Stanford Pathology announces the new Whitlock Prize available to Trainees and Junior Faculty in the Department of Pathology.
Stanford Pathology in the News, March 15, 2024
The Whitlock Prize is awarded for promising clinical research performed at Stanford by a trainee or junior faculty member in the Department of Pathology. For the purposes of this award, clinical research is defined as scientific studies involving patients, clinical data, and/or diagnostic material, intended to produce generalizable knowledge for the prevention, diagnosis, or treatment of disease, or promotion of patient health outcomes. Clinical residents, fellows, and junior faculty (Clinical Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor, and Clinical Instructor) who produce pathology research that is not otherwise funded are encouraged to apply. Faculty applying for the Whitlock prize should have at least 50% of their work effort be Clinical. Prize money will be placed in a Stanford fund that can be used by the awardee for research, clinical, or educational-related expenses. For trainees, the Department will follow GME requirements and guidelines for monetary awards allocated to trainees.
For more information and to apply please go to:
Department of Pathology Whitlock Prize
Suchitra Pandey, MD
Clinical Associate Professor of Pathology
Chair of the Clinical Committee
Department of Pathology