Bryan Bohman is Associate Chief Medical Officer for Workforce Health and Wellness. Additional roles include Clinical Professor of Medicine and of Anesthesiology, Co-Director of the Clinical Effectiveness Leadership Training (CELT) program and Senior Advisor to the WellMD Center.
Bryan trained at Stanford in internal medicine and anesthesiology. After two decades of clinical practice in community-based anesthesiology, he served as SHC's first elected Chief of Staff from 2008-2011.
As Chief of Staff, Dr. Bohman established Stanford’s wellness committee and subsequently shepherded the founding of its WellMD Center in 2015, serving as the Center’s interim Director until 2017. The Center’s aim is to advance faculty, trainee and care team wellbeing across Stanford Medicine while also serving as an international leader of scholarship in occupational wellbeing. Bryan also led the establishment in 2014 of the CELT program, which continues to serve as a driver of clinical quality improvement across Stanford Medicine.
Dr. Bohman’s primary areas of interest include occupational wellbeing, process improvement, and the reciprocal influences between quality improvement, healthcare system performance, and the occupational wellbeing of healthcare personnel.