As a Pediatric Oncologist, Palliative Care Physician, and Phase I and End– of– Life Care Clinical Investigator, I am intimately aware of the distress experienced by children with advanced cancer and the ethical and end– of– life/bereavement issues surrounding their disease progression. I currently serve as the Chief of the Division of Quality of Life and Pediatric Palliative Care here at Stanford, as well as the Director of the Quality of Life for All (QoLA) Program. Additionally, I serve as the Associate Chief Quality Officer for Patient Experience and Holistic Care. In my past career at St Jude, I served as the Director of our large Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Fellowship Program for more than a decade. My research interests include ethical considerations surrounding enrollment in Phase I clinical trials, AYA palliative oncology care, end– of– life decision making, grief and bereavement, integrating palliative care into the ongoing care of children with cancer as well as patient– reported outcomes and pain and symptom control in the context of pediatric oncology care. I have received significant extramural funding for my research, and I have participated in dozens of studies related to pediatric palliative care. I have authored ~300 academic works on a broad array of palliative care subjects. In sum, I am a recognized global expert and leader in the field of Pediatric Palliative Care.