Our mission is to train the next generation of researchers in the development and clinical translation of advanced techniques for cancer imaging and its application. With funding from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), we are able to offer the Stanford Cancer Imaging Training (SCIT) Program to well-qualified applicants.
This T32 training program is the evolution of our longstanding program, formerly known as "Advanced Techniques for Cancer Imaging and Detection," established and led by our former Chair Dr. Gary M. Glazer in 1992.
SCIT is a two-year program training five fellows (roughly half PhD / half MD) per year over a five year funding cycle. Jeremy Dahl, PhD and Bruce Daniel MD, lead this program, featuring 24 mentors with independent cancer-focused or -related funding, and eleven (eight internal / three external) distinguished program advisors. Our strengthened required coursework component includes two courses in the clinical/cancer sciences, two in imaging science, one in biostatistics, one in medical ethics (“Responsible Conduct of Research”), and attendance at a minimum of six multidisciplinary tumor boards. In addition, trainees can select from a multitude of electives offered by various Stanford University Departments, e.g., Radiology, Radiation Oncology, Bioengineering, Biomedical Informatics, and Cancer Systems Biology. The primary focus of the program is participation in a mentored cancer-imaging research project aimed at publication in peer-reviewed journals, and presentation at National meetings. We especially feature “paired mentorship,” in which each trainee is teamed with both a basic-science and physician mentor, to provide guidance in course and research-topic selection, and in performing clinically-relevant cancer imaging research.
Commitment to Diversity
The SCIT Program is committed to fostering a diverse community in which all individuals are welcomed, respected, and supported to achieve their full potential. While race and ethnicity are commonly cited in relation to diversity, we recognize that there are many different aspects to your identity, including culture, socioeconomic and educational background, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, physical ability, life experiences, hobbies, and interests. We value diversity because we believe that interaction with people with unique backgrounds and life experiences allows us to reach a greater level of innovation in education, research, and clinical care.
Apply to the Program
Application Deadline:
August 1, 2024
July 2023 - The SCIT Grant was renewed for an additional 5 years.
Sept 2018 - The SCIT Grant was renewed for an additional 5 years.
May 2016 - Joshua de Bever, SCIT trainee, wins Magna Cum Laude for presentation at 2016 ISMRM 24th Scientific Meeting, Singapore: "Simultaneous Acquisition of Acoustic Radiation Force Imaging and Proton Resonance Frequency Shift Thermometry Using Interleaved Acquisition with Temporally Constrained Reconstruction for Increased Temporal Resolution"
March 13, 2013 - Funding for Years 21-26 approved! Check back soon for application information.
June 21, 2012 - Program Director Napel and mentors Bammer, Daldrup-Link, Daniel, Fahrig, Levin, Pauly, Plevritis, Rao, Spielman receive 2012 Distinguished Investigator Awards from the Academy of Radiology Research.