Scholarly Concentration Application for Medical Students: Women's Health and Sexual and Gender Minority Health


Marcia Stefanick, PhD

Mitchell Lunn, MD

Kate Shaw, MD MS

Objectives & Goals

The Women’s Health and Sexual and Gender Minority Health (WH-SGMH) Application Area addresses a wide scope of sex/gender-based biology and medical topics, with a focus on health issues that are unique, more prevalent or different in women and members of sexual and gender minorities.  Research on differences due to sex (biology) and/or gender (sociocultural influences), and interactions of sex and gender on biology and health outcomes, is encouraged within each foundation and across all applications.

WH-SGMH students receive training in a model that integrates biomedical and social science, by way of interdisciplinary, collaborative experiences driven from basic, translational, clinical and population research.  This approach transcends the boundaries of medical specialties, in order to provide a more comprehensive understanding of health for all women and members of sexual and gender minority groups, and of basic biology, from conception to adulthood and old age, in both sexes.


Students must complete 6 Scholarly Concentration coursework units in the WH-SGMH Application Area.

Required Courses: 

  1. CHPR 243 Sex and Gender in Human Physiology and Disease (Win) 2 units required, 3 units preferred
  2. INDE 215 Queer Health & Medicine (Win) 1 unit  

WH-SGMH students select additional coursework from the list below.


Sex and Gender in Human Physiology and Disease (REQUIRED)

2 units required, 3 units preferred | Win


Queer Health and Medicine (REQUIRED)

1 unit | Win


Women and Health Care (McGann Lecture Series)

1 unit | Aut

CHPR 224

Health Impact of Sexual Assault and Relationship Abuse Across the Life Course  

2 units | Aut


Current Issues in Reproductive Health

1 unit | Win


Obstetrics & Gynecological Simulation Skills

1-2 units | Win


Global Medical Issues Affecting Women

1 unit | Win


Sexual Function and Diversity in Medical Disciplines

3-4 units (4 units- take with INDE 215) | Win

CHPR 256

Current Topics and Controversies in Women's Health

2-3 units | Spr


Pregnancy, Birth and Infancy

3 units | Spr

INDE 298

Women's Health Independent Project

1 unit | Aut Win Spr Sum

For full descriptions of School of Medicine courses, please visit the online catalog: