Geriatric Medicine Section News
2024 Section News
PCPH Fall Division awards
Dr. Helen Sun for receiving the Palliative Medicine Faculty of the Year Award: For her exceptional clinical work and her role as the Medical Director for Palliative Education
Dr. Alex Cours being honored as the Geriatrics Faculty of the Year: For her research in aging/sarcopenia dedication to educating trainees, and her tenure as a leader on the Transitional Care Team (the team formerly known as Aging Adult Services)
Dr. Chris Liu for winning the PCPH Research Innovations Faculty of the Year Award: Highlighting her work studying and scholarship on vulnerable older adults with disabilities and chronic kidney disease
Check out this Article- What Getting a Trendy Body Scan Taught Me About Myself
Washington Post: Dear Body, you’ve served me well, but let’s get to your annual review (Deborah Kado)
Dear Body, you’ve served me well, but let’s get to your annual review
‘The first step before you take inventory of your body is to decide that you care about living a long, healthy life,’ one expert says.
Link to article.
ShapeCenter for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation
As of April 2024, Stanford Geriatrics though Stanford Healthcare has been awarded the opportunity to participate as a new program in the CMS Innovation Center’s Guiding an Improved Dementia Experience (GUIDE) Model.
Section of Geriatrics at SGIM CA-HI regional meeting
The Geriatrics had a large showing at SGIM CA-HI regional meeting in San Francisco, CA on 1/27/24. .
Dr Silvia Tee was the Secretary- SGIM CA-HI Region.
Stanford and VA Palo Alto interdisciplinary team presented Age-Friendly Escape Room: A Polypharmacy Quandary workshop.
Dr. Cours and Dr. Sheffrin presented "Enhancing Post-Discharge Care for Elderly Adults: The Impact of a Transitional Care Pharmacist."
MS1 Devon Lee and Drs. Dave Chang, Lindsey Haddock's poster won 3rd place in the Innovations Category: "Bringing Tangible Homelessness Interventions into Medical Curricula Through Service-Learning".
Sara Wright PA had a short story that was featured in the Arts & Humanities exhibit.
Embracing Healthy Aging
Can Chen, MD, will explore the four most important aspects of caring for the elderly using the innovative 4M (movement, medication, and what matters most) framework in geriatric medicine. Whether you are an elderly individual, a caregiver, or a healthcare provider, this lecture will provide valuable information to help you or your loved one embrace healthy aging with confidence.
Can Chen, MD, serves as a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Geriatric Medicine section at Stanford.
This talk will be in Mandarin.
Wednesday April 10
7:00pm PST
Check out this Article-Going From Point A to Point B: Changes in the Mobility of Older Persons With CKD
Going From Point A to Point B: Changes in the Mobility of Older Persons With CKD
Stanford Geriatrics Fellows Alumni event, held on January 19th, 2024
On January 19, 2024, the first annual Geriatrics Fellowship Alumni Networking event brought together graduates from the past twenty years, current fellows, and fellowship faculty for an evening filled with engaging conversation, delicious food, and rekindled connections. This gathering, which took place at the Stanford Barn, not only fostered reunions but also offered current fellows a valuable networking platform for their impending job searches. The event is set to become an annual tradition, with alumni continuing to build their community through ongoing meetups.
Annual Geriatric Summer Event
Capturing the energy of our Annual Geriatric Summer Event on August 16th, 2024—faculty, staff, and students coming together for a evening of fun, connection, and community spirit.
GRECC Research Retreat
VA Palo Alto Healthcare System’s first GRECC Research Retreat, held on February 23, 2024. Each of the GRECC researchers presented an overview of their work that proved to be comprehensive in nature, ranging from basic science on sirtuins to the epidemiology of deprescribing to the important role of periodontitis in rheumatoid arthritis flairs in older adults. The retreat was well attended by all GRECC affiliated principal investigators, geriatric fellows, post-doctoral research fellows, and guests. Following the retreat presentations, the VA principal investigators convened a meeting to discuss future GRECC goals and opportunities for new research collaboration.
Geriatric Faculty recognized for their excellence in teaching
Geriatric Faculty recognized for their
excellence in teaching
Vinita Shastri, MD – one of two faculty from
PCPH who received then2023 Department
of Medicine PCPH Division Teaching Award
Lindsey Haddock, MD – awarded the first
Geriatrics Fellow Teaching Award
Humanism in Medicine
Stanford Geriatric Fellowship Director, Dr. Vinita Shastri, gave a lecture entitled, “Humanism in Medicine” as part of the VA Health System’s Geriatric Scholars Webinar Series on February 21, 2024. It was very well attended, with 318 participants from across the nation. Her talk resonated with many, causing them to reflect on their own level of humanism in clinical practice, how it has changed over time, factors affecting it, and personal opportunities to enhance humanism across different domains.
2023 Section News
Meera Sheffrin’s SHC Medical Staff Innovations in Care award
This is a Stanford Health Care wide award that demonstrates a visionary approach to problem-solving and performance improvement. This individual is highly engaged in improvement projects and actively advocates for positive change.
Congratulations to Dr. Can Chen on receiving the PCPH Fall Award for Outstanding Geriatric Award!
Deborah Kado spoke on Aging and Longevity at the popular Annual Stanford Health Matters 2023 event highlighted below
Thanks to 21st century science, people are living longer. And although it's true that, with age, the risk of chronic disease increases, Deborah Kado, MD, professor of medicine, says people age differently -- there's natural variability in individual health and ability as people get older. Living a longer, healthier life has little to do with supplements or fad longevity treatments.
"I've seen a lot of life-extending supplements come to market in my time, many of which were developed by reputable scientists who take the supplements themselves. None of those scientists are known for extreme longevity," Kado said.
Staying healthy and able in old age has more to do with behavior, Kado said. For instance, patients should practice mobility (safely moving their bodies every day) and mental activity (prioritizing mindfulness and sleep) that's tailored to individual conditions or recovery protocols. Clinicians should also take care to prescribe only medications that are strictly necessary, Kado said, as increased medication use can be detrimental to the microbiome, the beneficial bacteria that live in the gut and aid digestion. And a healthy gut flora supports healthy aging.
Link to the talk:
Stanford Geriatrics ranked in the top 10 by U.S. News & World Report
Stanford Health Care’s Geriatrics Section for the first time in history has been ranked in the top 10 of all geriatrics programs across the United States. Since the inception of the Geriatrics Section in Primary Care and Population Health under the leadership of Drs. Sang-kick Chang and Marina Martin in 2015, Stanford Geriatrics has continued to rise in the rankings. In 2021, we were #16, in 2022 we increased to #15, and we are proud to announce that we are #10 in 2023. To achieve such recognition is a reflection of all the hard work and dedication our multidisciplinary teams have put in to improve the health care and outcomes of our older patient population.
Caroline Park, VA Palo Alto GRECC’s advanced geriatrics research fellow
“Association Between Implementation of a Geriatric Trauma Clinical Pathway and Changes in Rates of Delirium in Older Adults with Traumatic Injury” was the top scoring submission for this year’s Excellence in Improvement Publication Award by a first-author trainee. This award is presented by Stanford Medicine Center for Improvement (SMCI) Evaluation, Research, Publications and Grant (ERPG) Work Group.
SMCI website intro:
Direct youtube link: