hundreds of medical students from around the country to learn bedside ultrasound. Dr. Karen Cosby, author of the Practical Guide to Emergency Ultrasound, was the keynote speaker. Small group sessions reviewed the spectrum of ultrasound applications including, abdominal, echocardiograms, line placement, orbital, pediatrics, patient simulation, extended focused assessment with sonography in trauma (EFAST), Rapid Ultrasound in SHock (RUSH), and musculoskeletal. Members of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation department volunteered to teach the musculoskeletal station. Department volunteers included attending physicians (Dr. Henry Huie, Dr. Molly Timmerman), sports fellows (Dr. Kevin Mullins, Dr. Dan Sisk, and Dr. Lauren Bosshardt), and residents (Anne Kuwabara, Nolan Gall, Emily Miller, Michelle Lee, Anthony Kenrick, and Khanh Huynh).
2019 Ultrasound Anatomy Skills Lab
September 11, 2019
Dr. Eugene Roh headed this years Ultrasound Anatomy Skills Lab with the help from fellow Stanford PM&R faculty Dr. Jeremy Stanek, Dr. Vivian Shih, and our Spine Intervention Fellow, Dr. Buzz Barrette. Additionally he recruited the expertise from some our affiliated teaching faculty, Dr. Molly Timmerman from the Palo Alto VA and Dr. Henry Huie from Santa Clara Valley Medical Center. This amazing group of dedicated and experienced doctors worked with our residents, as well as some medical students, sharing their wealth of knowledge with hands on training covering injection skills on the joint, hip, biceps, ankle, and nerve. Ultrasound practice on each other was also included in the days offering. These skills labs are one of the most valued learning sessions, allowing residents to practice their techniques in a controlled environment. Thank you to all those faculty who help make our program so unique, and a big thanks to Dr. Roh, for once again, providing this outstanding learning opportunity!
From left to right: Dr. Vivian Shih, Dr. Jeremy Stanek, Dr. Eugene Roh, & Dr. Buzz Barrette.
Stanford PGY4 Resident Spotlight
The long term effects of concussions in professional football players and the launch of CrashCourse Concussion
Check it out! Stanford PM&R PGY4 Resident, Dr. Daniel Daneshvar, MD, PhD, was interviewed about his research regarding the long term effect of concussions in professional football players. His interview was posted in the"Members Making Movies" section of the Association of Academic Physiatrists (AAP) Inner Circle Weekly News. We are so proud of his part in this groundbreaking research!
New Residents and Fellows
Welcome BBQ 2019
Dr. Smuck welcomed our 2019 PGY2’s with a fun BBQ for faculty, residents, and fellows. It was a wonderful evening, topped off with a competitive game of Volleyball…just another testament to how versatile our residents are
Graduation 2019
Congratulations to our 2019 Graduates! We are so proud of their achievements - see where they are heading:
- Kevin (Buzz) Barrette, MD: Stanford PM&R Interventional Spine Fellowship
- Tiffany Chang, MD: Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital Cape Cod, Inpatient Rehabilitation
- Carter Docking, DO: Private practice, Associates in PM&R at St. Joseph Mercy hospital, Ann Arbor, MI
- Ryan Fraiser, DO: Fellowship in pain medicine at UCSD
- Stephanie Jones, DO: Renown Regional Medical Center Outpatient neurorehabilitation clinic in Reno
- Yumi Mitsuya, MD: UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland
- Shara Yurkiewicz, MD: Hospice and Palliative Medicine Fellowship at UCLA
It was a lovely night with faculty, family, and friends celebrating this moment and cheering them on to their next adventure!
We celebrated just a few of our outstanding teaching faculty, residents, and staff:
Humanitarian Award –
Dr. James Crew
Teaching Award –
Dr. Ninad Karandikar
Resident Award –
Dr. Kevin (Buzz) Barrette
Arbor Free Clinic Award –
Dr. Sharlene Su &
Dr. Emily Miller
Team Player Award –
Dr. Anne Kuwabara
Our Residents Presented at the
2019 ISPRM World Congress & JARM Conference!
Three of our PM&R Residents were invited to present at the 2019 International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM) World Congress & The Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine (JARM) 2019 Conference. The theme of the conference was "Cutting-edge Trends of Rehabilitation Medicine," which suited our Stanford Residents perfectly. Dr. Mitsuya and Dr. Tamura presented posters, and Dr. Kuwabara presented a poster and delivered an oral presentation.
We are so proud of their work – see the topics below:
- Dr. Tamura: "Weight Management in Spinal Cord Injury- Intervention and Monitoring via Tele-Nutrition"
- Dr. Mitsuya: “Elective transtibial amputation in a teenager with spina bifida: a case report"
- Dr. Kuwabara: "Gait features for distinguishing between mobility-limiting musculoskeletal disorders: lumbar spinal stenosis and knee osteoarthritis"
- Dr. Kuwabara (oral presentation): "The effect of dantrolene on swallowing: a retrospective review"
Special thank you to faculty mentor, Dr. Kazuko Shem of Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, for her support in getting our residents there. This is just another great example of all the opportunities the Stanford PM&R Residency Program has to offer.
Resident Research Day 2019
2019 Resident Research Day was another outstanding day! Residents presented their Original Research or System Review to a packed audience of faculty and residents and fellows. Dr. John Chae, Case Western Reserve University Professor and PM&R Chair was our visiting Professor and Judge. His talk “To Mentor, Discover and Lead: One Academic Physiatrist’s Journey” was inspirational and enjoyed by all. Dr. Manoj Mohan received our Outstanding Research Award and Dr. Sharlene Su took the award for Outstanding Presentation - it was a tough competition and we applaud their achievements. Please see agenda and some pictures of this years event.
Stanford PM&R Residents and Faculty made quite a showing at the annual AMSSM Meeting in Houston
Our Stanford Sports Medicine attendings, fellows, alumni, and PM&R Residents had a strong presence at the annual AMSSM Meeting In Houston, Texas in April. We had a total of four podium presentations, four poster presentations, and ultrasound instructors among the Stanford community! Presenters and instructors included Michael Fredericson, Emily Kraus, Eugene Roh, Andrea Kussman, Sara Raiser, Rick Lawley, Emily Miller and Christina Giacomazzi.
Nothern California: Discover Physical Medicine and Rehabiliation Expo
The Stanford PM&R interest group is hosting the first "Northern California: Discover Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Expo" Saturday February 9th from 9a-1p at the Li Ka Shing Building, Room 101 & 102, 291 Campus Drive, Stanford, CA 94305. The purpose of the event is to showcase the specialty and department to medical students throughout the region (Stanford University, University of California-San Francisco, University of California-Davis, Northstate and Touro) and connect with others in the field.
9:00-9:30am Breakfast & Introduction Lecture
9:30-12:00noon Rotation through stations (spasticity management through botox injections on Allergan models, spinal cord injury, interventional spine, sports medicine, prosthetics, wound care, pet therapy, and pediatrics)
12-1pm Networking and Mentorship Lunch
RSVP: https://goo.gl/forms/pzNwyU013tbTGXwt2
Questions: pmr_interest@stanford.edu
CrashCourse at Stanford -USC Tailgate
Dan Daneshvar, MD, PhD, Stanford PGY3, helped launch CrashCourse in September, a new virtual reality concussion education program aimed at youth athletes. The first product, CrashCourse Football was released at the Stanford-USC football game, where the Stanford players showed off their support wearing “CrashCourse” shirts during “The Walk”, and a couple PSA media spots were shown on the Jumbotron, including one featuring former Cardinal and Super Bowl MVP Jim Plunkett and former Trojan and NFL Hall of Famer Ronnie Lott. In October, CrashCourse announced a partnership with Pop Warner football to provide concussion education to its 325,000 athletes nationwide. Dr. Daneshvar serves as a Medical Advisor for CrashCourse and all CrashCourse products are free.
Ultrafest - 2018
The Stanford Emergency Medicine Department hosted its 3rd an annual Ultrafest event on October 20th, 2018. Ultrafest is a conference that gathers hundreds of medical students from around the country to teach them the important and life-saving skills of bedside ultrasound. Small group sessions focused on the didactics of ultrasound and the development of the practical manual dexterity skills of this technology. This year, for the first time, the Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation department volunteered to teach the musculoskeletal station focusing on the shoulder and the knee. Department volunteers included Dr. Eugene Roh, Dr. Lisa Huynh, Dr. Richard Lawley, Dr. Emily Kraus, Dr. Kevin Barrette, Dr. Anne Kuwabara, Dr. Emily Miller, Dr. Manoj Mohan, and Dr. Tiffany Chang. PM&R interest group medical student volunteers included Torsten Rotto.
For more information: https://emed.stanford.edu/specialized-programs/ultrasound/ultrafest.html
Anatomy and Ultrasound Workshop
On September 19 and 26 Dr. Roh held his annual 2 day Anatomy and Ultrasound workshop. This was a unique experience with the primary audience being our Residents but included both Fellows and Medical Students too. This workshop allowed the residents to have dedicated hands on time to practice their ultrasound scanning and guided interventions for a variety of conditions. Training in the anatomy lab gives the students a unique opportunity to enhance their skills without the stress of working on a live patient.
New Resident Welcome Dinner
We welcome 9 new resident this year into our PM&R Program, including 7 PGY2's and 2 PGY3's!
Welcome to Stanford!!
Graduation 2018
Congratulations to our class of 2018! On Friday 8th June we had the chance to celebrate our graduates and we honored a few of our faculty at Michaels at Shoreline, Mountain View. We are so proud of all of our resident and wish them luck in their new adventures.
AAPMR 2017 Annual Assembly
Shara Yurkiewicz was one of six speakers selected for a plenary session at the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (AAPM&R) 2017 Annual Assembly in Denver, Colorado. The plenary was the inaugural PhyzTalks competition, featuring TED-style talks focusing on the most transformative PM&R topics. Dr. Yurkiewicz's talk drew on her experience with her own critically ill family member to share lessons learned involving the emotional and social components of navigating disability after a life-changing injury.
Research Day 2018
The division of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation welcomed Dr Heidi Prather, MD, Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Vice Chair, department of Orthopeadic Surgery at the University of Washington. PGY3 and PGY4 residents presented their research presentations to PM&R residents and approximately 7 faculty.