
Dedicated research time is available to residents over the course of their residency through the RadCombinator program. Applications to the program are solicited twice per year, and residents can start applying at the end of their R1 year. Projects are approved for up to a year and may be renewed annually. Participating residents may receive up to ½ day per week of academic time. Participation in the program requires maintenance of certain academic standards.

Residents are also encouraged to participate in a wide range of departmental research efforts, including Molecular Imaging ProgramCanary Center,  Radiological Sciences Laboratory, and the Center for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine & Imaging among others. A larger range of departmental research opportunities may be found here. Many of our research-minded residents successfully obtain competitive grant funding, both internal and external, which provides additional protected research time. Residents regularly travel to and present at major national/international research symposiums and publish their work in high-impact, peer-reviewed journals with world renowned faculty, protected time, and financial support from the Department. The residency program provides residents who have accepted oral and/or electronic presentations up to 10 meeting days and $2500 in conference funding annually.