SCIT Application Instructions

We are entering a new era in medicine where the traditional imaging technologies, e.g., Radiography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Computed Tomography, Ultrasound, and the newer technologies of molecular imaging, and imaging- and bio- informatics, will all play interrelated roles in radiologic imaging to dramatically alter the processes of diagnosis and treatment of cancer. For over 25 years, our SCIT program has provided a partial solution to these problems by offering basic and clinical scientists the opportunity to work together in a collaborative environment, and by carefully training scientists in study design, data analysis and, more recently, in the increasingly relevant fields of molecular imaging, systems biology, and informatics. The truly interdisciplinary character of the SCIT program, with continual interaction between the clinical and basic scientists, provides a unique training environment, which has been a critical factor in programmatic success. Committed to producing radiologists and scientists who are effective multi-faceted investigators, teachers, and clinicians, the Department of Radiology at Stanford offers the highest quality training in state-of-the-art imaging, interventional, and analysis techniques.

The SCIT program provides a unique opportunity for postdoctoral training in cancer imaging in a dynamic, multi-disciplinary environment.  A diverse group of mentors, all with independently funded research projects in cancer research, participate with expertise in many disciplines, including clinical imaging. SCIT trainees will conduct research, participate in specialized coursework and seminars, attend a regular meeting of SCIT mentors and trainees, as part of an integrated, two-year program. In any given year, 5 trainees (roughly half MD and half PhD) participate, each supervised jointly by two mentors (one physician and on basic scientist). MD trainees additionally benefit from 6 full months of clinical radiology training with our faculty.


  1. MD or PhD degree

To apply for a SCIT fellowship position, please CLICK HERE.


Application Deadline: February 1, 2025