Master of Science Degree in
Epidemiology and Clinical Research

The Health Equity and Community-Engaged Research (THE CE) Concentration

Stanford School of Medicine's Department of Epidemiology and Population Health will offer a new track in Health Equity and Community-Engaged Research (THE CE Track) in 2024. This track is ideal for students with different health equity research interests across the fields of epidemiology, health policy, environmental health, health services research, bioinformatics, and other related fields. The course plan includes three required foundational courses, a methods course, and options for electives courses.

Course requirements:

Students who successfully complete the track will take:
1.     All foundational classes
2.     At least one elective course
3.     A total of 10-12 units

Track leaders:
Lisa Goldman Rosas, PhD, MPH
Tainayah Thomas, PhD, MPH
Patricia Rodriguez Espinosa, PhD, MPH


EPI 272: The Science of Community Engagement in Health Research (CHPR 227)
The Science of Community Engagement in Health Research course will focus on how the science of community engagement can be applied to diverse health-related research topics across the translational spectrum with the ultimate goal of high quality research that transforms human health and addresses health disparities. The course will provide historical context, theoretical frameworks, foundational skills in diverse community engagement methodologies, and tools for examining the effectiveness of various engagement strategies aimed. Specifically, the course will cover: 1) Historical context for community engagement in health-related research; 2) Evolution of community engagement as a science; 3) Theoretical frameworks for various community engagement approaches; 4) Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR); 5) Community engagement strategies for different stages of translational research; and 6) Evaluation of various engagement strategies; and 7) Ethics of community engagement.

EPI 282: Community-Based Participatory Research for Health
The Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) for Health course will focus on the theory, practice, assessment tools, and empirical best practices of CBPR. Via study of the literature, case studies, presentations by community-academic partners, interactive student-led presentations and guided exercises, and self-reflection on our own research questions and inquiry, participants will gain an appreciation of CBPR advantages and challenges, as well as the skills necessary for developing and/or effectively participating in CBPR projects.Seminar TBD


EPI 244: Developing Measurement Tools for Health Research

EPI 270: Big Data Methods for Behavioral, Social, and Population Health Research

CHPR 247: Methods in Community Assessment, Evaluation, and Research (MED 247)

CHPR 212: Methods for Health Care Delivery Innovation, Implementation and Evaluation (HRP 218, MED 212)

PEDS 202A: Practical Applications for Qualitative Data Analysis

PEDS 202C: Qualitative Research Methods and Study Design

CHPR 228: Theoretical Foundations and Design of Behavioral Intervention Trials

MED 157: Foundations for Community Health Engagement

*Additional electives may be approved by student's advisor.